**** july mummies 2018 *****

Ughhh. Up twice for a wee and once to let the dogs out thanks to the jack russell being a twat. He didn't want the wee or poo I was worried about, he wanted to go and chase early rabbits!

I am now sat, having a brew before getting ready for work and feeling decidedly rough. Quite how I'll get through the work day, I'm really not sure. May go to my car for lunch to have a quick snooze!
peanut butter flu jabs are free for pregnant women. your gp should give you one or if you wait until you get your little card from the midwife youcan get it anywhere that does them

I didn't sleep well last night due to nausea, yesterday was a bad day for me to. I felt like a bad mummy I just didn't have the energy to entertain my daughter all day, I let her watch two Disney films back to back. I think last pregnancy was easier when I worked in an office and could hide in my own little bubble and not talk to people all day long.

definitely have a sleep in your car GG, if it'll get yoy through the day
It looks like the first few weeks have been pretty rough on us all!!! :hugs:

I am a little better today but decided to stay at home to get some rest. Back to the office tomorrow x
Hey ladies,

I'm finally joining this group as I'm four weeks today! I still can't really believe it's real..this is my first pregnancy and I'm just terrified of doing anything in case it harms the baby. Anyone else suffering from this kind of anxiety? I'm also not sleeping well at all so I feel exhausted. It's really weird that something so huge is happening to me but it's not visible and we're not supposed to tell anyone!

Does anyone else feel similar? Any advice for experienced mummies?

Some info: I'm 31, have a job I hate which I'm going to leave soon (goodbye maternity leave) and I love exercise (before pregnant worked out 5-6 days a week but now I'm scared to do anything other than yoga ��)

Thanks so much for all your support, I hope the ladies who have been feeling ill start feeling better soon.
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5 weeks today :) my first milestone. I said I'd be happy to make it to 5 weeks. 8 weeks is my next milestone to see midwife and 12 weeks the next after that x
Hey ladies,

I'm finally joining this group as I'm four weeks today! I still can't really believe it's real..this is my first pregnancy and I'm just terrified of doing anything in case it harms the baby. Anyone else suffering from this kind of anxiety? I'm also not sleeping well at all so I feel exhausted. It's really weird that something so huge is happening to me but it's not visible and we're not supposed to tell anyone!

Does anyone else feel similar? Any advice for experienced mummies?

Some info: I'm 31, have a job I hate which I'm going to leave soon (goodbye maternity leave) and I love exercise (before pregnant worked out 5-6 days a week but now I'm scared to do anything other than yoga ��)

Thanks so much for all your support, I hope the ladies who have been feeling ill start feeling better soon.

Hi Lulubella, so happy to see you over here! Congrats :D

This is my first pregnancy too and I've been on edge the whole time. I wish I could relax and enjoy it, but it's something very very new for us I guess. I feel like every little thing I do might affect the baby and then if something happens it will be my fault - simple things like omg I just walked past someone smoking!

But it will all start to seem real soon I hope, once the heartbeat is heard or see the baby on the scan. Plus you're in the best of hands here, everyone is so helpful and reassuring xx
Hey ladies,

I'm finally joining this group as I'm four weeks today! I still can't really believe it's real..this is my first pregnancy and I'm just terrified of doing anything in case it harms the baby. Anyone else suffering from this kind of anxiety? I'm also not sleeping well at all so I feel exhausted. It's really weird that something so huge is happening to me but it's not visible and we're not supposed to tell anyone!

Does anyone else feel similar? Any advice for experienced mummies?

Some info: I'm 31, have a job I hate which I'm going to leave soon (goodbye maternity leave) and I love exercise (before pregnant worked out 5-6 days a week but now I'm scared to do anything other than yoga ��)

Thanks so much for all your support, I hope the ladies who have been feeling ill start feeling better soon.

Hey nice to see you on here. Think I commented on your bfp thread. Everyone has that anxiety whether it's your first, 2nd, pregnancy after one or 6 losses. Try not to let it overwhelm you.

I have a 3 year old daughter and this is my 2nd. Also not sleeping well. I'm on 4/9 at my job tonight so I'm gonna be wrecked haha. I wish I was like you with the exercise, gonna try as soon as I feel better. (Have a herniated disk so I need to get on it)

We do a lot of ranting, comparing, complaining and a lot of support here lol. Welcome to July mummies and congrats xxx
5 weeks today :) my first milestone. I said I'd be happy to make it to 5 weeks. 8 weeks is my next milestone to see midwife and 12 weeks the next after that x

Happy 5 weeks little bean :dance:
Shepherdess don't feel like a bad mummy for one day of no attention lol. She'll not even care hun. I think my last pregnancy was easier too. Ugh.

PeanutButter good luck for today hun !!

Oh dd refused the flu jab today. It's a nasal for children and was she fuck letting the nurse put it in her nose. We were time limited for nursery at 9 and she knew it. Back next week to try again :doh:

I'm current back in the doc cause they need another sample and I can only pee little bits at a time. So I have to sit here Until I can give a full sample. Feel like a kid :roll:
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Reaaally emotional today. Had a horrible dream last night about partner cheating whilst I'm pregnant (I know he never ever would) but it was all so real.
Today I'm sat at work, had to take myself outside and have a crying moment because I thought about how my partner has been with other woman before me (so?! isn't that the case with everyone).
Everything is affecting me today :(
I had my emotional day yesterday' JemRose. Normal although I wasn't like this with dd this early. Not much you can do but roll with it hun.

