**** july mummies 2018 *****

Thank you GG. And I honestly do agree with everything you've said and I see it from my own eyes exactly in that perspective. I don't deserve this at all. I can't keep giving him chances and he keeps worming his way out of it. I know how he works and if I threaten to leave he'll just let me go, he is too stubborn to do anything else.
It's so difficult on the inside of it to know what way to act, I know from the outside it's "get out of there" and I feel it too, my rational mind is saying that, but the rest of me is saying stay. It's hard x
I just realised I forgot to post my form to them before Mondays appointment. Do u think it'll matter? It's short and basically all my answers are no haha x

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I didn't have to post anything, I think you'll be fine and they'll just do it when they're with you x
Thank you GG. And I honestly do agree with everything you've said and I see it from my own eyes exactly in that perspective. I don't deserve this at all. I can't keep giving him chances and he keeps worming his way out of it. I know how he works and if I threaten to leave he'll just let me go, he is too stubborn to do anything else.
It's so difficult on the inside of it to know what way to act, I know from the outside it's "get out of there" and I feel it too, my rational mind is saying that, but the rest of me is saying stay. It's hard x

What would you be staying for? A life of wondering when he'll next be nasty?

It's not just about you now. My friends daughter is only 4 and my friend was convinced that she hid her husband's behaviour from them. It's now that she's set up home on her own that sentences from her daughter like, "please can we live in the New happy home forever" and "mummy, I like you more when daddy isn't being mean" have totally floored her. She had no idea her little ones knew it was wrong, but they did. Her son has said that even the animals are happier without mean daddy in the house.

I feel like I'm lecturing, so I'm sorry, but I desperately don't want you to end up with the same regrets of not doing something sooner. Xxx
I just realised I forgot to post my form to them before Mondays appointment. Do u think it'll matter? It's short and basically all my answers are no haha x

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I was filling mine in when the midwife arrived, lol. Don't worry about it. Xx
Thank you GG. And I honestly do agree with everything you've said and I see it from my own eyes exactly in that perspective. I don't deserve this at all. I can't keep giving him chances and he keeps worming his way out of it. I know how he works and if I threaten to leave he'll just let me go, he is too stubborn to do anything else.
It's so difficult on the inside of it to know what way to act, I know from the outside it's "get out of there" and I feel it too, my rational mind is saying that, but the rest of me is saying stay. It's hard x

I did wonder last night if he'd give you a hard time this morning. Just caught up on what I missed. It's easy for us to say leave because it's not our relationship. We don't know him, we aren't in love with him, it's not us. But honestly Jem he told you you were taking the piss? Because you're ill fuck sake!

I just want to fucking slap him, and hard! I know that having a baby with him makes things difficult for you. And you love him. But honestly he's going to do the same thing once the baby comes. What will he say when you've had a hard day with the baby, you've left the pile of dishes in the sink and the house is coming down around you because you've concentrated on baby all day.

He's controlling and abusive and if he was hitting you you would see it it. But there are more ways to be abusive than physical violence

You are worth so much more. I know you know this hun and you're probably sick of our replies. We don't really know each other really, but we are all here for you if you need it. I won't get sick of listening. I hope you can figure out the right decision for you that makes you happy :hugs: xxx
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I just realised I forgot to post my form to them before Mondays appointment. Do u think it'll matter? It's short and basically all my answers are no haha x

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I didn't get a form at all. I'd say it will be fine tbh. Just ask them if they want it and if not post it after xx
Forgot to ask Jem, how are you feeling today?
Thank you everyone your support means a lot. He's come in like nothing has happened, I was sleeping he got into bed and gave me a cuddle and then made me a hot chocolate... Weirdo.
And feel like shit still, the pain is shooting round my head and down my neck, I think i must have a perforated ear drum as never felt anything like this before and I've ear infections in the past. Keep puking up my antibiotics too which doesn't help lol x
Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell Jemrose hope you start to improve soon.

