I've lost baby

Hi Hun, just couldn't believe it when I read the update and I missed it sorry xxx god fingers and toes crossed to keep baby going xxxxx
All sounding realy possitive for you and baby Vicky :) hang in there baby u can do this xx
Hey Vicky hope u r having a good day today xxx
Silent stalker here. Hope u r both well and that little buba isn't giving u any more scares. I know it sucks being stuck in hospital but at least u r close to medical if u need it. But I'm sure u won't and I pray every day that u and baby will be fine. Xxxx
Brand new - also stalking :) hope you're both ok xxx
Hi everyone, sorry I didn't post yesterday I had rather a crappy day.

A young female Dr along with about 4 students came to see me yesterday morning and the Dr (who I have t seen before) said basically that my baby has no chance of survival and that they're just waiting for my membranes to rupture. She then said if I were able to carry on til 24 weeks then there's still very little chance of baby surviving. In other words they gave me no hope whatsoever and the left me in absolute bits. About an hour later my fantastic consultant Mr Fitzgibbon came to see me - I was still obviously very distraught. He said even though I'm very high risk for miscarriage there have been isolated cases where the woman has carried to late enough stage for the baby to survive. He then went on to say that the young Dr said what she said because she didn't want to give me any False hope. I just said that all I want is a glimmer of hope and that I know the odds are stacked against us but it felt as if everyone was completely giving up on baby. He said he understands. My temp has gone back toa normal reading of 37 (first time it's been normal). I will be having more bloods taken this morning and my consultant wants to take a look inside to see if anything has changed (which, to be honest, is freaking me out a bit). If everything looks the same and my bloods come back clear then they're going to discharge me. I must admit that it is a scary thought going home but I know it's the best place for me and baby plus my oh and I are going insane without each other. I'm still on antibiotics which they will send me home with.

I still can't believe that I'm still here with baby a week after I was admitted. I still can't believe that they said my baby had died :( I'm going to take this hour to hour, day to day. Who knows we might prove everyone wrong :)

I'll be able to keep you updated better at home as there's no Wi-Fi here and phone signals pretty slow.

Take care all xxxxxx
Oh vicky, what a crappy thing for the dr to say! At least your consultant is more positive and supportive. Glad that you and baby are still fighting, you are both so strong. Good luck with checks today, fx you will be home soon x
Oh they can be so cold hearted and clinical :( like you say you know there are lots of risks but no use in them even confirming that there is a chance of getting through this. Thank god for the consultant. You've got your own hope that they told you a whole week ago that your baby had gone but here you are a week later and little one is still fighting. Keep that in mind day to day. You'll hopefully be able to rest more at home. Take care and keep us updated xx
wishing you all the luck in the world that that glimmer of hope comes through for you.
What an exceptiona;lly strong lady you are xxx
Hope ur test come back that u can go home Hun u r being so strong and u know ur body will always thinking of you x
Oh what a nightmare! You're doing so well, you keep strong and I really hope we get to follow your journey through to taking your special little baby home. Xxx
Thank you :)

I'm still waiting to have my bloods taken but I'm hoping they won't be taking them now as they were only going to check them due to my temp increase. I'm due to see my consultant the same time as yesterday (which I think was about 10:30/11) I hope they can let me and baby go home to some normality.

Of course I will let you know as soon as anything happens

Hope everyone's doing well x x
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Grrrr wat a stupid doctor do they not realise by saying that is just stressing you out which can't be gd for you or the baby , we all need a bit of hope don't we wen the odds are against us we cannot give up when there is hope stupid bloody idiots surely by giving u hope u will fight more and by saying if ur baby makes it to 24 weeks it will probably not survive anyways is bloody rubbish , lots of babies are fine when born then I know some arnt but in my understanding more and more babies do make it rather than not , I'm praying for you and ur baby and I have enough hope for you both :) hope the bloods are ok and the scan comes back ok aswel xx
You're emotions must be all over the place. I hope you both defy the odds hun xxx
That's awful of the doctor to say that, I really hope she wasn't as blunt as it sounds with you. I know they need to be realistic but you know this yourself so a bit of positivity would go amiss! Hope you've been let out to go home Hun x
Hi everyone, I'm very sad to say that it's all over. They tried to listen in to baby this morning using a Doppler but no heartbeat could be found. They scanned me which showed an empty uterus. At first they thought my body had absorbed the baby but knew that that would be an impossibility at such a late stage. I was then given an internal which showed that my waters had broken and baby was in my vaginal canal (I think baby may have died a couple of days ago because the smell was really sickly) Anyway, I pushed baby out (it was a boy as I'd thought it was) but was unable to pass the placenta. I decided to just go ahead with a D & C. I came back from theatre at Round 6pm. The op went to plan.

Even though we're obviously devastated about losing our son, we know that it could've been much worse. As you know we lost our daughter in May at 23 weeks which was a live birth. At least the baby wasn't alive and that it wasn't fully formed (my oh looked but I couldn't) which means we haven't got the added heartache of having to register the baby's birth and death at the same time and to also wait for post Morton results (though tests will be carried out on the fetus) to come through and then a funeral to arrange and cope with.

I'm feeling well considering, just have a sore, heavy feeling which I know is due to a collection of blood/clots that will come away in time.

I just want to thank all of you for your support. You have all been truly fantastic.

Take care and love to you all xxxxxx
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I'm so so sorry, there are no words. You sound so strong your an inspiration. Just sending you lots of love and best wishes xxxx

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