July 2019 mummies

Lovely scan pics @Emmacharlotte <3
@Radleycat sorry you’re still worried. Keeping everything crossed for you that the littlest keeps up with its sibling.

Had my booking in. Since giving birth last time they’ve stopped using the green notes which I was pleased about - it was a pain bringing them everywhere lol! Seems like a better idea using an app:)
I’m considered High Risk as I had hypertension in my first (and post) labour, and Gestational Diabetes in my 2nd pregnancy.
She asked if I had a birth plan in mind and I said ‘yep, I’ll come straight in for an epidural’:rotfl: my body is ok with pregnancy but doesn’t seem to agree with labour - the pain increases but I simply don’t dialate without drugs. So, 3rd time wiser and I’m going straight for the epidural. I might even enjoy it this time:think:

12 week scan next week. Nausea and exhaustion are slowly going. I hope it’s just because I’m approaching 12 weeks and not because something’s wrong:shock:

Epidural sounds like a good shout! The labour with my son was 38 hours from when the cobtractions were 5 mins apart to him being born and I didnt dilate very well. His birth was a bit of a horror story that no pregnant lady wants to hear so I'll leave it there.

But I must admit an epidural does sound tempting! My nausea slowed and I gained my energy back at 12 weeks and instead of celebrating convinced myself something was wrong!

Ive just receieved a letter in the post asking for an urgent urine sample to be taken to the hospital following my blood tests after my scan.
The nurse in me is saying that it must have shown my white cell count is high so I have an infection somewhere and the only one they are concerned with is a UTI? Not sure if anyone knows different?
I was convinced it would be a letter with negative news from the screening!

Welcome to the group Baiba, you have good company in this group!

I know ive asked before but I cant remember anyones answer. Who's finding out gender?! My husband wants to and I initially said no but after a trip round mothercare i realised life would be easier of we did. So undecided!!!
Epidural sounds like a good shout! The labour with my son was 38 hours from when the cobtractions were 5 mins apart to him being born and I didnt dilate very well. His birth was a bit of a horror story that no pregnant lady wants to hear so I'll leave it there.

But I must admit an epidural does sound tempting! My nausea slowed and I gained my energy back at 12 weeks and instead of celebrating convinced myself something was wrong!

Ive just receieved a letter in the post asking for an urgent urine sample to be taken to the hospital following my blood tests after my scan.
The nurse in me is saying that it must have shown my white cell count is high so I have an infection somewhere and the only one they are concerned with is a UTI? Not sure if anyone knows different?
I was convinced it would be a letter with negative news from the screening!

Welcome to the group Baiba, you have good company in this group!

I know ive asked before but I cant remember anyones answer. Who's finding out gender?! My husband wants to and I initially said no but after a trip round mothercare i realised life would be easier of we did. So undecided!!!
We are definitely finding out . I think it is just easier to prepare for them and i think i will feel closer to my babies.
And i hope your urine tests come back good. I had some blood in urine and they gave me antibiotics as suspecting some infection but i don't have UTI symptoms.
Welcome and congrats Baiba! Wow, we now have 3 sets of twins on here. Amazing!
Thanks ladies, yes I’ll need to get there quick for the epidural. My friend said she wanted an epidural with her third. Got to the hospital, got her gown on, went to the loo for a wee and baby came out! Midwife only just managed to catch it:shock:
I toyed with the idea of staying team yellow this time but hubby really wants to find out and tbh I’ve loved finding out the other 2 times so probably will. Anyone having a private gender scan at 16weeks? We did last time but will wait for the 20week one this time.
We’ll be having our gender scan at 16 weeks. My 12 week scan is actually at 13+3 so going off that the hospital are running slightly behind. I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to!

This all still doesn’t feel real. We hit 12weeks yesterday and I am still waiting for it to hit me and it hasn’t yet.
We’ll be having our gender scan at 16 weeks. My 12 week scan is actually at 13+3 so going off that the hospital are running slightly behind. I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to!

