**** july mummies 2018 *****

And 24th Jan for consultant appointment. Lands on 16 weeks when I need to see the midwife again. Work will hate me that week haha.
Oh god I hope for Jan and Feb to quickly pass so I can see baby again x
Meat was okay by the way ladies thanks for the advice. Oh checked them and they weren't as frozen as I thought they were actually almost fine. Left them out a little and have them in oven now. I can't touch raw meat at the min cause I heave and oh says I was over dramatic lol. Not for dd anyway so can have a later dinner for the 2 of us.

PB GGs pretty much right tbh. I have had kebab pregnant though to be fair. It was awful haha. I've went off takeaways which is sort of great cause I need to watch my weight big time! Worried if go up too much they might put me with consultant Xx
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Well my OH has been perfect recently. Until today when he's turned into a dick head again!! I've had yesterday and today off work due to my ear infection. Had one course of antibiotics which didn't clear it, saw doctor yesterday who said it's extremely infected and gave me another course of antibiotics and wants me to return in a week to check for a perforated ear drum because of the pain.
I'm obviously feeling absolutely shit and in pain etc. He comes in today from work and tells me that I am going to work tomorrow and that he's not asking me to, he's telling me to. He said that it's a lazy approach not to go in tomorrow etc.
Now I'm pretty certain a miracle won't happen over night and I won't be better tomorrow so I'm quite sure I won't be driving 30 mins to work, 8 hours at work and 30 mins back from work tomorrow. But I also know that if I don't he will be a massive twat about it and be horrible to me. I can't win! I am so so so ill and even the doctor says they're not surprised I feel so ill and yet he is being so nasty about it :(
Jem if it was my OH telling me "i am not asking, I am telling you" I'd laugh so loud I'd probably pee myslef! He is not the boss of you! If you are ill you stay at home! And it is Friday tomorrow ffs!!! Dick
I know he's being an idiot on some sort of power trip!!! I've told him I will not be told to do anything and I will not be made to feel bad for being ill!
Well my baby today didn't want to play. It was sat up and she couldn't move it to lie down to be able to do the measurements for downs etc. I had to go for a walk. Go toilet. 3 times she tried and it wouldn't move. They've said they can do a blood test at 16 weeks to check for downs. They offered me the harmony test but I have to pay for that which is £350.
They've dated me 12+6 so my due date has changed to 13th July.
Aw sorry Flowerbomb we have some uncooperative babies lately. Glad baby is doing well though. It's worth remembering that most people risk for downs is low anyway hun so don't stress too much about it. They can still do the bloods xx
Well my OH has been perfect recently. Until today when he's turned into a dick head again!! I've had yesterday and today off work due to my ear infection. Had one course of antibiotics which didn't clear it, saw doctor yesterday who said it's extremely infected and gave me another course of antibiotics and wants me to return in a week to check for a perforated ear drum because of the pain.
I'm obviously feeling absolutely shit and in pain etc. He comes in today from work and tells me that I am going to work tomorrow and that he's not asking me to, he's telling me to. He said that it's a lazy approach not to go in tomorrow etc.
Now I'm pretty certain a miracle won't happen over night and I won't be better tomorrow so I'm quite sure I won't be driving 30 mins to work, 8 hours at work and 30 mins back from work tomorrow. But I also know that if I don't he will be a massive twat about it and be horrible to me. I can't win! I am so so so ill and even the doctor says they're not surprised I feel so ill and yet he is being so nasty about it :(

Ooh hun that's not on at all. If that was my partner I'd probably have told him to leave. Go to work if *you* want to! Stay off if *you* want to! My oH had a perforated ear drum and said it some of the worst pain he's ever had and he's been hit by a car twice lol ( I shouldn't joke) No wonder you're feeling crap, and you're making a person on top of it all.

But don't let him push you into a decision. Little shit xx
I'm just not going in tomorrow even if I feel better just to say fuck you haha. Oh god your OH has been through it hasn't he lol x
Aw sorry Flowerbomb we have some uncooperative babies lately. Glad baby is doing well though. It's worth remembering that most people risk for downs is low anyway hun so don't stress too much about it. They can still do the bloods xx

Very true thanks.
I can over to 2nd tri a week earlier than expected woohoo, although I may start joining the July thread now
I'm just not going in tomorrow even if I feel better just to say fuck you haha. Oh god your OH has been through it hasn't he lol x

Good for you!

Lol yeah once by a driver on drugs when he was 2 and once off a his bike by a drink driver when he was coming home from work. Never figured out if he has the worst luck or the best luck haha! Xx
I'm just not going in tomorrow even if I feel better just to say fuck you haha. Oh god your OH has been through it hasn't he lol x

Jem, keep a diary of when he acts like this. If he doesn't improve, show it to him after a year and tell him, and I mean tell him....that he needs to sort his shit out. Fuck me, I'd have laughed at him first, then packed him a bag if Dan said that to me!
I'm just not going in tomorrow even if I feel better just to say fuck you haha. Oh god your OH has been through it hasn't he lol x

Jem, keep a diary of when he acts like this. If he doesn't improve, show it to him after a year and tell him, and I mean tell him....that he needs to sort his shit out. Fuck me, I'd have laughed at him first, then packed him a bag if Dan said that to me!

That might help him, to see it in black and white. Some people can be controlling or nasty with what they say and not even really realise it. He might get a shock to actually read everything he said to you. The thing is, you're about to have a baby. And the little things that seem to get to him now, will probably be 10x more once youre on mummies duties 24/7. So he needs to get a grip of whatever it is makes him act like this xx
I'm just not going in tomorrow even if I feel better just to say fuck you haha. Oh god your OH has been through it hasn't he lol x

Jem, keep a diary of when he acts like this. If he doesn't improve, show it to him after a year and tell him, and I mean tell him....that he needs to sort his shit out. Fuck me, I'd have laughed at him first, then packed him a bag if Dan said that to me!

That might help him, to see it in black and white. Some people can be controlling or nasty with what they say and not even really realise it. He might get a shock to actually read everything he said to you. The thing is, you're about to have a baby. And the little things that seem to get to him now, will probably be 10x more once youre on mummies duties 24/7. So he needs to get a grip of whatever it is makes him act like this xx

Yep. Babies don't hide cracks, they turn them into canyons.
Well he's just woke me up telling me to get up for work. I have had hardly any sleep due to pain, constantly tossing and turning. He told me I'm taking the piss... What the fuck. I'm so annoyed at him.
Yesterday after all that shit he was there massaging my head and around my ear, putting a warm compress on it etc and being really helpful, thought he'd realised his mistake. But now this morning still an asshole!
I don't get it. Why does he care so much if you go to work today? Is he afraid you may get fired? Or is he just pissed because he has to go to work while you 'get to' stay at home?? x
I actually don't know. It's like he's jealous I'm staying home but it's not like it's fun and games!
He's just walked out the door telling me to fuck off and calling me a fucking dickhead. I'm so confused

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