Not sure how i'm feeling today, I guess i'm alittle upset really. Has my letter for 20w scan through and also the letter with the test results in. Pretty sure it says low risk although alittle confusing to read. But it also said my placenta is anterior :sad: really struggling to feel pregnant as not been sick or even feeling sick, other than stomach getting abit fatter and trousers feeling tight, I was looking forward to feeling some movements but looks like this won't happen til even later now :eh:
Annoyed they didn't tell me at my scan as well.

Sorry for the self pitying post as know others are feeling really ill and have other problems, just feel abit :( now

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MrsLK I didn't understand mine either, but I'm pretty sure it's low risk as they said they'd ring me if not.
I have no idea about an anterior placenta but I think one of the others on here has experienced before and think it means you'll feel things a bit later on than most.
Now that the nausea has stopped, I don't feel anything either tbh x
Ah just annoying as after loosing the last baby I was looking forward to being able to feel baby moving to hopefully reassure me abit more :(

How are you feeling Jemrose?
Ah just annoying as after loosing the last baby I was looking forward to being able to feel baby moving to hopefully reassure me abit more :(

How are you feeling Jemrose?

Oh bless you. A really good friend of mine really struggled with it and hated not being able to feel much but her pregnancy went really well. Try not to worry too much and definitely write down any questions you have so that you can ask your midwife. Xx
I had an anterior placenta last pregnancy and didn't feel my baby until 21 weeks. that being said most first time mum's don't feel their babies until 17/18 weeks anyway so the difference isn't massive. sorry that it's got you feeling a bit down though
There was a woman who was on my thread with dd she had anterior placenta she started feeling at the same time mist of us did 18-20 weeks. Hope you feel better about it x
How are you feeling jemrose. I really hope he changes his attitude. You don't need the added stress.
Does anyone know how I change my ticker? I'm useless at things like this and I need to change my due date
I deleted it because it was wrong. Just done a new one but I can't figure out how to add it to my signature
Thank you everyone your support means a lot. He's come in like nothing has happened, I was sleeping he got into bed and gave me a cuddle and then made me a hot chocolate... Weirdo.
And feel like shit still, the pain is shooting round my head and down my neck, I think i must have a perforated ear drum as never felt anything like this before and I've ear infections in the past. Keep puking up my antibiotics too which doesn't help lol x
Of course he's pretending like nothing happening. That's not an accident. Then if it's dropped he doesn't have to deal with his actions xx

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Freezing cold

I'm sorry cuz this is probably going to come out like a rant but I'm just getting so fed up. We are currently living with my parents to save money for a deposit for a house rather than having to pay rent but honestly. It's. Living. Hell.

I know it's nice for them to let us stay here and we don't have to pay anything so we can save but they're making us miserable and causing so many problems-things that don't need to be an issue are like mountains with these people!

The latest thing is that if dad isn't cold then no one is allowed to be cold. He also drinks a lot so he always has an alcohol blanket and I think he's cold blooded anyway cuz he's never cold. So then when we are all freezing it doesn't matter cuz he has decided it's not even cold. Now my mum stands up to him-she'll say don't be ridiculous just because you're not cold doesn't mean we aren't allowed to have feelings and will push him aside and put the heating on. But. Some of you may know my mother is a freaking headcase.

She did the same thing that drives her mad on me. Yesterday I said I was cold and she told me not to be ridiculous and it wasn't even cold. So now I'm at the mercy of both of them and spending my freaking life freezing. Ive spent every day this week fully dressed, full length trousers, full sleeves, socks and a dressing gown (so it's not like I'm running around in shorts and a wee top or something) and still freezing so because I've been so sick and the cold makes it worse I've ended up living in my bed under the covers. Even my wee cat keeps coming in and he hates anything over him so that shows how cold he is.

My mum is now complaining I never spend any time with her and accuses me of only going near her when I want something. It's really doing my head in :( sorry I just needed somewhere to say it all cuz it streses my husband out so much so I don't want to keep saying to him xxx

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