I'm in anti biotics till Xmas cos I've had green discharge so they just assumed BV :/ which has to be taken on an empty stomach 4 times a day!! 4th lot of them... Don't wanna take anymore!
Oh I hope your shift goes fast shan, everyone either envies you or pissed of that your leaving, well that's what I found. How much notice do you have to give? X
Oh PB that suckes! What do you mean they assumed?! Would they not do blood/urine test first??
I've had yellow-ish discharge for weeks but bloods and urine came back normal x
Oh PB that suckes! What do you mean they assumed?! Would they not do blood/urine test first??
I've had yellow-ish discharge for weeks but bloods and urine came back normal x
Me too but mine was fine. Sometimes I think toilet paper makes it look more yellow idk xx
Aw Laura, I had a dream that my dog died and it was devastating, even though it was only a dream. I woke up and just wanted to cuddle her all day, as silly as it seems she has been my rock for the past 5 years.
Who cares what your mum thinks, honestly if you're too ill to go to work then that's that. You are an adult not a child she can go away! xx
Laura would you like me to come over and give your mum a smack. I'm kidding (I guess) I get mums like her though, me and mine have only formed a decent relationship since Ivy came along. I moved out at 16 and to Scotland at 18. When my dd came it was like she wised up with a second chance. Hopefully when your baby comes it might help her do the same. hey just noticed your location for some reason. Whereabouts are you from? I'm from Belfast originally xx
Fucks sake!!!
Two, not one, but two fucking horses hopping lame when I went to do pm checks. They had to be in the furthest bloody field and lame enough to only take 4-5 strides and need a rest. The horsey term is "hopping lame" pretty easy to visualise. I'm praying it's just abscesses coming through...because they're in the hoof, which can't swell, the pressure causes severe pain even though it's a fairly easy issue to treat when you can dig it out.
Not needed this week. Really don't have time but bless them, they were really feeling sorry for themselves so are happy to be in nice stables with lots of hay.
I don't think you're overreacting at all. She sounds insecure. She obviously needs to validate herself by acting like she's tonnes better than you. I'm with GG that u should show complete indifference to her. I'd minimise her chances to be a dick too by not discussing it with her further. It's not like she's being supportive or helpful in any way.oh my god I can't handle my sister anymore. I'm trying to be nice and pregnancy chatty with her. I said to her that her body obviously likes her and is good at being pregnant whereas mine is a bit shit with it.
"I don't think it's anything to do with your body. It's how you are as a person and obviously just deal with it better than you. I have pain too but do things to take my mind off it."
Okay well done you! Good for you that you can take your mind off the pain, can't be that bad then can it! I'm honestly so close to losing my temper with her and just going off on one. How dare she make me feel like she's clearly a much better person than I am and making out my pain is all in my head because I can't deal with it or take my mind off it. Seriously I just want to run away from everyone!