Jacob David 04/08/2012


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Hi my name is Sally, i'm 25 and married to Mikey (32) and we've had our first baby after 3 previous losses (1 mmc, 1 ectopic & 1 mc). We stayed team yellow thoroughly the pregnancy then Jacob surprised us with his eager entrance 5w1d early.

Jacob David was due sunday 9th September 2012 but after my waters spontaneously broke on Friday 3rd August at 8:50am followed by spending a day in hospital and my contractions starting at midday Saturday 4th August, he made his appearance at 9:05pm 04/08/2012 weighing 5lbs 10oz and he was taken straight to neonatal.


I had a shower and had stitches etc and then we were then taken to see our little boy on neo natal where he was in an incubator, about 1:25am I went to ward leaving my baby boy on neonatal to try and get some sleep, I was heartbroken I wanted him next to me, I couldn't believe he was not with me.

The following morning I went down to the ward to see my baby boy and was surprised to see that he had 3 blue phototherapy lights glaring at him and was wearing an eye mask, The nurse approached me and told me that he had a problem with his blood, he has ABO incompatibility and my blood had got into his system whilst I was pregnant and had started to kill his red blood cells, this was noticed with a "bilirubin" test that showed very high jaundice levels (jaundice is a side effect of ABO) the levels were border line blood transfusion level and the lights were on him to bring the levels down.


On the 7th August, we were allowed to cuddle our little boy briefly whilst the staff changed his sheets on his bed, he was now only on 2 phototherapy lights, by the 9th, he was down to 1 light and was moved from intensive care to high dependency, we were so pleased with his progress so far, although the nurses moved him from an incubator to a cot because they were worried as he had a high temperature, so he was put onto antibiotics.

On the 10th August Jacob's jaundice levels were dropping slowly, so his phototherapy light were turned off and he was no longer in an eye mask, (which means he was in clothes too), they took the ECG monitor off and he was no longer on drip and he was allowed full breast feeding.


11th August Jacob was moved to special care from high dependency, he was still on antibiotics but was doing really well. On the 12th August Jacob had to have his phototherapy light turned back on as his levels started to rise again, but on a more positive note, by the night, Mikey and I were given parent accommodation at the hospital and Jacob was staying in the room with us.

The next few days went by quicker, and I was able to feed Jacob through the night as well as during the day time, it was amazing to be able to finally feel like his mum rather than a visitor.


By the 16th August the hospital were happy with Jacob's progress and we were able to bring him home, he is still under neonatal care, and the nurses come out once to twice weekly, we also have to keep taking him back to hospital for general checkups.


17th August we ended up back in the hospital, after Jacob decided to scare the living daylights out of us by choking then not breathing and goin floppy, it was only for a few seconds but wanted to get him checked he was fine, silly sausage.

Since leaving the hospital the nurses have come round to check on Jacob and he's still had bloods at the hospital. On 19th September his weight was up to 7lbs 10oz and putting on approximately 9oz a week. He's breast feeding really well and sleeps most of the night, he usually wakes once to twice a night depending on the time he takes his last feed.





Sorry this ones a bit blury...


Today I have taken Jacob to the drs as he's got a snuffly cold and I have been given nasal drops for him.
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Yay hun,

You started a parenting journal!!

But where are the piccies?? :lol:

I can't believe Jacob is over 6 weeks old now.

Time is flying by.

I hope you are enjoying and cherishing every moment sweetie?

Hey yeah I've gotta put the pickys on, will be doing so shortly. Yeah he's 7weeks 2days now, can't believe it, don't know where the time has gone. X x
Aw congrats! It's horrible when they are taken away in incubators when all you want to do is care for them.
Sounds like Jacob is going from strength to strength :love: xx
Thank you, uploaded the pickys now too girlies. :)
I got a call today off the hospital, Jacob's blood results have come back from last Wednesday and his haemoglobin levels are low and his jaundice is still present, so they have requested I take him for more blood tests tomorrow poor little man. Hopefully the low haemoglobin is due to him being run down with his cold, after all it has been a week since the bloods and a lot can change in a week, really hoping it’s nothing serious.
How did things go at the hospital today hun? I hope all is OK??

I've just seen all the pictures - wow he is a proper little cutie, he truly is beautiful.

I think it's also because he is so petite as well. Small babies are just so bloody sweet

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Thanks for the support Hun, Jacob had his bloods done with not too much upset, he's gone back down to 7lbs 3oz (he's lost 7oz in a week) but that could be down to his cold, he's still snuffly bless him.
I agree petite babies r beautiful, he's got right chubby cheeks coming on lol (as long as he doesn't lose too much weight whilst he's poorly)
Here he is with his sore puffy eyes from his cold bless him...

Links to my little mans stories....

pregnancy journal - nursery - labour story - parenting journal
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Aww he's absolutely beautiful, hope he's feeling better soon <3 xxxxx
Well Jacobs bloods came back and his haemoglobin has come up from 8.1 - 8.9 so he hospital want to do repeat bloods 16th August.
Jacob's cold seems to have prevented him wanting his feeds so yesterday we took him up a&e to see if there was anything we could do for him, after spending 3 1/2 hours there we were referred upto the paediatric care unit as the dr was concerned about jacob's breathing. (Jacob's breathing has always been quite deep and quick, but the dr wasn't happy). When in paediatrics Jacob was weighed (8lbs10oz - we think the scales must have been faulty at his last appointment) and examined, the examination brought up concerns about Jacob's heart rate (between 180 & 200 bpm) so the drs arranged a chest X-ray at 10pm Jacob had the X-ray which showed his heart as being slightly large, a second doctor came and also listened to Jacob's heart and informed us there is a murmur. Now this could be one of a few things, it could be due to Jacob's haemoglobin being low and his heart having to work that bit headset to get oxygen around the body, it could be down to his cold and being run down or it could be an early sign of a heart condition (my dh has heart disease) we've got an echo booked to scan his heart anyway to look for early signs of the disease but now it is going to be more thorough.
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I've only just seen your latest update hun???


I will say that at least you know there may be a little issue and at least dr's now want to take a proper look. It's when you don't know there could be serious problems hey???

When is he having the echo?

My brother was diagnosed with a murmur when he was younger (he was a toddler though!) and it went away by itself.

I am hoping that the echo shows no real cause for concern - keep is posted sweetheart

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Hey, Jacob's echo is 10/10 (next Wednesday) his heartbeat was still at 160bpm when we left the hospital and never went much below that at all considering it should be about 120. I know his echo is not far away, i wish it was now, the speed his little heart is working scares the crap out of me. He had his 8 week jabs yesterday, he was such a brave little man. X x
Oh not long hun, by next Wed's you'll have a clearer picture?

I know it doesn't help but if they were seriously concerned they'd have not just let you go home??

Well done little Jacob for being so brave with his injections.

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True, they wouldn't send us home if they were too concerned, not too much longer now :)
Oh my word your little boy is beautiful!!! Sorry to hear you have had a few probs, but glad all is being looked in to. Hope echo goes okay on weds :) xxx
Thank you, I have my fingers crossed, I'm loving being a mommy, even with all his appointments - bless him
My little man has his echo today. This could be interesting....
Oh an Jacob at 9w3d
He is just stunning Sal,

What a beautiful little man you have there....

Fingers and toes crossed for you all today

Not the greatest echo, they think Jacob has a heart murmur and also might have a hole in between his aorta / pulmary artery and a fast heart rate, due to the heart speed, can't be sure, had another chest xray and being referred to Birmingham children's hospital, gotta stay at new cross till Birmingham have a bed for us so will probably be here the night now.

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