**** july mummies 2018 *****

FFS that is horrendous. When I rang my doctors about pain they got me in there and then!! To be honest the doctor was a waste of space, but receptionists really should contact the GP and say you need a phone call asap! x
I do think baby is OK, still doubt in the back of my mind still tho.
Just called again, and the receptionist basically being bitchy about it cos I didn't know his name! The fuck. Could literally just look at Friday's appointments. Anyways she said he will ring, but he rings 'as and when'. OK then. I don't know how I'm calm honestly. I woke up at 4 cos was anxious about it. My hubby is going mental lol. He said if no one rings were making an appointment tomorrow and shouting at some people. Meh

That's fucking ridiculous. My mw called me at 9.30 yesterday morning as she hasn't received my booking in blood results and was worried so just wanted to check in that I was okay and see if I needed anything. That's good service.

Your gp and receptionist need a bloody good shouting at so yes...tell hubby to let rip!
I do think baby is OK, still doubt in the back of my mind still tho.
Just called again, and the receptionist basically being bitchy about it cos I didn't know his name! The fuck. Could literally just look at Friday's appointments. Anyways she said he will ring, but he rings 'as and when'. OK then. I don't know how I'm calm honestly. I woke up at 4 cos was anxious about it. My hubby is going mental lol. He said if no one rings were making an appointment tomorrow and shouting at some people. Meh

Fuck that I'd go down! Xx
Nope she told me I'd have them done at my 12 week scan .. but I think it's a bit long without any blood tests x
Hm I've always thought bloods were done at the booking appointment. Your area must be different but that's strange. Maybe give them a call and just check? You def should have tests by now since there's usually no bloods done again until 28 weeks (unless something is up beforehand) If that's what they said then I guess it's right so don't let me worry you but it's weird xx
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At my last Drs they gave you a form and told to go to the hospital for them before the scan. Just think its different where ever you are.
No idea what happens with this one.
I'm not going up now, they wouldn't be able to get me in in time anyway. Fed up of being fobbed off TBH.
PB I would definitely be kicking off. Can't believe they left you over the weekend as it is, then to leave you all day today. it is awful!!! x
Fela, I don't know you and I can't possibly know how you are going to feel about going back to work after having your baby but I can tell you about my experience. In my head, before DD was born the plan was simple - 9 months maternity then back to work! Then I had my baby. First 4 month was a bliss, I could just sit on the sofa with her in my arms and stay there forever! Then the boredom kicked in... it was still fantastic to spend time with my baby but the days seems to get longer and longer and I really missed talking to grown ups and having a cup of tea that is still warm and peeing in peace haha! However once it was time to go back to work I was really upset and didn't want to go and leave DD at home. I wanted to be the one she sees when she wakes up, the one that feeds her breakfast and lunch, the one to cuddle her before she fall asleep in the afternoon etc. But I did go to work and it was hard for the first few weeks but after that we got into a nice routine and 2 years later we are doing just fine.
Basically what I am trying to say is to maybe not plan your return to work in every detail yet. Give yourself time, see how you feel after the baby is born. But whatever decision you make is yours and nobody else's business xx

Thanks KHTW, I think you are right, I shouldn’t plan it all immediately, I’m just a but obsessive about having plans which is probably not great for a pregnancy in some ways as I need to accept I can’t control everything! But it’s been nice to brainstorm ideas with DH, our current favourite is that when I go back I’d do a compressed week and have Monday off, at the same time he’d do a compressed week and have a Friday off.. so we’d both have a solo day looking after the baby :) .... we will see how it goes, I’m probably worrying too much as always.

I’m sorry some of you ladies have had a tough day, agree with everyone said about families, it’s easier said than done but you have to live your best life :) that feeling of being upstaged by a sibling can be a tough one.. PB I hope you get your scan eventually and that everything is ok..could you pop to A&E? still 10 days to my scan, feels like an age!
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PB The way this doctor has dealt with you is a joke. If you hadn't had a Doppler of your own to recheck the hb, he would have basically left you thinking something had happened with the baby. I'd be putting a complaint in about this. I personally think baba is fine but he's put you through soo much unnecessary worry and then not dealt with the mess he's made! I'm so mad for you honestly xx

OH is doing my head in tonight. I'm exhausted so I said to him can he do dinner for him and DD so I can lie on the sofa for a bit. All I've gotten is "will you make a cup of tea" "will you wash that dish for me" "will you do this that or the other" NO! I swear sometimes the man drives me nuts. I'm sitting down, means I'm sitting down! It doesn't mean you have to find things for me to do too cause you're on dinner duty. I do it myself so can you!

