In your relationship, what are the rules on..

Hubby doesn't look at it, he isn't really the type of guy that would buy nuts. I wouldn't mind if he did as I don't think looking at a picture of a naked girl is really cheating. It is not like it is harming anyone. He does do that really annoying thing though when we are out and he sees a hot girl and like looks her up and down. That bugs me but I do it with hot guys so I can't really complain! All harmless. It is when they action something where problems happen.
I don't mind what he gets up to as long as no other real live people are involved!
my bloke doesnt buy nuts ect but wouldnt bother me if he did! i know sum of the girls in them and trust me they do not look like that in real life,,,1 is a fairly gud friend an my OH cant stand her, he says that all the girls are abit dumb and obsessed by fame and money which totally puts him off!
now porn this is wierd i once asked him to watch it with me a couple of years ago and he was not impressed!! i only asked as i thought it wud be a treat for him an he wud like it! but no he didnt like the thought at all, he watched a free 5min clip on sky an then turned it off an sed he wouldnt be doin that again!
u may think that my guy sounds a bit of a geek but he isnt he is a trademan, semi-pro footballer 6ft, muscley, ruff and ready! so mayb sum guys arent into it! strangely my ex was dead against it aswell!
but it wudnt bother me if he wanted to watch it with me, but i wud not like the thought of him watchin alone! an conact would be a no-no! men shud be careful whilst ur pregers aswell as confidence is at a low! you shud discuss ur fellins with OH!
Me and OH have watched it before, it doesn't really bother me.. Although when I was pregnant I probably would have put him in the stocks :strangle: :lol: xx
:rofl: they were discussing this on the wright stuff this morning. they came to the conclusion that it depends if the other person is being sneaky and keeping it a secret. I think thats very true. If OH lied to me then i found his stash i'd be gutted! :slap:
Doesn't bother me at all, hubby watches it on DVD, I can take it or leave it - tends to give me the giggles or I end up looking at the girls not the boys and comparing their boobs/legs/bums to mine which I don't think is the point! My hubby is away an awful lot and if that is how he deals with his "needs" it is fine by me. Recently went to stay with him and we had to stay in the duty room as he was duty officer (instead of his own room) - suffice to say huge pile of well read porn but no loo roll. Clearly the users of the duty room had different priorities to me. Or and this thought only just occured to me...maybe they used all the loo roll after reading the porn. Gross!!

Just to make you laugh - hubby sold some dvds on ebay and cos you aren't meant to he listed them under fitness and leisure. And then wondered why he got suspended ha ha ha
doesnt bother me either as long as you are still getting some i suppose:whistle:
I agree with you Tiny.. I wouldn't like it if he was being sneaky about it x
I erotic fiction on line. Its a bit of a mix bag half good half damn right laughable- Hubby has often come in asking me an I ok then realises what website I am looking at. I'm not into pictures.
Hubby isn't into port at all he'd rather look at my legs if I have stockings on lol
It is his life and he thinks for himself; just like it is my life and I think for myself.
If he wants to look at that kind of stuff who am I to tell him not to?
I trust him and respect his decisions.
Yeah i think it would be a different story if my chap was keeping it from he was when we first got together...i could of killed him lol. Now i dont mind as long as he tells me...i hate lies!
I would say i watch it more than OH :lol: we watch it together too...gets us really in the mood!
Im glad others watch it with their OHs i thought i was odd for it. :) xxx!!

Does your OH buy nuts magazine? Look at girls on the internet, or look at more extreme stuff? Was just wondering how people felt about this. My friends this weekend were really surprised that I 'let' my OH look at porn and buy nuts/zoo type magazines. But Im not bothered by it. It never occured to me that its a problem and hes a bloke and would prob end up doing it anyway if i told him not to. Once he put a pick of a topless woman as his phone screen saver and I changed it to me in my bikini on holiday :rofl:but I wasnt upset by it really, I just thought it was funny!

I would feel really hurt if he actually communicated with girls online and Ive kind of told him thats the boundary, and unacceptable. If a girl wants to take her clothes off for strangers to drool over, thats her issue. It saves me a job anyway ;)

haha i use to buy my hubby nuts and zoo lol but he hasnt had 1 for ages he says its a waste of money lol

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