**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Evening All,

I hate to moan, because this is a blessing after all, but i'm really hanging today.

I'm either hungry, so I eat then I fee sick or I just feel sick. I can't get comfy when I sit down. Work has completely wiped me out, before I get home and do all the chores while sorting out my nearly 3 year old.

I don't know what to do for the best. I'm also feeling super hormonal, so i'm either tired and mardy or fuming and near tears.

I've decided to try pizza for tea, so that's in the oven. Then, I think i'll just take my mardy self off to bed!

Alipops x
11weeks and I think it's fair to say I've popped!


With regards to the internal or external scan, with my first baby I expected an internal so went with an empty bladder and was gutted at because they wanted to do an external.

So, with this baby I fully intended to have a full bladder but just couldn't hold it so I only managed a cup of water in the waiting room. Anyway, with the two early scans I've had this pregnancy they've been external on a near empty bladder and the images have been very clear - I think it's down to the skill of the sonographer on the day. I find internals quite uncomfortable but more because they creepy me out!x

Belfa, is that your renovated house?? And that's an impressive 11 week bump! I'm paranoid people are looking at me like I ate a whole greggs counter!!!

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Yes! That's the only angle where you can't see any junk :lol:. It's very hard at the top to my belly button and then it's jiggly underneath still so I'm hoping it stays like this and fills out at the bottom by 20weeks rather than just keeps growing....!

Had the full booking appointment yesterday, all paper work done and bloods/urine sample done. Feels more real now! I'm obviously high risk, which I knew, so I'm under the consultant I had last time, but gutted to learn he's leaving in the summer :( so I'll only see him for the 12 week appointment.. I just hope someone takes over his clients and I'm not passed around different consultants as that can happen.

Our new maternity unit is suppose to be open before January , so I'm hoping it is! It will have its own theatre rooms. It's coming on ok.

I'm still feeling exhausted... Also - anyone have hot feet?? they're on fire and it's driving me mad.

Fab bump belfa. I've started to pop out a little, only bloat at the moment but it is my 5th so I expected it.

We have a 9 week scan on Saturday, staying over in a hotel in Manchester on the Friday night, looking forward to some time together :) and the scan!!! Mega excited/nervous ! Hope everyone is ok xx
Also we said yes to having the downs testing at the 12 weeks scan. These weren't available in my first 3 pregnancies and I didn't have it last time, I'm not overally worried, just never had it before. It used to just be a blood test done at 16 weeks - which I only had the once anyway. Should receive scan date letter by the end of the week . Exciting xx
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Evening All,

I hate to moan, because this is a blessing after all, but i'm really hanging today.

I'm either hungry, so I eat then I fee sick or I just feel sick. I can't get comfy when I sit down. Work has completely wiped me out, before I get home and do all the chores while sorting out my nearly 3 year old.

I don't know what to do for the best. I'm also feeling super hormonal, so i'm either tired and mardy or fuming and near tears.

I've decided to try pizza for tea, so that's in the oven. Then, I think i'll just take my mardy self off to bed!

Alipops x

LOL Ali, this is me!! I almost cried in asda cause i couldnt decide on what i wanted to eat, so resorted to a pizza. OH is sorting his own dinners cause what i can eat is junk lol x
11weeks and I think it's fair to say I've popped!


With regards to the internal or external scan, with my first baby I expected an internal so went with an empty bladder and was gutted at because they wanted to do an external.

So, with this baby I fully intended to have a full bladder but just couldn't hold it so I only managed a cup of water in the waiting room. Anyway, with the two early scans I've had this pregnancy they've been external on a near empty bladder and the images have been very clear - I think it's down to the skill of the sonographer on the day. I find internals quite uncomfortable but more because they creepy me out!x

Lovely bump already! Im near 9 weeks, and just look like ive had a right good dinner :lol: which in fairness isn't too far from the truth, ive ate crap most days since the sickness came on :lol:
Got my scan date .. ! letter has come today! That was fast! July 11th :) by lmp dates I'll be 13+1.. but think I'm a few days behind that so it should be fine for the testing. Good to have a date to look forward to!

I've also been eating a lot of crap Carly! Sometimes all I fancy is some biscuits... not easy to eat anything when you're feeling so sick! Xx
Ahh It is so lovely to see everyone's updates. Belfa your bump looks fab! Im 10 weeks now and have picked up heartbeat on doppler from 9 weeks (with full bladder). I have read that it's unsafe and a terrible idea to use a doppler but for me petsonally I already had it and I am using it to hear hb rather than because Im bleeding or anything worrying.
Anyway, I have been loving junk food recently too and I am totally exhausted! I dont think I have a bump yet but at certain times of the day I look as if I have a bunp, think its bloat!! X
Got my scan date .. ! letter has come today! That was fast! July 11th :) by lmp dates I'll be 13+1.. but think I'm a few days behind that so it should be fine for the testing. Good to have a date to look forward to!

