In your relationship, what are the rules on..

I think different people have different views on porn. Just like everything in life we are all different, and I hope there isn't an argument about to kick off! Everyone is brought up different, everyone has different views.

I don't class nuts or zoo as porn, I know there's topless girls there, but there more articules on other stuff as well. My OH buys them when we go on holiday for something to read, and I quite enjoy reading them as well, they're funny!

My OH has a friend who's wife would send him off each morning with his lunch and the paper, but cut out the page 3!!

What one person finds odd or unacceptable to another person is totally normal.

dont worry it wont be me starting any arguments off. i jst think ppl have their own views. and this and subject where ppl have very different views. what one woman says cant be completeley different to what another woman think. and i think thats whtas happened hear. i didnt set out to argue with any1.

ha ha at the woman that cut the page 3 out
:rofl: at cutting page 3 out. so funny!

yeah i agree. everrrryyyone is different no matter what anyone says! and also it can be based on insecurities because of things from the past too. like i get really scared when someone doesn't let me know what they're doing because in the past that trust has been broken.

it's all.. that word i can't think of.. lol!
My hubby gets nuts / zoo / playboy / front it doesnt bother me, hes a photographer and takes photos of naked women, which doesnt bother me either, i know hes very professional and i trust him completely and i think it helps the fact before we got together we did a shoot together and see what hes like behind the camera! Hes got porn and weve watched it together and i wouldnt worry if he went to watch it on his own either.
I dont have any issues with now and we do watch porn together. For hubby's 30th I took him to amsterdam and we watched a couple of live sex shows, was good fun.

A few years back I was really self concious and didnt have much confidence and got really upset when I found hubby had been looking at porn etc. Once my confidence levels increased through losing weight and pole dancing it no longer bothered me. Also hubby is very complimentary to me and that helps knowing he thinks I am great.

Have you ever asked your other halves why they do it? When it bothered me I asked my hubby why he was always looking at stuff when I wasnt around and he always said he didnt know, it was just a compulsion, lol.
Ive watched it with dh in the past....not something that particularly appeals to me now but yeah when we were younger we used to watch it at times!!! Occasionally watch sexcetera more for the chuckle factor tho these days!!

I have no problem if he were reading, watching or buying it either but hes pretty much not bothered by it and doesnt bother! So for us its a take it or leave it thing!!

I wouldnt have a prblem with my OH watching porn really but I dont think he does. We have watched it together in the past but not for a long time.

BUT one of my friends has just got married to this guy from Ghana and he was over here for 3 weeks at xmas and admitted to her he stayed up for 3 hours at night watching GAY PORN....that I would have a problem with!! He said he was "curious" as they dont have those kind of things in Ghana! EEK!
^^^ hehe reminds me of the time Steve found my gay porn DVD's that I was holding for friends!
Oh yeah, I remember that story! So funny! Imagine what he was thinking....LOL x
It was fascinating to be honest, I did watch some of it - amazing bodies to be truthful and so smooth! :lol:
The thing that surprised me was that is wasnt all 'banging' sex! I guess that gay porn is the equivalent to 'straight' porn - just man on man! :)
dunno if i could face watching men gay porn. sure all the men would be gorge! all the nice looking men r gay lol!
I know what you mean mel...they all take care of themselves dont they? Fair enough him being "curious" but 3 hours????? Bet he wasnt just sitting watching it x
I know what you mean mel...they all take care of themselves dont they? Fair enough him being "curious" but 3 hours????? Bet he wasnt just sitting watching it x

eeerrrr!!! gross lol! i know 3 hours is abit much if u askme.definitley somethinggoing on there
Well, shocking as it may seem my boyfriends not bothered about porn, he always says he has me to look at and thats what makes him happy, but i have weary side so ill believe that when i see it lol!.

As for the rules of chatting up other lasses, i think he knows where he stands with that :D
I am so glad I found this friend whilst browsing through the forum. I'm going to be mentioning a few things to my OH later :wall2: lol
My oh dont seem to care about porn, I have said to him it wouldnt bother me atall and even suggested us to watch it but he says hes not intrested.
Once he asked me if it was ok he went to a strip club it was wit the lads on stag night i said it dont bother me but i wanted him to tell me if he did go again.
i tried to encourage my OH into watching porn! I think its great to get us in the mood occasionally and maybe even learn a few new tricks! lol

Ive always watched it now and again but my OH has never been fiussed about it and even confronted me when he saw the inetrnet history on my laptop once! We always joke about nyone every finding a 'stash' of porn in our house and thinking its his when actually its more likely to be mine! lol x
My husband is quite a prude and im not the most adventurous so its never been or probably will be an issue. He doesnt buy any mens mags or anything...

I went on and on about some fluffy handcuffs :blush: and he went into ann summers with me and we bought them but they havent even come out the wrapper yet!:shock:
My husband doesn't buy porn or anything, even light commercial porn like Nuts.

If he is in the mood for watching porn, he will ask me to join in - so it is more like foreplay rather than him getting his rocks off on porn.

I think out of the two of us, i am actually more likely to watch porn on my own :oooo:

There are no rules. We accept each other for what we are :)
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