**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Hey ladies I think I'm up to date, If I've left anyone out can you give me a nudge please?
How you feeling Lula? Yes I would love a girl too Ali and I do feel different but they're all different aren't they! So it's hard to tell! we're not finding out anyway. Unless I change my mind by then!:)
Elsa you may aswel get the ball rolling. It's exciting that we're all having our appointments soon and some scans! Eeeek!!
How you feeling Lula? Yes I would love a girl too Ali and I do feel different but they're all different aren't they! So it's hard to tell! we're not finding out anyway. Unless I change my mind by then!:)

Emotionally drained! I had loads of sickness before my granddad passed away and now ive had none. So i'm freaking out a bit! My loss in jan was the same time as my nan passed away so Im just a little worried the stress will hit me again.
Although I still cant poop and the fatigue is REAL!
How are you ?
My symptoms have eased aswel, it's scary isn't it but try not to worry! Enjoy not feeling sick! :) I'm tired and with the hot weather it's adding to it! And I've had thrush already!! :( the joys. Have you got your 12 week scan booked? Xx
How you feeling Lula? Yes I would love a girl too Ali and I do feel different but they're all different aren't they! So it's hard to tell! we're not finding out anyway. Unless I change my mind by then!:)

Emotionally drained! I had loads of sickness before my granddad passed away and now ive had none. So i'm freaking out a bit! My loss in jan was the same time as my nan passed away so Im just a little worried the stress will hit me again.
Although I still cant poop and the fatigue is REAL!
How are you ?

Lots of love to you Lulla!

My symptoms have eased a lot since last week. Tiniest feeling of sickness about this kind of time, and SOOO TIRED but apart from that, nothing much.. unless i am just used to all the other symptoms now lol x
Morning All,

I'm feeling so much better at the moment, just by not having that morning rush to work and drop off at nursery. Midwife has phoned and asked me to come in earlier at midday for my Booking Appt. Probably won't get 12 week scan date today, I think they post them out here, or they did when I was last pregnant.

Then, as Zac is at nursery i've got the rest of the day to myself - which is very exciting! Not entirely sure what I'm going to do with my day, but just pottering will make a change.

Alipops x
Popped up to the doctors this morning appointment is for 8th June that feels like ages away! But hopefully it will fly by.

Fatigue galore here cant believe i was sooo tired at only 9pm last night lol and tender boobs is not fun when it feels like bra is just rubbing me up the wrong way

Kids are all at school last day before half term so just gonna do a tidy up before a week of the house looking like a dumping ground then feet up for rest of the day xx
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Popped up to the doctors this morning appointment is for 8th June that feels like ages away! But hopefully it will fly by.

Fatigue galore here cant believe i was sooo tired at only 9pm last night lol and tender boobs is not fun when it feels like bra is just rubbing me up the wrong way

Kids are all at school last day before half term so just gonna do a tidy up before a week of the house looking like a dumping ground then feet up for rest of the day xx

I got some fab wireless Bras from pound shop of all places! They're AWFUL to look at, but very comfy to wear in bed x
Thank you Carly might do a mini bra shop over the weekend.

Ps welcome to the new ladies xx
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Petals - that's great your appt is booked in! The midwives here don't tend to do first appt before 8 weeks. I've just been to the doctors and that's what I was told xx
8 weeks! Woooooooo!
Im hoping the next 4 weeks go quickly!
How are we all? xx
Early scan today! Little heartbeat beating strong- phew!!! ��
Early scan today! Little heartbeat beating strong- phew!!! ��

How many weeks are you? Congrats on seeing the tiny flicker!
I got my 12 weeks scan date though today, for the 22nd of jan 3+5 to go :D

So my sex drive has been really low since about 4 weeks.
8 weeks today and its hit me like a train. The husband is actually complaining anyone else noticed a sudden urge?
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Early scan today! Little heartbeat beating strong- phew!!! ��

How many weeks are you? Congrats on seeing the tiny flicker!
I got my 12 weeks scan date though today, for the 22nd of jan 3+5 to go :D

So my sex drive has been really low since about 4 weeks.
8 weeks today and its hit me like a train. The husband is actually complaining anyone else noticed a sudden urge?

I've always had a high sex drive ever since having sex for the first time. I'm just over 7 weeks pg now and I've still maintained that high sex drive. Not sure whether it'll last or fade away but OH is still remaining lucky! Lol xx
Early scan today! Little heartbeat beating strong- phew!!! ��

How many weeks are you? Congrats on seeing the tiny flicker!
I got my 12 weeks scan date though today, for the 22nd of jan 3+5 to go :D

So my sex drive has been really low since about 4 weeks.
8 weeks today and its hit me like a train. The husband is actually complaining anyone else noticed a sudden urge?

I've always had a high sex drive ever since having sex for the first time. I'm just over 7 weeks pg now and I've still maintained that high sex drive. Not sure whether it'll last or fade away but OH is still remaining lucky! Lol xx

Usually I do, but as soon as I found out it just disappeared, Not sure if they was because my midwife told me that too much can cause spotting, so It just scared me.

But its back now! With vengeance, I just wish the cramps after the Big O weren't so intense .
Ive been in pain ever since
Early scan today! Little heartbeat beating strong- phew!!! ��

How many weeks are you? Congrats on seeing the tiny flicker!
I got my 12 weeks scan date though today, for the 22nd of jan 3+5 to go :D

So my sex drive has been really low since about 4 weeks.
8 weeks today and its hit me like a train. The husband is actually complaining anyone else noticed a sudden urge?

I'm 7 weeks + 2 x

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