July 2007 Babies

hey xena :wave:

your due on my birthday :cheer:

welcome to the july babies club

Our due date for bundle is on the 5th July 2007. We are so excited & it will be a lovely brother or sister for Tiegan who is 14 months. It's going to be hard work but will be totally worth it.

Good luck to everyone else out there for a happy & healthy time.

Juls x
hi, im due 21st july 2007 so can i please join summer babies??
sorry totally forgot bout this but please could i be removed from the list as i m/c recently at 13 weeks.

Many thanks, good luck to everyone :hug:
Hi i'm new here i'm Rach 26 and due 1st baby on 10th July got my scan tomorrow 22nd excited!! everyone seems so friendly here :lol:
Hey guys, hope your all doing well & feeling alot better.
Anyone heard from Lynn_03 ? havent seen much from her lately....
hey guys finally got my internet working again :cheer:

i have got to say dont use sky broadband they have messed me around for over 3 wks now :(

how is everyone gettin on? we're all nearing the middle of the pregnancy now which is great news, and i've started to feel LO moving quite a bit now its lovely and reassuring :)

got my anatomy scan next friday 9th march really lookin forward to it and its my weddin anniversary on the 11th of march to so next weekend will be great all round :D

when are everyone elses scans?

take care Lyn x
Hi Lyn, and welcome aidanbump, Rach and Shellie!

I had my anomoly scan a couple of weeks ago and all was fine. Little tyke is keeping his gender a secret though and kept legs crossed. We both think its a boy so we are refering to he rather than it - but before I told my friend she saw 3 sets of 3 magpies, so she is convinced its a girl!

Not too many sympoms now - the worst is not being able to stay asleep all night, which is making me really tired. Don't know why this is - midwife thinks hormones are to blame, as she is going though the same with her memopause, but can't offer any solutions unfortunately. I'm off the Italy in a couple of weeks, and hoping to get plenty of relaxation in there.

Only other symptoms seem to be dry skin and hair, and constant hunger!

Feeling alot of movements now, which I really like. Last friday they were really strong, and hubby felt it for the first time, which was fab for him.

We have now started to buy some stuff, so it is feeling more real. We are having the house rewired when we are on hols (dreading comeing back - imagining the mess!) but once this is done, we can really get motoring with the nursery and getting everything together.

So thats me! Hope everyone else is well and happy!

I am actually due on the 7th July! Although babies bound not to come on 07/07/07!!

Can you please move me

Due on July3rd, but have my doubts about getting to my due date!

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