Hi guys. I've had a terrible few days as I discovered that my husband has been cheating on me. I'll spare the details but I am a total mess so I can't help alleviate anyone's stresses!
I have my booking in app tomorrow afternoon and I hope she refers me for another scan as I fear my pregnancy has been compromised. I also urgently need therapy as the details of what he has done are worthy of an episode or Coronation Street!!
I feel sick at the thought of raising a toddler and new born on my own x
So sorry to hear Belfa... I really hope you manage to lift your spirits higher and get through this. Remember if you need to talk we are all here and I am sure your family and friends are too. It is the lowest of the low to be cheating on your partner when she's fallen pregnant with your child.
How long has he been doing this if you don't mind me asking? Sounds like the biggest jerk ever to me. I really hope you feel better soon and everything works out xx
So sorry to hear Belfa... I really hope you manage to lift your spirits higher and get through this. Remember if you need to talk we are all here and I am sure your family and friends are too. It is the lowest of the low to be cheating on your partner when she's fallen pregnant with your child.
How long has he been doing this if you don't mind me asking? Sounds like the biggest jerk ever to me. I really hope you feel better soon and everything works out xx
Thanks! Family and friends have been great though obviously no one knows how to guide me.
I am going to let him come back in to the spare room which probably sounds crazy to you but part this grief is two fold, there's the grief of what he's done and then the grief of loosing him and from that stems the difficulty in bringing a new born home alone.
Not long, I think (and again I'm not making excuses) he has a mental problem, whether he's severely depressed or is bipolar I don't know but there's something about the way he conducts life as a whole that isn't right. He basically joined some websites to meet women on and ended up sleeping with one of them - that's playing it down massively!x
Ali - wish I had 10hrs sleep! Think I got about 2, and feeling rotten today stomach and back pain and my throats soreI'll mention the stomach pain to midwife this morning. Xx