*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Brilliant news Kate! :)

Wow Rhiandell!!!! Just wow! I can't imagine, I bet you are pretty shocked but imagine it's exciting! And natural as well, how amazing. Are the differences with a non ident and an singleton pregnancy factors fairly vast then? Xxxxx
Rhian dell that's crazy news. Really happy for everyone who has had their scans. I had mine last Thursday. They have brought my dd forward by a week which I don't understand as I only has sent. Once towards the middle/end of cycle. Anyway my new due date is 17th Jan which makes me 13 weeks tomorrow.

On another note, I'm still so I'll! No sickness, just no energy at all, feeling lightheaded and generally crap. I spent all day in bed yesterday as I felt.faint every time I lift my head! I've been to the docs today and he said my blood pressure is normal and blood results normal! I keep thinking I'm going going crazy and I'm imagining it all and being lazy. I haven't showered for days as I can't face it. What is wrong with me!! I've been off work for 3 weeks and doc has signed me off for another 2 weeks. The thought of having to get dressed and go to work is scary!
I didn't realise the screening was any different? We consented to the bloods & then they sent results for both babies. Non identical are classed as low risk so even though consultant led the next scan would be 20 weeks then every 4 weeks after that. Do you have any children already or are these your first? Being non identical do you have twins in the family? X
Rhian dell that's crazy news. Really happy for everyone who has had their scans. I had mine last Thursday. They have brought my dd forward by a week which I don't understand as I only has sent. Once towards the middle/end of cycle. Anyway my new due date is 17th Jan which makes me 13 weeks tomorrow.

On another note, I'm still so I'll! No sickness, just no energy at all, feeling lightheaded and generally crap. I spent all day in bed yesterday as I felt.faint every time I lift my head! I've been to the docs today and he said my blood pressure is normal and blood results normal! I keep thinking I'm going going crazy and I'm imagining it all and being lazy. I haven't showered for days as I can't face it. What is wrong with me!! I've been off work for 3 weeks and doc has signed me off for another 2 weeks. The thought of having to get dressed and go to work is scary!

Princess, have they checked for your metal health as well as physical? Your symptoms sound very much alike myself when I was in a low place - very subconsciously mind as I thought I was okay, but couldn't get out of bed, rarely showered or looked after myself and God the idea of leaving my house let alone work wasn't even entertained. As with any 'illness' it's always best to catch things early..,,, sorry if you find my suggestion in appropriate! ❤️ Xxxxx
I didn't realise the screening was any different? We consented to the bloods & then they sent results for both babies. Non identical are classed as low risk so even though consultant led the next scan would be 20 weeks then every 4 weeks after that. Do you have any children already or are these your first? Being non identical do you have twins in the family? X
They explained that it's not the screening itself that's different, but going forward from that. Screening is less accurate with twins, mainly because of lack of data. And the risk with the diagnostic tests is higher with twins, since they have to stick the needle in twice. And depending on the result... They can inject something that stops the heart of one baby, but it will stay where it is. So there's a lot more to think about.
So if I still want the screening I need a new appointment after we have had time to think it all over.

My paternal grandmother was a twin, but I never really thought about it, since I've been told it usually passes on the female side. And I didn't really have any contact with her.

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Princess, sorry to hear your feeling shit. I'm dead tired too. Feel like I can't get through the day without a nap. My friend was completely exhausted for almost her entire second pregnancy. She got out of the bed only to move to the couch and go back to sleep. So it's not that unusual. But I agree with BlondeP too, it could be psychological. Take care of yourself sweetie.

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Gosh I didn't realise how much you had to consider with twins. Even if the tests come back as high for us, we don't want the needle in the bump bit.... It's a risk I just don't want to take. Xxxx
I didn't realise the screening was any different? We consented to the bloods & then they sent results for both babies. Non identical are classed as low risk so even though consultant led the next scan would be 20 weeks then every 4 weeks after that. Do you have any children already or are these your first? Being non identical do you have twins in the family? X
They explained that it's not the screening itself that's different, but going forward from that. Screening is less accurate with twins, mainly because of lack of data. And the risk with the diagnostic tests is higher with twins, since they have to stick the needle in twice. And depending on the result... They can inject something that stops the heart of one baby, but it will stay where it is. So there's a lot more to think about.
So if I still want the screening I need a new appointment after we have had time to think it all over.

