**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

This is what I woke up to this morning, even the husband was like wooooah! Where did that come from ?


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This is what I woke up to this morning, even the husband was like wooooah! Where did that come from ?

Aww, lovely bump!! Looks a lot like mine from that angle! Every time I'm getting changed or anything my OH is like WOW, baby got bigger in 1 day!!! Hahahaha x
The problem is i'm a bigger girl anyway, I don't want people to just think ive let myself go! Especially as all my friends that have had kids are all skinny and didn't show until they were 20 + weeks lol.
ive been weighing myself and ive not put on any weight! Which is good I guess!
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Lovely bumps! :) My belly is getting harder to hide! I'm going to come clean to a few people after the scan on Saturday.
Scan went really well.... got to see baby move and hear the heartbeat :-) so exciting!! I want to tell the family but OH wants to wait another two weeks
Anyway have another scan in 4 weeks, wasn't meant to get another one till I'm 20weeks?! When the midwife seen how freaked out I was by that she gave me another one in 4 weeks for reassurance.


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Scan went really well.... got to see baby move and hear the heartbeat :-) so exciting!! I want to tell the family but OH wants to wait another two weeks
Anyway have another scan in 4 weeks, wasn't meant to get another one till I'm 20weeks?! When the midwife seen how freaked out I was by that she gave me another one in 4 weeks for reassurance.

Wonderful scan! How far gone are you? Xx
Here is my wee jelly bean today. No clues as to why I've been bleeding, I'm 8+3 today but she said I was more like 9. The next scan will be more accurate I'm sure. For now I'm just delighted that everything looks OK!

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Scan went really well.... got to see baby move and hear the heartbeat :-) so exciting!! I want to tell the family but OH wants to wait another two weeks
Anyway have another scan in 4 weeks, wasn't meant to get another one till I'm 20weeks?! When the midwife seen how freaked out I was by that she gave me another one in 4 weeks for reassurance.

Wonderful scan! How far gone are you? Xx

9+3 :-)
My bloat was coming after lunch but now I'm waking up like it all the time! Don't see it going away now, just going to get bigger I think!!
Scan went really well.... got to see baby move and hear the heartbeat :-) so exciting!! I want to tell the family but OH wants to wait another two weeks
Anyway have another scan in 4 weeks, wasn't meant to get another one till I'm 20weeks?! When the midwife seen how freaked out I was by that she gave me another one in 4 weeks for reassurance.

Wonderful scan! How far gone are you? Xx

9+3 :-)

I'll be similar to you on Monday when I go! Can't wait :)
Awsome scans i get another in three weeks to check on the heamatoma hopefully all is well
Ahh scans all look gorgeous! Seeing these babies makes it all feel so real now! :)
Ahhh just found out my best friend is pregnant! She's just taken a test!
Im so excited for her!!
our kids will be 3 months apart!
Eeeeeee! xxx
Ive woken up today like pregnancy has hit me in the face! 3.30am im awake, i need a wee, i have indigestion, i feel clammy, i feel sick. After a few hours of tossing about, i got back to sleep. Then today!! I have the metal mouth ive read about, im hot, SO HOT! Tummy feels like a washing machine, i am exhausted. I am taking this as a sign i must be having some kind of hormonal surge, or a baby growth spurt.. Ive had it pretty easy up to now, didn't know how lucky i was :sad:

Lulla Bell, thats great news! I found out a girl i work with is 5 weeks pregnant. must have been giving off vibes casuse we both felt the need to confide! lol x
I'm pretty happy so far lol had a bit of nausea and exhaustion early on bit feel good now fingers crossed it stays that way
Yay scan tomorrow !! :) :) excited and nervous. So glad it's Friday, work has been manic today! How's everyone? I'm finding the symptoms easing again. Apart from the tiredness and nausea lingering! Xx
I had to come home early from work today as I was just hideously tired! Luckily we cam do flexi hours and Im in on my day off on Tuesday anyway so it balances out ok. Is anyone else just struggling to concentrate or get motivated- Im worse in afternoon and then falling asleep by 8pm! X
I had to come home early from work today as I was just hideously tired! Luckily we cam do flexi hours and Im in on my day off on Tuesday anyway so it balances out ok. Is anyone else just struggling to concentrate or get motivated- Im worse in afternoon and then falling asleep by 8pm! X

This is exactly me yep!!

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