**** july mummies 2018 *****

Just a quick one ladies... is it normal to feel tightness? Sorry.. don’t know how else to explain it. It doesn’t feel like cramps.. just tightness..? I’m only 6 weeks. My scan on Friday showed the sac and yolk inside. Nurse said it all looked fine. But I know how quick things can change. Probably just being over paranoid as usual but just wanted to see if anyone else is feeling the same?

Normal hun like everyone has said but thought I'd throw another positive opinion in the mix for you anyway. Ive had a bit of this too. Everything stretches pretty quickly atm xx
Oh JemRose did to get your appointment sorted?

Night everyone xx
Good morning! Back to work today meh! But got the 3+ on CB this morning so that helped improve my mood :D

Another crappy night sleep with DD waking up with dreams, OH snoring and my lower back in agony!!!

Hope you all have a lovey day today x
Good morning! Back to work today meh! But got the 3+ on CB this morning so that helped improve my mood :D

Another crappy night sleep with DD waking up with dreams, OH snoring and my lower back in agony!!!

Hope you all have a lovey day today x

Yay for the 3+. Hope you're both all better soon.

Morning ladies. I feel decidedly rough this morning. Waiting for the sickness to kick in one of these days now!
For those with the CB digi’s.....when did you get your 3+? I have one in the cupboard but I’m scared to do it too soon in case I don’t get 3+ and it sends me into panic. 4+6 today xxxxxxx
Morning ladies! Wow, so much is going on in this group! Sorry for being quiet but working all day so no time! My DH is away this week so have to pick up and leave at nursery as well! Long days for me.. up 6:15, leave at nursery 7:30, train to work, work 8:40-5, train home, pick up DD, dinner, bath etc etc... doesnt help i have started to have bad mornin sickness as well!!

KHTW, i dont get much sleep either since DD is teething or something and keeps waking up making noices every 30 min!

Qwerty, i would be careful reading too much into the digi's.. have had bad experience. When i was pregnant with DD I freaked out when i got 2-3 weeks when i clearly should have been 3+. Panicked and did blood test which came back perfectly normal. I also do them but in case you dont get the result you want dont freak out too much :)
Good morning! Back to work today meh! But got the 3+ on CB this morning so that helped improve my mood :D

Another crappy night sleep with DD waking up with dreams, OH snoring and my lower back in agony!!!

Hope you all have a lovey day today x

Yay for the 3! :dance: :dance:

Didnt sleep great either. DD woke up with quite a cough and a temp, so decided to keep her off nursery. Its probably nothing but the temp is still there. Shes chilling watching disney junior in my bed so I dont think she could care less

Hope work goes well! xx
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For those with the CB digi’s.....when did you get your 3+? I have one in the cupboard but I’m scared to do it too soon in case I don’t get 3+ and it sends me into panic. 4+6 today xxxxxxx

5 weeks hun. Some don't get until 6, even 7 weeks. They arent the be all and end all though. PB got her 3, then went back to 2-3, and back up to 3. Had her worried for nothing as the 2-3 was obviously wrong since your hormones don't go up and down and up.

If youve one pack then go for it, if you've only one test leave it a few days, but dont let it freak you out if you arent there yet xx
Morning ladies! Wow, so much is going on in this group! Sorry for being quiet but working all day so no time! My DH is away this week so have to pick up and leave at nursery as well! Long days for me.. up 6:15, leave at nursery 7:30, train to work, work 8:40-5, train home, pick up DD, dinner, bath etc etc... doesnt help i have started to have bad mornin sickness as well!!

KHTW, i dont get much sleep either since DD is teething or something and keeps waking up making noices every 30 min!

Qwerty, i would be careful reading too much into the digi's.. have had bad experience. When i was pregnant with DD I freaked out when i got 2-3 weeks when i clearly should have been 3+. Panicked and did blood test which came back perfectly normal. I also do them but in case you dont get the result you want dont freak out too much :)

Aw sorry on the morning sickness. Im good so far I think but not easy with another kiddie and full time work!

Certainly a long day you have. What is your job hun? Im not too bad as Im only contracted 20hrs, then can put overtime when I feel like it/ need extra money. Which was usually all the time before my disk issue. Now Im going to stick close to the 20 unless Im just needed. You should get yourself another ticker so we can keep up with how far you are xx
Morning ladies! Wow, so much is going on in this group! Sorry for being quiet but working all day so no time! My DH is away this week so have to pick up and leave at nursery as well! Long days for me.. up 6:15, leave at nursery 7:30, train to work, work 8:40-5, train home, pick up DD, dinner, bath etc etc... doesnt help i have started to have bad mornin sickness as well!!

KHTW, i dont get much sleep either since DD is teething or something and keeps waking up making noices every 30 min!

Qwerty, i would be careful reading too much into the digi's.. have had bad experience. When i was pregnant with DD I freaked out when i got 2-3 weeks when i clearly should have been 3+. Panicked and did blood test which came back perfectly normal. I also do them but in case you dont get the result you want dont freak out too much :)

That is some some crazy schedule! I must be tough especially now when OH is away. Sorry about the morning sickness...it sucks x
Hope everyone is okay this morning!! I see not a lot of us got the best night's sleep last night. I think I could sleep for a week and still be tired! Bring on the weekend x
Hope everyone is okay this morning!! I see not a lot of us got the best night's sleep last night. I think I could sleep for a week and still be tired! Bring on the weekend x

Ahh Im working 8-1 on Saturday *cries* haha

Let us know what happens with your appointment xx
How is everyone doing with food? I have completely lost my appetite :/
My appetite is up and running! I could eat a house, I hate it was really trying to lose weight before the pregnancy and didn't want to put much on during the pregnancy. Now I want to eat absolutely everything! x
How is everyone doing with food? I have completely lost my appetite :/

me to. after eating constantly last weekend I really don't feel like eating this week. and when I do I just feel likepasta aand cheese. I'm forcing myself to eat little and often. the only thing I'm enjoying is cheddar.

I made my fave tea on Tuesday, sausage casserole, I made myself a smaller than usual portion but still only ate 1/2 of it
How is everyone doing with food? I have completely lost my appetite :/

me to. after eating constantly last weekend I really don't feel like eating this week. and when I do I just feel likepasta aand cheese. I'm forcing myself to eat little and often. the only thing I'm enjoying is cheddar.

I made my fave tea on Tuesday, sausage casserole, I made myself a smaller than usual portion but still only ate 1/2 of it

Ugh same. Food shopping is major chore right now. I was the same with DD so was expecting it but its rubbish :/
I can feel my appetite slowly going away... Had to force myself to have breakfast yesterday and today, hated my tea last night and not really looking forward to lunch.

However was quite happy to eat a chocolate bar and I probably wouldn't say no to a pack of crisps!!!!!! Nightmare!

I am also sensing the nausea creeping its way into my life. Last time it hit me badly at end of week 5 so I am expecting it now x
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I actually kind of want my appetite to get lost lol, I feel huge already. I know it's probably the bloating, but I've got a bridesmaids dress to get into next Saturday and I'm starting to worry lol x
I've gone from starving all the time to really nauseous this morning. It seems to have passed tho, now just feel a bit fussy like I don't fancy certain things so I've gone to McDonald's!

I don't know how some of you girls are doing those early starts and busy mornings! I woke up at 5am but couldn't get myself out of bed until 7, and literally everything that could have gone wrong did so I'm already ready to go back to bed but have work this afternoon...

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