**** july mummies 2018 *****

Honey confused isn't the word to use here!!!!! It sounds that he is very immature and just pissed cause you get to stay at home (never mind that you are in pain...)! I don't know him, and don't know your relationship but if that was me I would seriously reconsider sharing my life (the good and the bad!) with a guy like this. Seems like a waste of time tbh... sorry x
I know I can't be without him and he's never normally like this. But I do believe I have to seriously consider what to do now because I can't keep going on like this :(
urgh Jem don't know how you put up with that. get yourself back to bed. this is the third time you've wrote about his bad behaviour on here in what isn't actually a very big time frame. to be rude then give you a massage then rude again this morning is controlling behaviour. if one of your friends told you their partner was behaving this way what would you say to them?
It's so confusing because he's never like this. It's only when I'm off work ill? It just doesn't make sense.
I really don't know what he expects of me! How is he going to cope supporting me when the baby is here?! I've text him saying we need a serious talk because I can't continue bring treated this way. I really don't want to leave him but sometimes enough is enough :(
Laura have you spoken to GP or midwife about how sick you are, it sounds awful xx
Yeah Ive been to my gp 3 times now. 2 days ago he gave me a different anti sickness tablet and did a urinalysis which showed protein "++" and traces of "keytones" (never seen it spelt that way BTW haha I thought it was ketones). He said the amounts were still very low but needs watching and said it could be cuz I'm barely eating and to try eat and drink more. Glucose was "nothing" so that's good.

I have my booking appointment on Monday so he said they'll do another urinalysis then and if I try eat more between my gp appointment on Wed and the booking appointment hopefully it'll have fixed itself and if not then they can take action. If same results on Monday he thinks my body might be fighting off an infection of some kind too if it's not the undereating.

I've been far too sick to eat and I've lost all appetite tbh which was never huge for me. I've lost weight too.my clothes are looser never mind tighter for 11 weeks haha

I have loads to catch up on as I've been away for days but hope everyone is doing okay xxxx

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Only when you are ill? That means he treats you bad when you are most vulnerable which is worst. Ask him why he wanted you to go to work so badly? What was so bad about you staying at home that would justify him calling you names? Ask him why he can't believe you when you tell him you are ill? x
Well I've officially made it to 2nd tri! 14 weeks today
:dance: :dance: :dance: I can't believe it!

Ooh GG you too happy 14 weeks hun. So happy for you after everything you've been through ttc, that you're in 2nd tri! :hugs: Xx

PB Finally! good luck! Can't wait to see that little baby xx

Sarah glad it went well at work, one less thing to worry about xx

KHTW ooh you too, good luck for tomorrow for your scan! I hope today flies in for you lol Xx
Happy tri 2 for shanivy and GG! Yaaaaay xx

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Only when you are ill? That means he treats you bad when you are most vulnerable which is worst. Ask him why he wanted you to go to work so badly? What was so bad about you staying at home that would justify him calling you names? Ask him why he can't believe you when you tell him you are ill? x

I don't know. He finishes at 1 today. I'm so paranoid anyway it honestly makes me think... Why so funny about it today? Did you want that time between 1 and 5 to do something you don't want me to know about?!
He text me saying it's because he's worried about my job and he got that way cos he cares about me. I said the way he acted doesn't show he cares about me one bit and definitely no way to speak to the woman carrying his child!
Bless you Laura sounds like you're having a right time of it :( hope you feel better soon xx
I love how supportive this forum is. And non bitchy.

And I'm probably going to sound like a massive bitch here but it's actually driving me crazy how many new people post on the am I pregnant or ttc forums saying " please help I desperately hope I'm not pregnant" lately. So many. There isn't one woman on here ttc not absolutely dying for a positive test. like wtf it's a "we all want babies asap" forum not a "fuck I may not be pregnant" one. Rant over but seriously :wall2:
I'm really glad you've said that. I have to bite my tongue when I see those. I find it very insensitive in the ttc cuz I know so many amazing ladies in there who are struggling so much and would give anything for a baby and then some post appears about "oh no I was irresponsible and am clearly about 16 years old". It hurts to know someone potentially has a baby they don't even want and are not equipped to deal with when you've been trying for a year or more, some up to 3, 4 or 5 years, without success and would give anything to make it happen! Xx

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I think Laura is next week maybe?
I need to move over to tri 2 on Saturday, exciting :)
I have my booking appointment on 8th Jan, the gp seems to think maybe they'll do the scan that day too but it doesn't mention anything in the letter! Hehe xx