This all still doesn’t feel real. We hit 12weeks yesterday and I am still waiting for it to hit me and it hasn’t yet.

We'll be finding out too, but we'll need to wait till about 18 weeks as I'll be out of the country between 16-18 and the private clinic I had my early scan with said they can't do a gender scan any earlier than 16 weeks (I asked for 15 + 3 thinking a few days would make little difference). I can't wait to know!

I know what you mean about it not feeling real yet! I feel exactly the same. Only yesterday I was telling OH that if it doesn't start feeling real soon, I'll be like "where did you come from?!" when baby's born lol. Hopefully it'll start feeling more real when we start showing and shopping for baby stuff!
We'll be finding out too, but we'll need to wait till about 18 weeks as I'll be out of the country between 16-18 and the private clinic I had my early scan with said they can't do a gender scan any earlier than 16 weeks (I asked for 15 + 3 thinking a few days would make little difference). I can't wait to know!

I know what you mean about it not feeling real yet! I feel exactly the same. Only yesterday I was telling OH that if it doesn't start feeling real soon, I'll be like "where did you come from?!" when baby's born lol. Hopefully it'll start feeling more real when we start showing and shopping for baby stuff!
It’s sos strange because one clinic by me does them at 14 weeks and I know in America you can get them even earlier!

I bought a few packs of muslins in the Aldi toddler and baby event :lol: I’ve been warned that you use them for everything so bought 5 packs :lol: my mum has started buying bits and bobs aswell. Now we’re past 12 weeks and I heard the HB this morning again, I’m starting to think more. Will probably place a pram order after the gender scan and then buying things then.
Glad everyone has been getting on alright.

I think the stress of everything going on screwed my immune system and I've been sick with some kind of cold thing. I've taking it as a warning sign to rest so have been off work. Doesn't help that my favourite remedies are off limits for pregnant women!

My 12 week scan is Tues when I should be 12+3. Private scan other week had me 1-3 days ahead of that.

I'm too scared to get anything until I get to tri 2. Have got my eye on a bathtub set with everything on Groupon for £17. Hope it's there next Saturday when I hit 13 weeks.
Hey lovelies, just coming in to check on you all. How you all doing?

Youl all be coming over to 2nd tri soon.

I had another scan on Friday. Baby is growing great, looks perfect. My consultant I'm not keen on at all but oh well. Tried to find out the sex, but he wouldn't confirm for us, even tho he said girl numerous occasions. Gotta wait 4 more weeks now lol.
All very exciting that most people are finding out. Ive heard about a theory called the skull theory?! Which would indicate one of each for us...but who knows!
We were told to have our hospital bag ready from 28 weeks, so I want to be organised, but im very cautious when it comes to buying bits.

Sugarpop you can bever have enough Muslins..and a bit like socks they randomly go missing!

Krazy kitten hope you are feeling ok. Pregnancy does really suppress your immune system.

Marvellous that is exciting that you will find out in 4 weeks! What is your due date? I think they are aiming to induce me 26th June if I make it that far so must be pretty close to you?

Is anyone else showing yet?! I feel huge already! My bmi was technically 'underweight' so I guess my tummy was going to pop out....but this is ridiculous! And so early! A sign of things to come, I will be huge!!!
All very exciting that most people are finding out. Ive heard about a theory called the skull theory?! Which would indicate one of each for us...but who knows!
We were told to have our hospital bag ready from 28 weeks, so I want to be organised, but im very cautious when it comes to buying bits.

Sugarpop you can bever have enough Muslins..and a bit like socks they randomly go missing!

Krazy kitten hope you are feeling ok. Pregnancy does really suppress your immune system.

Marvellous that is exciting that you will find out in 4 weeks! What is your due date? I think they are aiming to induce me 26th June if I make it that far so must be pretty close to you?

