*** January 2017 Mummies ***

conrish. How long after your GP appointment did the midwife contact you. I'm waiting for mine to contact me. Last time, the midwife called me withing a cuple of days and my booking in appointment was a week after my GP appointment. It's been 5 days since I spoke with GP and haven't heard anything. I'm just impatient that's all.

Mine's been a bit mixed up this time as I saw my gp at about 5 weeks but told him we were moving house around the 7-8 week mark so he said no point registering with the midwife there as I'd be in a different area so different midwifery team. Registered at new gp last Mon/Tues I think it was, had a call from midwife last Wednesday to get my details then think they arranged my booking appointment on the Thursday. Guessing it wouldn't normally be so fast if I wasn't so far along. X
They think I'm not as far along as I think I am looking at my dates but the levels in my bloods suggest they should be able to see more. So I'm clueless. Was really hoping for a bit more of an answer today but now have to wait again xxxxx

Try not to worry to much they can grow so much in such a short time. Its the waiting that's so hard.
Did they see a sac?
I had a scan when I thought I was 7 weeks ish. Only too be told that I was measuring 5 weeks! There was a sac and what they thought was a featal pole. Went back 10 days later. And baby was there with a heartbeat measuring just fine!
Hope this reassures you a bit. Try not too Google! X
Blondep, when I got my scan on Monday, they said I was around 6 weeks and there wasn't much to see. We saw two round flickering blobs, although one of them took the doctor a good few minutes to spot. You may have just had a long cycle and not be as far along as you thought. xxx
Is anyone else ravenous? The last few days, I can't stop eating. Pretty much every hour I get hit with severe hunger, almost to the point where I feel like I'll go into a coma if I don't eat NOW. I only fancy really bland food at the moment though, so I'm getting pretty fed up of crackers, bananas and plain bread all the time.
I'm pretty hungry too, had to start eating breakfast almost immediately, which I usually don't. Also eating bigger portions. I read somewhere that in the beginning you need to eat about 25% more than you usually do. Can't say exactly, but that seems about right as to how I'm eating now.

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Thanks ladies. Yes saw a sack just couldn't work out if anything is in it. Roll on Monday! Hopefully there will be something there xxxxx
yes I'm eating all the time. I get the sicky feeling when my stomach gets empty so I eat continuously to stop that from happening. Then when I'm full I feel exhausted. Really struggling this time around. Feel like I have no energy and like I have a hangover continuously.
PrincessP same on the sick feeling when hungry, so I'm almost scared to get hungry and that adds to the eating all the time. Trying to be subtle at work, but pretty sure the receptionist notices that I am going to the supermarket 3 times a day and returning with another bag of snacks haha. This afternoon I really fancied baguette - not easy to be inconspicuous with a baguette!
Yes I can't stop eating either, just endlessly picking. Been eating so much junk so trying to make a conscious effort to add in some fruit and veg occasionally! ;)
Phew glad I'm not the only one haha. It's the whole feekibg sick with an empty belly. I don't care though! I can work it off afterwards �� x
Work it off, Paige23? You mean as in exercise? When I'm not at work, I'm in bed!
Is anyone else ravenous? The last few days, I can't stop eating. Pretty much every hour I get hit with severe hunger, almost to the point where I feel like I'll go into a coma if I don't eat NOW. I only fancy really bland food at the moment though, so I'm getting pretty fed up of crackers, bananas and plain bread all the time.

I feel sick when I'm hungry too, & feel awful if I'm too full, apparently its best to eat small meals and regular snacks. I have been taking cheesy crackers and grapes to nibble on at work to stop me feeling sick but its harder in the evening because I want a proper dinner!
Hello! I think I'm due on the 20th Jan. Feeling scared and in a bubble at the mo!
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It's really strange but I just don't feel pregnant anymore, I feel super tired and my boobs are really sore but nothing else.
Is anyone else the same?
Maybe I'm just subconsciously preparing myself for the scan on Monday to actually believe it! X
Selina13, I feel a lot better today in terms of symptoms. It's freaking me out a bit but it's normal for them to come and go, so I'm trying to enjoy it before they hit back. I might actually get something done at work today!
yes symptoms come and go. I remember last time feeling better at around 8 weeks. I feel awful all the time . Not bad enough to be off work as I haven't been actually sick but I'm so tired, have a headache and a sicky feeling. I'm going to bed at 8pm every evening.
So I got sick for the first time last night, or at least tried to. My body is very reluctant to vomit for some reason, so I never do. Yesterday being no exception. It subsided after ten minutes or so, most likely caused by an empty stomach. Bf and I had a huge row and I ended up never having any dinner. Will not be doing that mistake again.

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