*** January 2017 Mummies ***

20 weeks is a nice time to be a bridesmaid, I think - you'll probably be in the cute stages of having a bump and be feeling ok. I'm going to be a bridesmaid in May 2017 when I'll probably still have a squishy tummy and have to juggle feeding and bridesmaid duties.
yes breastfeeding as a bridesmaid if difficult. I'll still be breastfeeding my toddler (hopefully) as well as being 20 odd weeks pregnant.
PrincessP, I work in an office with one guy (manager floats around and then we have staff in a diff location) so I have told him as he can cover for me when I pop to appts to begin with which is massively handy! Xxxxx
That's cool. I could tell my colleague but then it feels weird telling a colleague who I'm not close to , and my close family don't know. I'm going to wait another week or so.
I went to a clinic yesterday for some advice, and the first thing the lady said was "was it planned?", then she asked how old I am (24), and she said "very young".

I don't understand people giving their unwanted, judgemental opinions. I know we all think certain things, but to say it out loud? My mum had me at 30, and was put down as high risk due to "mature age". Now we'd all agree that 30 is a perfectly average age for childbearing, and certainly not "mature". How opinions have changed so quickly from one generation to the next is amazing.
Laura, so sad to hear that. :-( You really shouldn't take it to heart, that was insensitive and unprofessional.

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Yes ,that is totally unprofessional. it isn't too young at all anyway. the right age is whenever you feel is best for you. also if it isn't planned, and isn't the right time, people still make it work.
Cornishfairy, could you change my due date to 14th Jan please?
I met with midwife and we looked at dates, we only had sexy time once in the month so we are using that as a guide because my cycles are long too!
Means I got BFP 14 days after suspected ovulation. X
I went to a clinic yesterday for some advice, and the first thing the lady said was "was it planned?", then she asked how old I am (24), and she said "very young".

I don't understand people giving their unwanted, judgemental opinions. I know we all think certain things, but to say it out loud? My mum had me at 30, and was put down as high risk due to "mature age". Now we'd all agree that 30 is a perfectly average age for childbearing, and certainly not "mature". How opinions have changed so quickly from one generation to the next is amazing.

Ugh, what? 24 is really not very young IMO...I'm 24 and having my second. I was 22 when I found out I was pregnant with my first...a girl at work asked me once how old I'd be when she was born and I said 23...she said "Oh yeah, that's just about acceptable" I was gobsmacked! Thanks for your approval?!
What! That's awful! My doctor was lovely about it and not judging (publically anyway!) . Ignore them Laura, very unprofessional. Unfrotunately though, because of the way society works at the minute, I feel like people are going to judge means my partner (23 & 25) :( not nice! No one would dare say to an older lady 'was it planned' xxxxxx
Thanks for all your kind words. Silly woman should know better than to rile a pregnant lady!

How is everyone feeling about their housing situations? My partner and I are going to have to move, but we're not really sure when to move yet. We don't want to leave it too late, but it's also best to hold on a bit longer and save money (we'll be moving somewhere with a bit more space etc).
I'm kind of stressed about housing actually. We're living in a time one bedroom flat, and we were never meant to stay, but life kind of happened.
My boyfriend is on ESA, but when I started working, it went down to zero. We're still getting housing benefit though, which we won't if we move. So it's kind of an impossible situation.
Obviously he'll have to start working now, even if the doctor doesn't agree. But now I'm torn between wanting to get something bigger asap and the need to save up some money for the baby.

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We rent in a houseshare at the moment, as Hong Kong is sooo expensive and we wanted to save up the deposit to buy a house in the UK. It's difficult, because we want to stay here as long as possible in order to save up, but being pregnant and in a houseshare isn't ideal! I guess we'll look to move around September time. At the moment, it's a good situation, as we can save a few thousand a month, but I'll be leaving work so we'll be very tight then.
I'm kind of stressed about housing actually. We're living in a time one bedroom flat, and we were never meant to stay, but life kind of happened.
My boyfriend is on ESA, but when I started working, it went down to zero. We're still getting housing benefit though, which we won't if we move. So it's kind of an impossible situation.
Obviously he'll have to start working now, even if the doctor doesn't agree. But now I'm torn between wanting to get something bigger asap and the need to save up some money for the baby.

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That's a difficult situation. Whatever happens, things always seem to work themselves out. I found with my first [pregnany I bought way too much and I didn't really need to. For example, I planned on breastfeeding but still bought bottles, sterilisers etc. I haven't used them. Also, bought a moses basket which my little boy hated. Wouldn't been better buying a cot that you can take the sides off to go by the side of bed, which he couldnve used when moving in to his own room.
Anyone else being a rubbish partner? I am so snappy and mean at the moment. I'm finding him really irritating! Poor guy.
I've had a tiny bit of bleeding today...trying not to worry about it because I had the exact same with my last pregnancy but still not nice.
What was the blood like Sprout? Sounds like you're handling it sensibly xx
I am 6+2 (I think) and considering an early scan as I'm so impatient. Did anyone else go around this time, and did you actually see anything? It would make my anxiety so much worse if they can't see anything yet because it's too early.

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