Honest he's been great really but I still don't think he will ever *get* how hard 1st trimester is. I've not moved from the sofa for literally an hour and a half to prove my point even though I need a pee lol
bought this book for DH:

Pregnany for Men - The Whole 9 months

We'd definitely recommend it, he's been enjoying reading it, it's a little tongue in cheek and it makes us both laugh a little but I think it's been good to give him it because I think it's nice to have something which includes him in a different sort of way...

Also we're both nerds, we never saw a problem we didn't think couldn't be solved with a spreadsheet or an instruction manual... :)

Just thought I'd mention, could be a fun xmas present.
Shan, should have had bloods done at my booking appt but there was no point in her trying as I'm so hard to get blood out of.

Haematology on Wednesday for me.
Keep getting a sharp pain in my right nipple, then sharp pain in my right abdomen. What is going on!! Feels like someone is stabbing me in the nipple lol x
Keep getting a sharp pain in my right nipple, then sharp pain in my right abdomen. What is going on!! Feels like someone is stabbing me in the nipple lol x

I had that a few days ago. Lasted the day and not been back since.
Morning ladies

I slept!! :dance: Had a bit of a sore throat last night and sure enough it's my tonsillitis coming on. Wish they'd rip the things out. I usually take cocodamol for it otherwise I end up with a fever. So I've had to take paracetamol. I hate taking anything pregnant though it makes me nervous :/ Sort of glad though cause I've felt it coming so at least it should be gone for Christmas. (OH said I'm too negative lately can you tell I'm trying to be positive haha)

But actually feeling good today for once lol it's amazing what some bloody sleep will do :)

12 weeks tomorrow I can't believe how quick this is going. Is it dragging or flying for you ladies?

How is everyone today?
morning ladies

gosh I've had a lot to catch up since yesterday morning

so sorry some of you are having family problem, especially so close to Christmas but keep focusing on you and your babies

sorry about the tonsillitis Shanivy, I got mine out when I was quite young but I know a few people who suffer now but removing them just isn't the done thing now.

I had a tough day yesterday, I was feeling really weepyand anxious I'm just a grump to and I hate it as it's just not me. my IBS has been quite bad to this last week which makes me miserable as I don't want to leave the house for the fear of it kicking in. I've got a big family lunch with my ohs family on Thursday which is a two hour drive away and I'm dreading it as I'm already worried my IBS will kick in and when I worry that's when it starts. a horrible circle

need to buy the last of my presents today and need to find something for me to wear Xmas day as the pretty sparkly long baggy top I ordered isn't going to come in time.

have a nice day ladies
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I'd also woke up poorly shan :( throat, ears, head ugh. 4th time of being ill since I got pregnant! Glad your feeling good though

Jem your boob's are gonna do weird shit throughout aha. Mine have gotten quite big, never happened with dd I love it xD

I think it goes fast, then slows down then goes fast again.

Oh that's sounds horrible Shep. Hope it's calms down soon. I hate when it flares up. Xxx
Good morning ladies!!! I hope we all have a great day today!!

Shan, are you certain you can't get them removed?? I've had tonsillitis once in my adult life and I do not want it back EVER!! Sorry you have to suffer with it x
Sleep is more valuable than gold these days! I found myslef waking up each morning thinking 'only few hours more and I can go back to bed'... how sad!
12 weeks!!! Whoop! This pregnancy is mostly flying by... scares me! We will be moving to Tri 2 in no time...!

Shep IBS is so bad... Can you try and get out of the family lunch? Maybe send OH and DD and you have some chill out day by yourself?
I also have nothing Xmassy to wear!!! And tbh I can't be bothered shopping for it either. xx

Oh no PB!!! Get better soon x
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