*** January 2017 Mummies ***

That is interesting.. I've definitely not been getting my omega-3..salmon at the moment = yack!! Will look into some supplements, thanks Rhiandell!

Blonde.. You know you were worried about your symptoms slowing down a couple of weeks ago.. did that remain the case? I still feel really rough in the evenings and have a general foggy cloud in my head but otherwise my nausea virtually disappeared at 11 weeks, boobs are only sore intermittently.. I'm sure it's fine and i'm lucky to have escaped the last couple of weeks of symptoms but it does play on your mind.. i'm 11+5 today xx
Yeah, boobs aren't sore anymore. The only things I have now is gassy and evening sickness. Other than them and the fact I do have a bump now, I wouldn't know I was pregnant haha! Worried me but my midwife said its normal and to enjoy while I can before they all come back with a vengeance in Tri 3! xxxzz
Whattt symptoms come back in tri3? Not that mine have gone away yet, they're still on the rise.

I had my very late booking appointment today, and the first thing the midwife said was "I know you! We went to sixth form college together" - I don't remember her. Cringe as I had to tell this person that I sort of know all my medical history :/ she was lovely, but I'd prefer a stranger haha.
Thanks lovely, that's reassuring..I don't remember my symptoms returning in tri 3, you just feel very fat and heavy and tired! I have my official 12 week scan on Thursday and we're away on Saturday for 2 weeks so i'm hoping everything goes perfectly..

Oh no Laura! What are the chances.. we had a GP at my surgery who's daughter went to school with me, I know how strict doctor/patient confidentiality is but I did wonder sometimes if anything got filtered through to her.. I remember being so excited about the booking in appointment with my first but it is such a drag!
Girls, little blood when I wiped after sex .... That's okay right? No pain or anything and none since! Xx
That's what my midwife told me to prepare for haha! Oh no, my worst fear has been seeing or knowing anyone at the hospital and appointments! xxxxx
I really wouldn't worry darling.. When I was examined when I went through my little drama, the gynae doctor said that the inner edge of my cervix was ever so slightly visible which is very normal, but as it's more sensitive it may bleed after irritation (such as sex) - perhaps you have something similar? Honestly, it's probably just your lady bits getting a little agitated, especially if it's been a while? I really don't know when i'm going to be ready for sex - i've been scared off since the beginning! Poor boy..luckily he has quite a low sex drive! xxx
Girls, little blood when I wiped after sex .... That's okay right? No pain or anything and none since! Xx
I wouldn't worry. Apparently your cervix is more "brittle" when pregnant, so you can easily get micro tears causing bleeding. If it continues for a long time, flows freely or is accompanied with sharp pain, that's when you should call the EPU.

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Aha - this is it! It's called "cervical ectropian" and it sounds as though it might be thing causing your bleeding.. so, so common, more so in pregnancy due to the swell of oestrogen. I have it too and it isn't stressing me out at all xx
Ok, the jury is still out on the anti sickness pills. Threw up again this morning and feeling really sick now, despite taking the pill after being sick.
It could be because I missed the last dose yesterday I guess. So will evaluate tomorrow, otherwise I think I'll call my GP to try something else.

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Ah I feel for you chick :( really hope you're not one of the unlucky ones who has to deal with it the whole way through.. Hope you feel better this afternoon xx
Aww Rhiandell, I'm in the same boat if it helps at all. I woke up at 6 this morning feeling hideous, then read a text from my other half (he's still abroad) that said he was on his way to get a hash brown and that did it, had to run to the bathroom. Not a nice way to start the day. I try to sleep off as much of the nausea as possible. I find that I feel ok for 2 hours between naps if I eat, then it's back to bed. xxx
Thanks girls, hoping it was just temporary, but I felt truly rubbish yesterday.
Wish I could have your routine Laura, but I can't even take more sick days unless absolutely necessary now. I've been told that I've already have had my allotted three sick times this year, and if I'm off again I will be subject to disciplinary action.

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That's so unfair, its not as if you are being sick on purpose. :poke:
Thanks girls, hoping it was just temporary, but I felt truly rubbish yesterday.
Wish I could have your routine Laura, but I can't even take more sick days unless absolutely necessary now. I've been told that I've already have had my allotted three sick times this year, and if I'm off again I will be subject to disciplinary action.

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But they cannot subject you to disciplinary action for pregnancy related illness. I would be extremely annoyed that they are even suggesting this, if they have said that (do they know you are pregnant?). Can you speak with HR? Pregnancy related sickness is meant to be recorded by your employer separately from typical sick leave. Read the first paragraph of this..

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Hi, new to this thread I'm due the 26th Jan. I've had terrible sickness since 4 weeks it's been grim. The last 5 days I've found if I eat jaffa cakes of a morning I don't get sick at all. God knows why it works but I'm glad it does haha
Haha that's an interesting one! Jaffa cakes! I've been getting the wotsits in, which seems to be helping.

So I just made a sneaky facebook announcement. I am baking two cakes at the moment, so I took a picture of them in the oven and posted "two cakes in the oven :)" I wonder if many people will pick up on it!
Haha Laura - love the cryptic clue, let us know if anyone catches on!
I've got my datig scan tomorrow.. So excited but still a little nervous.. Eek cannot concentrate!
Mmmmm, jaffa cakes!
Thanks girls, hoping it was just temporary, but I felt truly rubbish yesterday.
Wish I could have your routine Laura, but I can't even take more sick days unless absolutely necessary now. I've been told that I've already have had my allotted three sick times this year, and if I'm off again I will be subject to disciplinary action.

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But they cannot subject you to disciplinary action for pregnancy related illness. I would be extremely annoyed that they are even suggesting this, if they have said that (do they know you are pregnant?). Can you speak with HR? Pregnancy related sickness is meant to be recorded by your employer separately from typical sick leave. Read the first paragraph of this..

Thank you Laura! I didn't know this. I knew they couldn't fire me, but this is great information. I'll see if I can get a meeting with HR.

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Thanks girls, hoping it was just temporary, but I felt truly rubbish yesterday.
Wish I could have your routine Laura, but I can't even take more sick days unless absolutely necessary now. I've been told that I've already have had my allotted three sick times this year, and if I'm off again I will be subject to disciplinary action.

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But they cannot subject you to disciplinary action for pregnancy related illness. I would be extremely annoyed that they are even suggesting this, if they have said that (do they know you are pregnant?). Can you speak with HR? Pregnancy related sickness is meant to be recorded by your employer separately from typical sick leave. Read the first paragraph of this..

Thank you Laura! I didn't know this. I knew they couldn't fire me, but this is great information. I'll see if I can get a meeting with HR.

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Good luck! Make sure they firmly know that you're aware of your rights, and I'd follow up with an email so the main points discussed are in writing.
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