Is anyone else showing yet?! I feel huge already! My bmi was technically 'underweight' so I guess my tummy was going to pop out....but this is ridiculous! And so early! A sign of things to come, I will be huge!!!
27th I'm due but my other 2 have been late so fully expect this one to be late too lol.
I started to pop out at about 13 weeks, I already feel like a weeble lol
We are going to find out the sex at the 20 week scan 1st March, although it looks like DH will be at uni in Portsmouth that day so unless I can change it (or he can skip a day) I will be finding out by myself. Don't really want to go by myself, especially after the moody woman last week.

Not bought anything yet, think I'm just waiting for 20 weeks when we will know more that hopefully both are OK.

I did have a dream last night that they scanned me and there were 5! Bloody hell. Could you even imagine?! Although waking up thinking that, two didn't seem as bad anymore lol.

Are people showing yet? Tbh I can't tell as I've got a bit of a tum anyway so not sure if my roundness is fat, bloat (I am constantly deflating from either end!) or babies. But figured today, stuff it. People can think it's babies so I'm going to look to treat myself to some new tops as I'm properly fed up with all my clothes atm. Also might get a bra fitting if the nasuea holds off. I'm using strap extenders atm. I don't think cup has changed too much but they weight a ton! And my back has grown loads.

Attempting shopping with nausea, I may well sack it off and end up in itsu or bens cookies (a well known cookie shop here!)
27th I'm due but my other 2 have been late so fully expect this one to be late too lol.
I started to pop out at about 13 weeks, I already feel like a weeble lol

This made me laugh! And feel better.
You can definitely tell that I am pregnant and when people ask how far and I say 15 weeks I get the whole "are you sure there's only 1 in there" well funny you should ask....!

Radley my son keeps telling nursery I have 8 babies in my tummy. I guess it puts things in perspective!! Hopefully your husband can skip a day, im sure he will be full of cold that day if not...!

I really didnr want to find out, but im not sure I can do with the temptation. I recently was explained the skull theory. Which id never heard of. Ive have looked at my sons and friends scans and it has been accurate for them. It would indicate one of each (which would be incredible) so now I have this seed planted I think I need to find out!

My boobs went up 3 cup sizes by 8 weeks, however there wasnt much to write home about before so I was quite happy with this.

Researching buggies is a minefield! I swear there are more than there were 4 years ago. All doing weird and wonderful things. I may bury this until 24 weeks as its blown my mind!
Your son is a little monkey! Haha.

Had a quick look at the bugaboo donkey - anyone who says this fits through a door is in glue. They also had the mountain duo which looked a bit narrower. There is a cheaper make, my child, that do a side by side which is supposed to be narrower so I need to have a look at that too I think. Either way, I will be trawling gumtree and eBay because a new one is costs more than both our cars put together!

My friend is Mrs pro sling but balls to that all the time with two. My back is killing today just lugging me about, lol.

Itsu for lunch. The smell is pret made me gag as soon as I set foot in the door!
Just a reccomendation for doubles, if you don't want side by side, look at the oyster max. I used to work with pushchair and it was by far my fave to play with lol. I only need a single so I have no idea what I'm getting.

I hear you about the boobs, mine are impressive atm, they weren't much before kids, so feel like Pamela Anderson this time haha.
Ladies I am in need of a bit of advice. For the last week I have been suffering with terrible headaches which I assume are similar to migraines. I’ve never really suffered with headaches before now, just the occasional.

Has anyone got any remedies for me? I’ve taken paracetamol but that’s all.
Sorry to hear you’re having bad headaches sugarpop. If it persists perhaps ask your gp in case there is something you can take? Maybe there’s a migraine one suitable for preggo ladies?

Yep, I seem to have popped already but this is number 3 and I’ve read it’s common. I look about 5months! We still haven’t announced it so I’m glad it’s winter and I can hide it under a big coat on school runs lol!

Anyone tech savvy enough to start a Tri 2 thread? Not sure what happened to Shell:(

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