Age gap?

melanieyeah said:
heya, wondering if any of you guys have age gaps between your partner and you, and what your views are on these.. me and my OH have 9 years between us, we have our moments.. can be pretty bad sometimes, and makes me wonder if its the age gap... or is it just our personalities that clash? 80% of the relationship is great... its the other 20% that bothers me, id love to hear how your age gap relationships work, is it me imagining it.. or is the age gap really affecting us? help :)

we have an 11 year gap and its never relly made any difference. Infact ive never really thought about it. Hes older than me by the way.
Imi-mum-2-B!! said:
Me and my ex-husband had a huge age gap ... 15yrs between us ...

Please don't ask me what the hell possesed me to get married at the age i did ... cause 5yrs later im still trying to figure it out!!!

Im still only a baby really at 21, quite embarresing telling people i've already been married ... hope you don't think any less of me :oops: :oops:

Course we don't think less of you! We had a family friend who was divorced twice by the time she was 25 :shock: but we still don't think any less of her, just hope she is with a bloke a bit longer next time before getting married :lol:
Hi gosh this is an old thread cant rememebr if i replied.

My OH is 8 and a half years older then me im 19 and hes 28 .
Weve been together for almost 3 years and are very happy. :D
hiya melanie, well im 24 this year and oh is 38. the age gap was a problem at first, when hed have a little too much to drink hed bring up the fact that hes die before me and blah blah blah. thing is we are so good together. im mature for my age and he is a little immature for his age so we go together really well. i love my fella to bits!!! he had a receeding hairline and with hair looked his age, but he has since shaved his hair off and has been told he looks more my age, which pleased him imensley!! im having a bad spelling day to day, forgive me!!!!!
hi all there is a 7 yr age gap between me and my OH im 21 and hes 28. I guess teh first year was worst for us as we had only been together for 3 month when i found out i was pregnant then we moved into our house together the day after valentines day how sweet (NOT) and Adele was born 12 weeks premature on the april of that year so it was alot to handle and alot of stress as we were still getting to know each other as well as dealing with everything that was going on. Luckily Adele was fine and was discharged from hospital just before her due date and things started looking up for us. Now i just feel like hes bored with me we dont go out anywhere except a run in teh car teh odd night as we dont have anyone to look after adele, we dont drink, we dont sit and watch a film together as the pc is far to tempting for him to go on so basicly our life at the moment is dull and very boring i just feel like when he comes in from work he has dinner i tidy up get adele to bed and hes sat on pc while im sat on the sofa thinking what the hell is wrong in our relationship it shouldnt be like this should it??

i love him to bits but just wish we could be closer and do more things as a couple oh and by the way im 21 and never been in a pub as when we met i was only 17 so was to younge then had adele and just never had the time or the money to go out anywhere.

sorry just think im having a down day today
There is an age gap of 13 years and 2 days between me and my boyfriend, Adrian who is older than me.

Age does not matter really. my motto is 'if you are both happy together and love and care for each other, then age is not an issue'

Fluffy. xx :lol:
My df is 4 years older than me, I'm almost 20 and he's 24. Not much of an age gap and to be honest I feel miles older than him most of the time :D Bless him, he's my soul mate!

At the end of the day love is love no matter what the age. It's about the person and how you get on as a couple not how much of an age gap you have.

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