***July 2018 Testing Thread***

AF arrived for me :wall2: :wall2: :wall2:

I have been tossing up going to the GP early for months now, and I think I'll go and see what they think about my cycle. For me, having a 10 day LP and 2 day AF - is all conveniently the lower end of "normal" and I just can't see how that's the right environment for implantation to happen. It hasn't been 12 months yet, so I will accept if they say to come back at the end of the year. I might just flag it and see what happens.

Fingers crossed for more BFPs to come x

I would definitely make an appointment to see your GP, if you have concerns or questions they will reassure you with answers or at least give you some guidance and advice. Otherwise you will just be stressing over things that maybe you dont need to stress about :hugs:

I am having a smear on monday - lovely :roll: but oh and me are also sitting down with my doctor to discuss, basically ttc :dohh: and the put my concerns at ease, which are genuine health concerns.

I wish you all the luck for the next cycle :dust: <3
Thanks ladies. I&#8217;m sure the answer is &#8220;it&#8217;s normal and fine&#8221; but we shall see. Good luck for your cycle IVW! x
No symptoms for me Laura. I've had the same flatlined temperature 36.6 for 4 days in a row after a slow increase which is only just above my coverline. I'm worried that i might not have ovulated. I've been trying my best not to over-think things. I'm hungry all the time but I usually am during luteal phase. What about you, any symptoms?
No symptoms for me Laura. I've had the same flatlined temperature 36.6 for 4 days in a row after a slow increase which is only just above my coverline. I'm worried that i might not have ovulated. I've been trying my best not to over-think things. I'm hungry all the time but I usually am during luteal phase. What about you, any symptoms?

Oh no, hope thats not the case.
Im driving myself crazy symptom spotting. Ive had slight mild cramping here and there over the last couple of days but that could be where im eating like a pig!

Why are pregnancy and af symptoms so similar :roll:
Tell me about it, before ttc i never had cramps so soon before a period and last month when i had cramps I convinced myself it was implantation. It's the heightened awareness of our bodily processes
playing tricks with us. Or it could actually be something good going on. Sending lots of luck your way. :)
AF arrived for me :wall2: :wall2: :wall2:

I have been tossing up going to the GP early for months now, and I think I'll go and see what they think about my cycle. For me, having a 10 day LP and 2 day AF - is all conveniently the lower end of "normal" and I just can't see how that's the right environment for implantation to happen. It hasn't been 12 months yet, so I will accept if they say to come back at the end of the year. I might just flag it and see what happens.

Fingers crossed for more BFPs to come x

If it helps you feel better, my periods were normally 2-3 days long (super light to boot) and I was a luteal phase spotter. My LP was 13-14 days, but I spotted almost the entire time. I still got pregnant, took me 4-5 months. What really helped me was Conception pills. The first month I started them was the month I got pregnant and I didn't spot during the two week wait.

AF arrived for me :wall2: :wall2: :wall2:

I have been tossing up going to the GP early for months now, and I think I'll go and see what they think about my cycle. For me, having a 10 day LP and 2 day AF - is all conveniently the lower end of "normal" and I just can't see how that's the right environment for implantation to happen. It hasn't been 12 months yet, so I will accept if they say to come back at the end of the year. I might just flag it and see what happens.

Fingers crossed for more BFPs to come x

If it helps you feel better, my periods were normally 2-3 days long (super light to boot) and I was a luteal phase spotter. My LP was 13-14 days, but I spotted almost the entire time. I still got pregnant, took me 4-5 months. What really helped me was Conception pills. The first month I started them was the month I got pregnant and I didn't spot during the two week wait.


