*** January 2017 Mummies ***

April, I'm so sorry. Wishing you all the best for the future x

Blueflower, gorgeous pictures!

I just found out that my sister-in-law is expecting 3 weeks after me, I'm ridiculously excited! I'm very close to my brother, so the babies should be able to see each other a lot - it's going to be adorable :)
I need a massive rant. So happy to be home but MY GOD moving back in with the parents for a while is already getting very testing. My mum is so bloody bossy and impossible - everything sets her off and she's constantly nagging me to do things and complaining. I'm so exhausted anyway and I don't have the patience for it. So far I've managed to stay calm, but it's so hard. She isn't someone that can be reasoned with, and keeps referring to my pregnancy as my "situation"?

Can't wait until my partner moves back too, so we can find somewhere to live. Have to keep reminding myself that this is only temporary.. arghhhh
Sounds brilliant Sprout!
How awful Laura, do you have friends you can get respite with? My mum would be the same, haven't stayed at her house since Princess Diana died!!
Hope to see you back really soon April. :hugs:
Ergh Laura that sounds awful.. I've had a very tense relationshio with my sister in the past and living with her was borderline unbearable so I know your pain to an extent.. Well done for biting your tongue - it isn't easy but you'll end up on the high ground. Referring to your pregnancy as a 'situation' sounds really upsetting :( I'm sure she'll come round once the bump grows and you can start bonding over buying baby things.

Blonde P they don't check the heartbeat at booking in sweet, but I wonder if you asked specifically whether they would as you're a bit further along (usually booking in is 8-9 weeks..) I guess it would depend on whether they have a doppler.. Ring ahead and chat to her about it? Try not to worry about symptoms fading though as they really do ebb and flow and they do start subsiding for most after you get to 10 weeks.. I know it's unnerving though, I woke up the other morning feeling completely normal and was convinced something was wrong! xxx
I just posted a bump picture in the bumpy thread �� Come on January Mummies share those bumps! xx
So sorry April. Hate hearing about losses. Wishing you all the best xx

I'm still feeling rubbish. Absolutely no energy at all. I can't motivate myself to do anything. I'm off work and I can't imagine having the energy to go back ( I'm due back next week). I keep feeling lightheaded.

I have my dating scan tomorrow. I had a scan a week ago today due to some suspected bleeding ( although I now think this was and old stain in my pjs) I have a seperate thread on this. They put me at 10 weeks 6 days last week so tomorrow I suspect I will be 12 weeks exactly. It's strange cos I now I didn't conceive til later than that and going by conception and period dates, I should only be 11 weeks 2 days tomorrow. With my last baby, they also brought my dates forward and I ended up being induced at 42 weeks and when my son was born he was extremely long. It makes me think that I just produce long babies which makes them think I am further along than they think. Hope all you other ladies are fine.

Also I am anxious about telling people. I don't know why. It's strange as this pregnancy has been a secret for so long,it seems strange that after the scan tomorrow then it's ok for people to know. I want to keep ot a secret for longer , although I'm now showing and people are starting to put 2 and 2 together with me also being off work for 2 weeks. I feel like I don't want the fuss of people knowing. Anyone else feeling the same?
That's strange PrincessP, one of my twins was longer than expected for 13 1/2 weeks so they have put my due date forward! Yes its weird waiting so long to tell people! It has been so hard not telling people at work, I will tell them tomorrow once mum knows but I don't know how to tell them now! I was going to announce it in the meeting but my colleague who knows said it might be better to tell everyone individually, not sure now!

I've got this horrible burning sensation at the back of my throat, is that indigestion or acid reflux? I looked that up but it says its in the stomach. Its better than nausea I suppose!
Fourth day at home. Going to need a doctor's note soon. This morning I threw up from just drinking water, so really feeling rubbish.

Blueflower, sounds like heartburn. With full on acid reflux you usually feel a little like throwing up, except it's just a tiny bit of bile coming up. I think any regular heartburn remedy should be fine, but you could always ask a chemist or check the label.

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Rhiandell you have my full sympathy, it's miserable. Glad you're able to spend some time at home, hope your work are being good about it.

