*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Hi ladies, we had our 12 week scan today and got to see our twinnies it was fantastic, I was so nervous before the scan!

Aww so lovely! Must be evening more fascinating seeing two in there, do they poke each other and stuff?! :) XD

It was so amazing it really was, I can't believe how much the ultrasound lady presses on the belly!! They were dancing around but not touching each other yet but I'm sure in a few weeks they will be big enough to annoy each other in there lol :-)
Excellent scan picture! How exciting.

I'm finally back home after a treacherous journey! I was in the plane toilets for about 8/14 hours being sick and having a general meltdown. I fly a lot and am usually fine, but it all got a bit much with the sickness and lack of sleep and on top of it I came down with a nasty flu a couple of days before flying.

Anyyyyway, I'm back now and resting up! I've got my booking appointing on Wednesday next week, by which time I'll already almost 12 weeks.

Hope everyone is doing well!
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How awful Laura. I remember a colleague said she was sick all the way from Morocco on a train with no running water and hole in the floor toilets! Hope you feel better soon. Are you going to look for a new job or is it not worth it now?
I am going to take a rest for a bit and then I think I'll do some freelance private tuition. Where I live, there are a lot of language students in the summer, so it should be doable and it's nice and flexible :)
Have you ladies suddenly expanded yet? In the last week I've sprouted a proper little tummy!
That's great laura that you can take some time & then freelance, less stressful too :-)
I have a bit of a jelly belly anyway but something's definitely happened, I had to put hair bands on my jean buttons yesterday as they now don't do up & they did last week!
Yes Laura! I thought it was too early but I'm clearly pregnant now! Which is going to make the next few weeks hard as we won't be properly announcing until early August! Xxx
Mine sticks out when I lie on my back now! And it always looks as if I've had a big dinner! Not too noticeable yet but some of my clothes are tight. I've ordered a bump bandeau so I can still wear my normal clothes on holiday but it's quite loose still and will need to go over my shorts but under my tops for now!
Haven't been on here in a while and unfortunately won't be returning. Sadly we've suffered a miscarriage so will be leaving you ladies. We're devastated but we were very prepared and unfortunately knew it couldnt be anything other than a loss after two separate trips to the hospital in less than 12 hours. Wishing you all a happy and healthy pregnancy Xx
Oh April, I am sorry to hear that. Hope to see you again here soon xxxx ❤️
Here is my scan pic! They were moving a lot, one was sliding up and down and touching it's face, the other kept stretching and flexing and rolling sideways! One was 7cm and the other was 8cm, the size for 14 weeks! They were so cute!


  • 2016-07-04 18.42.49.jpg
    2016-07-04 18.42.49.jpg
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I'm so sorry to hear that April :( Sending you and your partner so much love xxx
That's so lovely Blueflower, must have been amazing to see them moving around! I've got a proper little belly Laura and i'm only 10 weeks tomorrow (with 1!) It is my second though and i've heard it's normal to pop out earlier.. Quite enjoying having my bump back after 5 years!
Ladies, at your first midwife appointment, does she check for a heartbeat? I'm worrying like mad as I haven't felt pregnant in so long :( xxxxx
Thank you girls. Hoping I'll be back here soon just a little more behind you all. I'm optimistic and very very hopeful to be seeing you all again soon. Take care girls xx

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