*IVW opens up amazon and out comes to bank card* :lol:

Will defo look into purchasing these next month :dance:
Tell me about it, before ttc i never had cramps so soon before a period and last month when i had cramps I convinced myself it was implantation. It's the heightened awareness of our bodily processes
playing tricks with us. Or it could actually be something good going on. Sending lots of luck your way. :)

FX for us both!
AF arrived for me :wall2: :wall2: :wall2:

I have been tossing up going to the GP early for months now, and I think I'll go and see what they think about my cycle. For me, having a 10 day LP and 2 day AF - is all conveniently the lower end of "normal" and I just can't see how that's the right environment for implantation to happen. It hasn't been 12 months yet, so I will accept if they say to come back at the end of the year. I might just flag it and see what happens.

Fingers crossed for more BFPs to come x

If it helps you feel better, my periods were normally 2-3 days long (super light to boot) and I was a luteal phase spotter. My LP was 13-14 days, but I spotted almost the entire time. I still got pregnant, took me 4-5 months. What really helped me was Conception pills. The first month I started them was the month I got pregnant and I didn't spot during the two week wait.


Thanks so much alwayscoffee. I'm still hopeful that we can get pregnant, i'm just sure these factors are not helping it along! I'm not keen to start on any supplements right now (e.g. vitex) - just because I am ovulating regularly and my cycles are in the average range.. I don't want to mess with my cycles right now. Perhaps after I get some bloods done, I'll get a better idea of what my progesterone is doing and take it from there :)
Hi all! Congrats to all the BFPs so far! Just joining in. This is our 1st month TTC #2. Period hasn't actually returned since having my son (still BF) but I've felt ovulation pains at roughly the same time each month over the past 4 months. So I felt the ov pains both Friday & Sat so not sure when I ovulated? Didn't do an opk. We dtd then and since so may have just made it. I think that would put me at 6/7dpo. Not sure when to test - I felt burrowing at 3dpo and then sharper pain today similar to my first pregnancy. The last 2 days I've been feeling really nauseous and hot (but it's summer) but I keep saying to hubby it's boiling and he says it's not really. Have found my breasts oddly sore during my let downs and generally sore nipples. Increased cm. When do you reckon I should test? Before baby 1 I had a 10 day LP
Hi all! Congrats to all the BFPs so far! Just joining in. This is our 1st month TTC #2. Period hasn't actually returned since having my son (still BF) but I've felt ovulation pains at roughly the same time each month over the past 4 months. So I felt the ov pains both Friday & Sat so not sure when I ovulated? Didn't do an opk. We dtd then and since so may have just made it. I think that would put me at 6/7dpo. Not sure when to test - I felt burrowing at 3dpo and then sharper pain today similar to my first pregnancy. The last 2 days I've been feeling really nauseous and hot (but it's summer) but I keep saying to hubby it's boiling and he says it's not really. Have found my breasts oddly sore during my let downs and generally sore nipples. Increased cm. When do you reckon I should test? Before baby 1 I had a 10 day LP

I started testing from. 6dpo :rotfl: didn't get my bfp until 12dpo though so it depends how good you are at dealing with negatives?

Crumble :hugs:
I started testing from. 6dpo :rotfl: didn't get my bfp until 12dpo though so it depends how good you are at dealing with negatives?

Crumble :hugs:
Did you have no line at all until 12dpo? I&#8217;m curious as I tested at 9dpo and got nothing but I normally get AF at 10-11dpo and so far nothing
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I started testing from. 6dpo :rotfl: didn't get my bfp until 12dpo though so it depends how good you are at dealing with negatives?

Crumble :hugs:
Did you have no line at all until 12dpo? I’m curious as I tested at 9dpo and got nothing but I normally get AF at 10-11dpo and so far nothing

You could get a positive after 14 days from ovulation, either if you got a short LP
Symptom spotting like mad. So af isnt due until tuesday. But the last few days ive felt mild cramping. Feeling bloated, nauseous first thing in the morning and before i go to bed and an increased anount of discharge for the last week or so. I am 10dpo took a test this morning and got a bfn. Anyone had same symptoms and had a bfp?
I have terrible line eyes anyway, but could you do a closer picture :) fx

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