I've also been eating a lot of crap Carly! Sometimes all I fancy is some biscuits... not easy to eat anything when you're feeling so sick! Xx

I am a biscuit, Pom Bear, potato Waffle addict lately! FYI Potato waffles cook in minutes in the TOASTER.. that was a game changer. Sickness comes on, stick them in, sit on the floor until it pops :lol:

Im going to ring later about my 12 week NHS scan, still not heard anything :sad: x
Ahh It is so lovely to see everyone's updates. Belfa your bump looks fab! Im 10 weeks now and have picked up heartbeat on doppler from 9 weeks (with full bladder). I have read that it's unsafe and a terrible idea to use a doppler but for me petsonally I already had it and I am using it to hear hb rather than because Im bleeding or anything worrying.
Anyway, I have been loving junk food recently too and I am totally exhausted! I dont think I have a bump yet but at certain times of the day I look as if I have a bunp, think its bloat!! X

Where did you buy a Doppler? I'l not even certain id know what one looks like! How is it unsafe? I'd most definitely become addicted to listening x
Oh selina that's fab! How exciting! I have a Doppler from previous pregnancies, I found it around 10 weeks with my last boy, it's a sonoline B, I found it great to have, just lovely to hear it , I didn't use it for any medical reasons.
Got mine off amazon I think Carly , or eBay. Was brand new. Around £30 xx
Hi ladies,

Just went for my 7 week scan at the fertility clinic. All is well and she picked up a heartbeat and said she could see little arms and legs growing!! Amazing!

So relieved as I had been so nervous.

Due date is January 27th!
Ahh It is so lovely to see everyone's updates. Belfa your bump looks fab! Im 10 weeks now and have picked up heartbeat on doppler from 9 weeks (with full bladder). I have read that it's unsafe and a terrible idea to use a doppler but for me petsonally I already had it and I am using it to hear hb rather than because Im bleeding or anything worrying.
Anyway, I have been loving junk food recently too and I am totally exhausted! I dont think I have a bump yet but at certain times of the day I look as if I have a bunp, think its bloat!! X

Ah me too, I usually eat really heathy, But recently all I want is shit!
Its making me feel really bad!
Veg makes me want to vom!
So im having to try and eat the best of the worst!
Not really helping when im trying not to put on more weight x
Ahh It is so lovely to see everyone's updates. Belfa your bump looks fab! Im 10 weeks now and have picked up heartbeat on doppler from 9 weeks (with full bladder). I have read that it's unsafe and a terrible idea to use a doppler but for me petsonally I already had it and I am using it to hear hb rather than because Im bleeding or anything worrying.
Anyway, I have been loving junk food recently too and I am totally exhausted! I dont think I have a bump yet but at certain times of the day I look as if I have a bunp, think its bloat!! X

Ah me too, I usually eat really heathy, But recently all I want is shit!
Its making me feel really bad!
Veg makes me want to vom!
So im having to try and eat the best of the worst!
Not really helping when im trying not to put on more weight x

The OH is sorting his own dinners, chicken rice and brocolli, most nights in fact, thats his only meal he can successfully make i think.. i was almost sick on walking in the house last night. Just smelt like trump URGH

Counting beans as one of my 5 a day, not sure i can count oven chips and breaded chicken though? :lol: Living on dry carbs! Beans are good for the going loo thing though.. Not all bad haha
Ahh It is so lovely to see everyone's updates. Belfa your bump looks fab! Im 10 weeks now and have picked up heartbeat on doppler from 9 weeks (with full bladder). I have read that it's unsafe and a terrible idea to use a doppler but for me petsonally I already had it and I am using it to hear hb rather than because Im bleeding or anything worrying.
Anyway, I have been loving junk food recently too and I am totally exhausted! I dont think I have a bump yet but at certain times of the day I look as if I have a bunp, think its bloat!! X

Where did you buy a Doppler? I'l not even certain id know what one looks like! How is it unsafe? I'd most definitely become addicted to listening x

Count the kicks charity are discouraging people from ising them as if you have reduced movements but check for hb yourself baby still may be having problems. I mean for us so early thats not an issue so think its further down the line. Obviously if anyine had reducedmovements you go straight to the hospital but Im assuming people must have used dopplers and picked up hb but things werent ok. I think too that if you cpuldnt find hb thst brings distress.

I got mine on ebay too x

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