Fela, I don't know you and I can't possibly know how you are going to feel about going back to work after having your baby but I can tell you about my experience. In my head, before DD was born the plan was simple - 9 months maternity then back to work! Then I had my baby. First 4 month was a bliss, I could just sit on the sofa with her in my arms and stay there forever! Then the boredom kicked in... it was still fantastic to spend time with my baby but the days seems to get longer and longer and I really missed talking to grown ups and having a cup of tea that is still warm and peeing in peace haha! However once it was time to go back to work I was really upset and didn't want to go and leave DD at home. I wanted to be the one she sees when she wakes up, the one that feeds her breakfast and lunch, the one to cuddle her before she fall asleep in the afternoon etc. But I did go to work and it was hard for the first few weeks but after that we got into a nice routine and 2 years later we are doing just fine.
Basically what I am trying to say is to maybe not plan your return to work in every detail yet. Give yourself time, see how you feel after the baby is born. But whatever decision you make is yours and nobody else's business xx