Hi everyone, I'm very sad to say that it's all over. They tried to listen in to baby this morning using a Doppler but no heartbeat could be found. They scanned me which showed an empty uterus. At first they thought my body had absorbed the baby but knew that that would be an impossibility at such a late stage. I was then given an internal which showed that my waters had broken and baby was in my vaginal canal (I think baby may have died a couple of days ago because the smell was really sickly) Anyway, I pushed baby out (it was a boy as I'd thought it was) but was unable to pass the placenta. I decided to just go ahead with a D & C. I came back from theatre at Round 6pm. The op went to plan.
Even though we're obviously devastated about losing our son, we know that it could've been much worse. As you know we lost our daughter in May at 23 weeks which was a live birth. At least the baby wasn't alive and that it wasn't fully formed (my oh looked but I couldn't) which means we haven't got the added heartache of having to register the baby's birth and death at the same time and to also wait for post Morton results (though tests will be carried out on the fetus) to come through and then a funeral to arrange and cope with.
I'm feeling well considering, just have a sore, heavy feeling which I know is due to a collection of blood/clots that will come away in time.
I just want to thank all of you for your support. You have all been truly fantastic.
Take care and love to you all xxxxxx