Hi ladies,
I'm 41 and had IVF twins in 2009. IVF was because I have only one ovary and the tube was blocked in 2008 because of endometriosis.
I use an app on my tablet that predicts your period and fertile days based on you inputting the first day of each period.. my cycle is usually bang on 28 days so the app is really good at predicting when i'm due. It said I ovulated on 14th jan, but we did the deed the 15th early morning. Since then, weird weird symptoms like feeling of fullness in the womb, slight tingly pain in the womb in one specific place from the 24th until today along with pink liquid when i wipe on the 24th which has now changed to slight brown occassionally yesterday and today. I did a superdrug HPT yesterday and this morning. BFN. I'm due this Thursday for AF. I've just read that after implantation spotting it takes 4-5 days before a HPT will register HCg because of processing it in your kidneys and eventually getting to your urine.... I'm really clutching at straws here and wishing.
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone, and that I will be testing Friday if AF doesn't arrive Thursday!
Anyone else testing 29th?
Good luck everyone