My sickness has been finally slowing down, but yesterday I was sick again completely out of the blue. I just opened a cupboard to get a glass, feeling pretty ok, then blehhhh. Luckily the bin was nearby :D

So I had what I thought was my booking appointment the other day, but actually it was just a GP appt where they refer you for a booking appt. As i'm already over 11 weeks, they've scrambled around a bit and squeezed me in for my first scan next week on Thursday and booking appointment on the Sunday. So I'll have my booking appointment after my first scan! Excited and nervous. My partner is still in HK, so I'll have to go to my scan alone as friends will be at work and my mum will be away.

Hope everyone is getting on ok. Hopefully we'll all feel a lot better soon as we move into tri2 :) xxx
Aw sad you have to go alone Laura! Il come with you haha! I have my first midwife appointment in the morning, I've been terribly anxious and dare i say pessimistic these past few weeks so hoping she can reassure me :( xxxxz
Ergh Laura that sounds awful.. I've had a very tense relationshio with my sister in the past and living with her was borderline unbearable so I know your pain to an extent.. Well done for biting your tongue - it isn't easy but you'll end up on the high ground. Referring to your pregnancy as a 'situation' sounds really upsetting :( I'm sure she'll come round once the bump grows and you can start bonding over buying baby things.

Blonde P they don't check the heartbeat at booking in sweet, but I wonder if you asked specifically whether they would as you're a bit further along (usually booking in is 8-9 weeks..) I guess it would depend on whether they have a doppler.. Ring ahead and chat to her about it? Try not to worry about symptoms fading though as they really do ebb and flow and they do start subsiding for most after you get to 10 weeks.. I know it's unnerving though, I woke up the other morning feeling completely normal and was convinced something was wrong! xxx

Ah thanks Kate. I think il ask, I'm letting the anxiety get the better of me and it's starting to rub off onto my partner which never happens. Yeah they have put me ridiculously late!! They keep ignoring me when I tell them my dates xxxzz
Thanks Laura. I'm feeling a little better now. Back to work today. But internet is down so we can't actually do anything. My boss is reasonably understanding, but we have very strict company policy, so if I had been off today I would have needed a doctor's note. And they might require that for any further time off.

Having my scan on Monday. Was expecting to go alone, since boyfriend just got a job and his parents are away right now. I tried to move it so my mother in law could take me, but it wasn't possible.
But when I told the boyfriend this year proclaimed quite fiercely that it's his baby and he wants to see it. So he managed to get the morning off.

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Good luck this morning Blonde P, let us know how you go xxx It's horrible Rhiandell my work were so unreasonable with my 1st pregnancy to the point where I had an extra half an hour on my lunch (which I more than made up for) to go the the docs and they docked my pay.. It was a very testosterone and money fuelled environment and they totally didn't get it.. Hope you feel better soon xx
Well I've got the loveliest midwife ever. Made me feel so at ease about everything. She didn't want to use a Doppler just incase it could pick up a beat as the baby will be so diddy but she was very reassuring. Can't believe how many bits and pieces they give you to read!

I also have a new job finally and luckily my partner is my boss!! So shouldn't have any issues with appointments which is a relief. Can't believe some of your work places are being so tricky :( xxxx.
That's fantastic Bee, so glad you're feeling more at ease. And congrats on the job - sounds completely ideal!! Luckily I work for me now so I don't have to worry about all the office politics anymore.. I've been having some complications and have another scan on Monday to check in on things. It's all getting a bit much :( xx
So relief was just temporary. Threw up again this morning, at work. I hate this. I think I've vomited more in the last month than the past ten years combined. Normally I never ever throw up, no matter how sick I am. Last time I did was in 2009! Really hoping it won't be as bad as my mum, who probably had hyper whatever it's called, but I guess they didn't know about that back then. She was constantly sick for nine months, all three times.

Thanks Kate. Like I said, my boss is pretty nice about it, just so much bureaucracy and rules.
How awful your old job did that. Didn't they realise your entitled to time off?

BlondeP, so glad to hear! A good midwife must be invaluable. And congratulations on the job!

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Hope you are ok Kate.
I told my team my news yesterday, they all clapped and 2 cried! ��
Anyone else still taking pregnancy tests ..... ����������
I stopped when they started getting lighter as it wasn't helpful! But I did have an early scan for reassurance. Are you?
Yes I have been. Just been for a last minute private scan!! Put at 11wks6days so my dates are near on spot on! Xxxxx

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