Had my booking in today. Got off to a bad start as midwife had not been told about the appointment so waited for ages before she came. After that seemed to be fine. I told her fears of having a missed niscarriage but she said not to worry - if I still felt pregnant I was! Not sure if this was much help - but am going to try to be positive now, and hopelfully the scan date will come around quickly.
I have started to tell people at work as I am officially 12 weeks today (ticker says 11 because thats what I think, but midwife agreed with doctor based on LMP date rther than conception date). It is our Christmas party tonight and I am staying over at the hotel as I live miles away, so not drinking will be a giveaway anyway. It has cheered me up seeing other peoples reactions.
Anyway, I'll be offline from tomorrow until after christmas as my home computer struggles to cope with the site, so I will wish you all a lovely Christmas and New year.