My scan went really well. Twin 1 was not cooperating and you could seem them using me as a tranpoline. Im 13+5 and due 10.07.19
Very excited now!View attachment 83183
Aww wow! How amazing! Glad all went well! beautiful pictures xx
My scan went really well. Twin 1 was not cooperating and you could seem them using me as a tranpoline. Im 13+5 and due 10.07.19
Very excited now!View attachment 83183
My scan went really well. Twin 1 was not cooperating and you could seem them using me as a tranpoline. Im 13+5 and due 10.07.19
Very excited now!View attachment 83183
Praying that everything is fine RadleyLovely pics
Are they similar in size? Mine still are a bit apart. The bigger one is fine, wriggling all over the place and refusing to cooperate to be measured. The smaller one is 8 days behind. The look the sonographer gave us was not confidence installing at all. She said the difference is very large (but it was this on the first scan here 5 weeks ago and it's still growing). So God knows. They say not to worry but also say there may be something wrong so I have to wait for the screening to come back before they decide to scan me again before 20 weeks or not.
There's nothing I can do and it feels awful to think one isn't OK, but it's still there and growing so I have no idea what I'm supposed to think. Gp said we just have to wait and see, I know that!
Lovely pics
Are they similar in size? Mine still are a bit apart. The bigger one is fine, wriggling all over the place and refusing to cooperate to be measured. The smaller one is 8 days behind. The look the sonographer gave us was not confidence installing at all. She said the difference is very large (but it was this on the first scan here 5 weeks ago and it's still growing). So God knows. They say not to worry but also say there may be something wrong so I have to wait for the screening to come back before they decide to scan me again before 20 weeks or not.
There's nothing I can do and it feels awful to think one isn't OK, but it's still there and growing so I have no idea what I'm supposed to think. Gp said we just have to wait and see, I know that!
That's no difference at all really so all reassuring x
The gap is more for mine, quite a bit more but as you said it is still the same as last time and they are growing so who knows.
I had to see work occi health today and ended up breaking down with the nurse. I think I've just been so unwell recently and this on top (although it may well all be fine) is just too much to get my head around atm. I'm just trying to concentrate on feeling well, getting the nasuea under control so I can eat and drink more. I'd like to feel excited and happy and I'm sure I will eventually but right now I can't imagine that, it's all been so draining.
Sorry for the moan. I know I'm lucky to be where I am, and j am grateful. I just hope this journey starts to get easier
Thanks ladies, it really means a lot. I think my thinking is the same as yours tbh, both are growing so that's good and hearts are beating away.
I think also being in my job doesn't help, not that it makes me worry more but it bugs me when people's bedside manner isn't as good as mine is. I explain everything and gain consent from my patient before I do anything and some of the staff I've met just don't do that and I honestly don't think it's good enough. If I treated every person like I've seen their complaint a hundred times before then their experience would be awful and they'd be scared. We don't work that way and I'm so glad we don't!
Still feeling sick but I'm definitely eating and drinking more, 6 glasses yesterday - that's lile a world record for me atm. Going to just keep plugging away at the resting and hopefully I'll feel a bit better.
No other scan yet. They said it depends on the screening bloods. So I'll hear soon if it's not good, or next week if it's fine.
I just want to feel normal but there's this cloud hanging over atm and I don't know how to get rid of it.
Those nuchual folds are all good measurements. Mine was alot higher, so had results fast tracked, but thankfully all came back low risk.
Epidural sounds like a good plan to me. Although 3rd time, make sure you get it quickly and haven't gone too far to have it, that wouldn't be fun.Lovely scan pics @Emmacharlotte
@Radleycat sorry you’re still worried. Keeping everything crossed for you that the littlest keeps up with its sibling.
Had my booking in. Since giving birth last time they’ve stopped using the green notes which I was pleased about - it was a pain bringing them everywhere lol! Seems like a better idea using an app
I’m considered High Risk as I had hypertension in my first (and post) labour, and Gestational Diabetes in my 2nd pregnancy.
She asked if I had a birth plan in mind and I said ‘yep, I’ll come straight in for an epidural’ my body is ok with pregnancy but doesn’t seem to agree with labour - the pain increases but I simply don’t dialate without drugs. So, 3rd time wiser and I’m going straight for the epidural. I might even enjoy it this time
12 week scan next week. Nausea and exhaustion are slowly going. I hope it’s just because I’m approaching 12 weeks and not because something’s wrong