With my daughter I remember we put baby potatoes in the micro and they were making a high pitched noise. OH joked "Oh they're screaming in pain the microwave is killing them " I sobbed my heart out made him take them out and put them in the bin. It's stupid but the hormones can make you crazy xx
I had my emotional day yesterday' JemRose. Normal although I wasn't like this with dd this early. Not much you can do but roll with it hun.

With my daughter I remember we put baby potatoes in the micro and they were making a high pitched noise. OH joked "Oh they're screaming in pain the microwave is killing them " I sobbed my heart out made him take them out and put them in the bin. It's stupid but the hormones can make you crazy xx

Oh Shan that is funny, but I do see where you're coming from, definitely so easy to cry over nothing!! I had a breakdown the day before my BFP because my OH walked past me as I opened the oven, I don't even know what that was about!! xx
I had my emotional day yesterday' JemRose. Normal although I wasn't like this with dd this early. Not much you can do but roll with it hun.

With my daughter I remember we put baby potatoes in the micro and they were making a high pitched noise. OH joked "Oh they're screaming in pain the microwave is killing them " I sobbed my heart out made him take them out and put them in the bin. It's stupid but the hormones can make you crazy xx

Oh Shan that is funny, but I do see where you're coming from, definitely so easy to cry over nothing!! I had a breakdown the day before my BFP because my OH walked past me as I opened the oven, I don't even know what that was about!! xx

Oh JR, God love your OH, he's in for it with you haha. :lol:

My oh used to try and see what would set me off he thought it was great fun. When he was younger he worked for a chef. Told me how they'd put the lobsters in the freezer before they're boiled so they'd go to sleep first and wouldn't know they were dying. Sobbed at that too. I remember crying "It's not just the fact you murdered them, you lulled them into a false sense of security first! Poor things" *sob* Some of its funny now but it wasn't at the time lol. You'll be fine though all part of making a human :) xx
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I know I do feel for him, he is going to get the rough end of the stick. I think he's started to play that game too, he said something yesterday that made me blow up in a rage, but he just sat there laughing at me! Made me worse obviously, but he seemed to find it funny haha.

I'm not really a crier yet, but he has told me not to look when the RSPCA adverts come on because I'm bad enough with them normally!! haha.

Yep that little baby in our arms will be worth all the tears and anger xx
And the Christmas adverts. *******s. Haha

Totally worth it. Can't believe I'm doing it all over again. Still very surreal xx
Had my scan. There was a heartbeat but was measuring a week behind what it's supposed to. We've been here a few times before... So I'm expecting to miscarry. Have a scan again in 2 weeks as when this happens usually miscarry at 8 weeks.
My husband is hoping they measured wrong but who are we kidding?! Just have to wait now. X
Had my scan. There was a heartbeat but was measuring a week behind what it's supposed to. We've been here a few times before... So I'm expecting to miscarry. Have a scan again in 2 weeks as when this happens usually miscarry at 8 weeks.
My husband is hoping they measured wrong but who are we kidding?! Just have to wait now. X

I'm thread jumping again... don't lose hope pb, at beginning of my pregnancy I was pushed back a week and I had it it my head I was guna lose it especially with all the bad cramps I had when they rescanned me I was actuallly on track and then when I had 12 week scan they pushed me forward almost a week, they did explain to me that in the first 12 weeks the babies size differs so much that's why you can't get a proper reading till 12 week scan it's really good news you saw a heart beat xxx
shanivy if it helps I told my lo that the magic fairies made their special medicine to tickle her nose, the nurse went along with this to and she had it no bother, she went on about her nose tickling all day

sorry about your scan PB but you never know, fingers Crossed there's some growth by your next one
Had my scan. There was a heartbeat but was measuring a week behind what it's supposed to. We've been here a few times before... So I'm expecting to miscarry. Have a scan again in 2 weeks as when this happens usually miscarry at 8 weeks.
My husband is hoping they measured wrong but who are we kidding?! Just have to wait now. X

I'm thread jumping again... don't lose hope pb, at beginning of my pregnancy I was pushed back a week and I had it it my head I was guna lose it especially with all the bad cramps I had when they rescanned me I was actuallly on track and then when I had 12 week scan they pushed me forward almost a week, they did explain to me that in the first 12 weeks the babies size differs so much that's why you can't get a proper reading till 12 week scan it's really good news you saw a heart beat xxx

Ikno it can be off, but this is usually how they start. Theyve had heartbeats before which apparently means the chance of mc drops dramatically .. Doesn't with me. Probably sounds dramatic but meh.
They've said I was 5+3 which means I wold have for a positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks not even wjgh a early detection test. And I would have got 3+ digi when I was bearly 4 weeks.
Tried explaing to them hwk my mcs go but they just ignored me like IDK what I'm talking about. Lol

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