***July 2018 Testing Thread***

My phone is rubbish as pics look blurry, maybe do a frer test tomorrow morning? Fingers crossed for you! X
My phone is awful at taking pictures. Even if i take from a distance and crop it its still blurred. Hopefully get a clearer reading over next few days
FX Laura

Sorry that the :witch: got you Welshgirl FX for next cycle :dust:
Ive just tested again! Even though i know i shouldve waited until the morning. But i can definitely see something.. can you?
Yes I can :) but it still looks blurry and not much colour to the line, is it pink in person? You should be able to see it more clearly in 24-48hrs and know for sure.
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Hi all! Congrats to all the BFPs so far! Just joining in. This is our 1st month TTC #2. Period hasn't actually returned since having my son (still BF) but I've felt ovulation pains at roughly the same time each month over the past 4 months. So I felt the ov pains both Friday & Sat so not sure when I ovulated? Didn't do an opk. We dtd then and since so may have just made it. I think that would put me at 6/7dpo. Not sure when to test - I felt burrowing at 3dpo and then sharper pain today similar to my first pregnancy. The last 2 days I've been feeling really nauseous and hot (but it's summer) but I keep saying to hubby it's boiling and he says it's not really. Have found my breasts oddly sore during my let downs and generally sore nipples. Increased cm. When do you reckon I should test? Before baby 1 I had a 10 day LP

I started testing from. 6dpo :rotfl: didn't get my bfp until 12dpo though so it depends how good you are at dealing with negatives?

Crumble :hugs:

Thanks! I got a BFP quite early with my 1st pregnancy - I think around 9dpo but yes I think I'll test tomorrow and keep going if I feel like I'm still feeling preggers
So I got impatient and decided to test tonight with non FMU. It was a bit half assed - peed directly on it cos I didn't have a receptacle to hand, only managed to catch it in the flow about half the time I was meant to submerge it etc. But I put myself about 7/8dpo and there was a very faint but definitely there mark. Hubby said he easily saw it too. I'll test again properly with FMU and dip in the morning. I was fully expecting a negative thinking it was far too early even if actually pregnant lol
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Congratulations Laura!!! I've been checking for your update, amazing news! :)
Congrats Laura!

July has been a very bfp heavy month!
Congrats laura and blank page!

I think I had the teeniest bit of spotting yesterday, due af in the next couple of days so we'll see what happens. Had bfn a few days ago but I'm not out till the witch arrives!

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Congrats Laura! I did a test with FMU this morning and negative but since a few hours later I've been feeling super nauseous and light headed so I'll test again in a few days. It might just be too early (or I'm just ill)
:dust: YAY!!!! congratulations Laura!!!!
Congratulations Laura!!!! So happy for you :pompom:
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