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Well he's just woke me up telling me to get up for work. I have had hardly any sleep due to pain, constantly tossing and turning. He told me I'm taking the piss... What the fuck. I'm so annoyed at him.
Yesterday after all that shit he was there massaging my head and around my ear, putting a warm compress on it etc and being really helpful, thought he'd realised his mistake. But now this morning still an asshole!
I'd have drop kicked him. Seriously. How are you taking the piss? You're ill!! It's one freaking day and it's not like you're jeopardising your job, they understand obviously better than he does! My husband knows better than to try tell me what to do haha he actually jokes about the fact I'll literally do the opposite if he tries to tell me so he knows the score. I've a defiant personality, I can't help myself. If tells me I HAVE to do something, I will ensure to show them I don't have to do anything unless I want to! Haha its a compulsion that I can't stop xx

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Jem my husband used to try and make me stay home if i was poorly specially when I was pregnant! Thats what a partner is supposed to do. Make you feel better, look after you when you're poorly. If he I'm not asking I'm telling about anything, oo I would not be speaking to him until i got an apology. Doesn't sound like a relationship imo. X
Bless you Laura sounds like you're having a right time of it :( hope you feel better soon xx
I'm all caught up on like 200 messages now. JemRose I'm really sorry this is happening and also that looked like I was positing and ignoring what was happening so I'm sorry haha I was miles deep in comments and just got to this bit.

I really hope he does wise up! He should be MORE supportive when you're ill. Not swearing at you and being nasty!

It sounds like really controlling behaviour, like he's good with u when you're doing exactly as expected from him but when you're disobedient and not doing exactly as you're told then he loses his temper. I'm sorry to say it but I live with that with my mum and unless he really sorts that out it's horrific to live with xx

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Don't worry Laura lol I didn't think you were ignoring it.
He just goes over the top sometimes. He's now trying to apologise and say it's because he cares about me bla bla bla. Told him I'm not listening to his shit and we will talk when he's home. He's not obviously shitting himself cos he realises I won't put up with it and he has now jeopardised the relationship by acting like an ass! X
Just makes sure he actually says the words 'I'm sorry' and acknowledges that his behavior was wrong rather than saying BUT BUT BUT. I hope you can get this sorted x
Don't worry Laura lol I didn't think you were ignoring it.
He just goes over the top sometimes. He's now trying to apologise and say it's because he cares about me bla bla bla. Told him I'm not listening to his shit and we will talk when he's home. He's not obviously shitting himself cos he realises I won't put up with it and he has now jeopardised the relationship by acting like an ass! X
Good for you to stay strong! As my nanny always says people only treat you badly if you let them. Once he realises you aren't prepared to be treated like this hell have to stop with this unhelpful attitude. If it is as he says that it's because he cares then he desperately needs to find a new way to express it as its coming across the complete opposite. Xx

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JemRose, I know this won't be comfortable to hear, but I can already hear in your posts this morning that you are starting to justify his behaviour for him. You're already forgiving him, you might not think it, but your posts say that all he has to do is apologise. I know I wrote a lengthy post last time he did similar but I stick by that. This is harsh, but honestly, this is not a relationship. This is an ownership.

To make it a bit clearer, imagine having a dog at home. When the dog behaves perfectly and all is going well, the dog sees that it's part of the family, accepted, loved, respected, because you, it's owner, is being always lovely. If the dog does something wrong though, the owner will immediately do something to correct that behaviour. The dog is ONLY in a position of feeling like one of the family while it is being good. The moment it is bad, the ownership is reinforced and the dog is reminded that it is actually not in an equal relationship at all.

Your bloke is loving and caring when you fit his accepted parameters for a girlfriend. The moment you don't, you are no longer a partner, you are a belonging that he feels he can dictate behaviour to.

This isn't going to change. He's not, "having a bad day" and he's not doing it because he's worried or stressed. They are total cop outs as are ALL other excuses/reasons.

Him saying sorry...again, means fuck all to him because he knows, as it's worked before, that he can get away with it again and keep you.

Normal people just don't behave that way. Even in the worst of situations, would never speak to a person they loved that way. Yes, in relationships, sometimes we speak out of turn, but that is not your boyfriend. He Has, in a few short months that we are aware of, shown a pattern of behaviour which personally, really worries me. I am worried for you and I am worried for your baby.

I'm not saying to leave him tomorrow, but I am saying to put you and your baby first and make sure you have a back up plan for yourself.

Honestly, I'd have chucked him out after your first post about him and he'd have had to really work to get back in. After the pattern he's shown, I wouldnt even entertain him letting my child see their father treat their mother that way...or be treated that way themselves.

I really am sorry to be so blunt, but from the outside looking in, I just see a twat getting away with treating you like doormat by "acting" like a good boyfriend when he knows he's crossed a line. That good behaviour isn't who he really is. It's just the cover up. It's who he thinks you "deserve" when you fit his ideals. The real him is the one who turns on you when you step out of line.

You're not his possession. Please don't let him keep doing this to you. You deserve so much more.
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I just realised I forgot to post my form to them before Mondays appointment. Do u think it'll matter? It's short and basically all my answers are no haha x

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