My paternal grandmother was a twin, but I never really thought about it, since I've been told it usually passes on the female side. And I didn't really have any contact with her.

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Crikey we never got told any of that, we've had the blood test & it's come back low risk but tbh it wouldn't have made a difference for us & wouldn't have had any amino or anything we just would have had the awareness.

Wow looks like it's come round to you, how exciting :-)
Princess sorry your having such a rough ride sounds like your really struggling :-( I agree with Blonde my friend suffers from anxiety & has what she calls her "down days" but describes the same as what you have been having ? X
What a surprise Rhiandell! That’s funny!
I had a suspected hydrosalpinx during ivf, it seemed to appear when I was on the lh and fsh drugs but luckily disappeared by egg collection. Glad yours has gone Kate.
I have been feeling exhausted too, it's annoying on holiday when you want to do things, I just want to lie on a sunbed and read but it's been cold, wet, windy and we are camping, yuck! Apparently in the 2nd trimester you can get breathless and dizzy, not sure why.
No I'm not offended at all blonde. I've actually wondered that myself. I am feeling down but I think that's related to being stuck in bed and my lack of energy, rather than my lack of energy being caused by being down. I am having more blood tests on Friday. Think they are going to check my thyroid function. My mother in law told me yesterday that she felt amazing in her pregnancies and worked til the end which really annoyed me. I had one day off work last pregnancy and worked til I was 37 weeks! I'm really hoping this feeling will pass soon. Xx
Very!! Yes please start one Blue (I wouldn't know how to keep editing dates etc in the main post) sorry to sound a bit dumb but is second Tri after 13 weeks? Xxxx

Ok I have started one! See you all over there! On here the 2nd trimester starts at 14 weeks, not sure if that's standard?
Woohoo! See you next week then ��❤️ Xxxx
I'm actually feeling good better today. A bit more energy. I can sit and watch TV rather than have to lay down and watch TV lol! Hope you girls are ok? Xx
Hehe, PrincessP that made me smile :) Glad today has felt like a better day.. Take it one at a time.. I've been to the farm with my girly so i'm knackered now but it was lovely to see her out in the elements having fun! Contemplating housework but the eyes have started drooping.. Arghh the dishes are calling.. We go on holiday next week and I really wanted to tie up a load of work I have on (i'm self-employed) but I just don't know where the time and energy is going to come from. Such a struggle these first few months xx
I'm back from sister's wedding! Bloody glad to be home, had a lovely 5 days in France though. Boarding the plane today, I puked on the woman in front's sandals/feet. Horrifying, but my brother thought it was hilarious.. xxx
Good news princess! :)
Kate I can't face the house work either!!
Sorry Laura but that made me giggle!!!! Poor you though ! And ladies feet!!! Xxxx
Haha, Laura, I can't help it I understand your brother. Hope the lady was understanding.
Have you talked to anyone about taking something for the sickness yet? I got cyclizine from the consultant today, and they said if it hasn't helped in five days I should call my GP to try something else.

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Haha, Laura, I can't help it I understand your brother. Hope the lady was understanding.
Have you talked to anyone about taking something for the sickness yet? I got cyclizine from the consultant today, and they said if it hasn't helped in five days I should call my GP to try something else.

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Congrats on your twins Rhiandell! I'm just catching up after no wifi for about a week when I was away. I know it must be such a shock, I'm still getting over it myself!

And to everyone talking about risks, shhh about identical twin risks because you're freaking me out :shock:

I had my 12 week scan today and was put forward to 12+6! I can't believe how big they are now and both doing well so far. Confirmed identical and placenta sharing.


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Amazing Laura!!! How exciting and they are growing so well! Xxxx

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