*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Yay Laura congratulations that's fantastic news !
Both Blueflower and I are also expecting twins so that's 3 of us in the January mummies !! X
Oh my god Laura!!!!! That's amazing! How exciting!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Blue flower, I've had loads of tests done this weekend bloods etc as they suspect an eptopic with me :( but bloods are proving positive so I'm getting scanned this week and in two weeks time just to double check it all buts it's made me rather worried!!! So jealous of all these twins! Xxxx
Thanks guys!

Does anyone else know.. if it's identical twins, and they share a placenta, why are they so far away from each other? I'd have thought they'd be closer together.
Omg! Twins. I keep thinking I'm having twins but then I dismiss it as there isn't a history of twins in my family.

I'm really struggling with tiredness at the moment. I have no energy and I have to look after my 15month old
Glad you are ok. Wow identical twins Laura! Don't know why they aren't together, maybe they aren't identical after all? Me and FBTTN had 2 embryos transferred for IVF so I had a feeling both had taken.
I found out this weekend that after 6-8 weeks ish, the HCG is too high to show up on a pregnancy test as the antibodies on the strip are only designed for a certain concentration so the line will be lighter. Its called the Hook effect. Just to reassure anyone who gets worried! You can rectify it by diluting your wee with half water, very strange!
Oh that's interesting. I did a test this morning again - clear blue Digi. I feel I'm going slightly insane as I know I'm pregnant but keep testing anyway!!!! xxxx
Glad I'm not the only one, it was the only way for me to know all was ok and I had some twinges so wanted to check. I was really worried when the line was lighter and thought I was losing them. I was so relieved to find out about the Hook effect but am going to stop testing now! I know I have lots of HCG because I feel so sick! It's just a waiting game now! Thank God for early scans!
Glad you are ok. Wow identical twins Laura! Don't know why they aren't together, maybe they aren't identical after all? Me and FBTTN had 2 embryos transferred for IVF so I had a feeling both had taken.
I found out this weekend that after 6-8 weeks ish, the HCG is too high to show up on a pregnancy test as the antibodies on the strip are only designed for a certain concentration so the line will be lighter. Its called the Hook effect. Just to reassure anyone who gets worried! You can rectify it by diluting your wee with half water, very strange!

The Hook Effect thing is exactly what I found online. Hoping that's what it is! I am going to stop testing now, as it's causing unnecessary worry.

I am inclined to believe that they are identical, as the doctor is a OBGYN and seemed to know what she was talking about. Also, I just googled imaged scans for ID twins, and there were similar pictures.

Congrats on your twins too! I wonder if we will have babies before Christmas, as I believe they aren't likely to let you go more than 36 weeks with twins?
Must be then, how lovely! Identicals are so fascinating! Yes the nurse said they will be likely to arrive before my EDD!
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Laura I think my sisters early scan with identicals looked like that, I'm sure as they grow they will fill that space :-)
I think we may well be December mummies although I've know a few girls with twins that have gone to 38/39 weeks as long as all well X
Congratulations on all the twins! 3 sets, how amazing!
Hi ladies,
I got my BFP on Saturday, according to my app I'm due 23rd Jan! It might change after scans but for now I'm sticking with that date! This is my first and I'm very nervous in these early weeks!
Its so brilliant to finally get a positive after trying for ages! :bfp:
Wow congratulations with the twins! Can't believe there are three sets! Amazing! I bet your all really shocked like your living in a dream!
Welcome clf88! Are you having many symptoms yet? ��
Blondep have you had any scans yet too see if it's not ectopic? X
Congratulations CLF !

Had the bloods that they think shows good indication that it's not but having a scan tomorrow to confirm as they couldn't tell last week with the other scan :( rather nerve wracking! Xxxx
Wow congratulations with the twins! Can't believe there are three sets! Amazing! I bet your all really shocked like your living in a dream!
Welcome clf88! Are you having many symptoms yet? ��
Blondep have you had any scans yet too see if it's not ectopic? X

Hi, thanks. Yes symptoms are showing, feel sick, though I haven't been yet, boobs are incredibly sore and terrible trapped wind and cramps! My cycles where really irregular so it's hard to know exactly how far gone I am but think I'm only around 5 week!

Off to the docs today to start the ball rolling with midwife etc. :) x
I was reading that the uterus has grown to the size of a lemon in week 7 or 8! Before pregnancy its just like a deflated balloon!
I was reading that the uterus has grown to the size of a lemon in week 7 or 8! Before pregnancy its just like a deflated balloon!

I can believe that lol mine feels like it's stretching loads at the moment! X

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