In your relationship, what are the rules on..

Porn was the centre of my husbands world when I met him, he had a drawer full of vids and his homepage on the net was a porn one lmao! He's still into it big time, I don't mind at all.. He likes the webcam sites which I didn't mind but caught him talking to a few girls complimenting them so they would get their clothes off... I went potty! That drew the line and he wouldn't dream of doing it again! So as long as he don't go talking to anyone then it's fine by me!
ha ha! ria!!!! i'm bit like you 2. i kinda watch it more on my own to. i start to watch it then shout OH to come and watch it with me.
i dont think nuts or zoo is porn at all.
and i think girls that dont like their OH watching pron then i just think there must be a trust problem.
lol mel_ed!! glad am not the only one :oops: oh and i forgot to say! i don't think zoo or nuts is porn either. OH has never bought magazines like that he's more of an xbox playing, top gear obsessed kinda man.. lol! xx
lol mel_ed!! glad am not the only one :oops: oh and i forgot to say! i don't think zoo or nuts is porn either. OH has never bought magazines like that he's more of an xbox playing, top gear obsessed kinda man.. lol! xx

ha ha glad i'm not the only 1 2 lol! i told my OH bout this thread n he sed well u bloody watch it on ur own! ha ha! n i said another girl does 2 he he. he says dont dont bother him though:)
aw yeah i always feel worried that my OH will find it strange but he just laughs at me lmao!! it's good to be open minded :D to SOME extent.. snuff movies as someone mentioned before are a big no no. if my OH watched them i think i'd be slightly worried i'm with a murderer in the making!!! xx
yeah I wouldnt call them porn either, but I know some ppl do.

My mum uses his tesco clubcard keyfob cos he can use the vouchers to pay for his open uni courses and you know at the til they sometimes print off special moeny off vouchers after your receipt based on what you buy a lot....well... my mum got "30p off nuts magazine" cos she was using his card

But it gets worse....she thought she got 30p of some nuts so went to use it and the cashier said you havent bought this and she said yes look here and pointed to a bag of cashews. The guy had to explain. My mum was so embarrased but just to make it worse kept the voucher for us next time we were there so that he could use it.

So funny!
I dont know what a snuff movie is, I opened google to find out and thought better of it...anyone care to explain?!
ha ha lovin the nuts!!!! poor woman! ive not heard of a snuff movie either???
O and ria u sssooo should of gone to amsterdam before you got pregnant! we watched a live sex show there was brill!
Are snuff movies not where someone dies in the making?? I think that's what it is, obviously not for the sane person with any morals or taste.
and i think girls that dont like their OH watching pron then i just think there must be a trust problem.

you make it sound like its a mans given right to watch porn and their girlfriend/wife has to let them, even when they dont like it!
i dont think it has anything to do with trust! and your comment above makes out like if someone doesnt allow their OH to watch porn then they dont trust him or they have a trust issue. well that is wot you said!
people who like they OH to watch porn - thats cool
people who dont like they OH watching porn - thats cool too.
Are snuff movies not where someone dies in the making?? I think that's what it is, obviously not for the sane person with any morals or taste.

yeah that's right. it's so scary those movies even exist! porn is one extreme why make others, eek. makes me question our human race!!!!
O and ria u sssooo should of gone to amsterdam before you got pregnant! we watched a live sex show there was brill!

a live sex show!!!! that's mad. i think i would watch it if i'm drunk but too embaressed to go out of the bedroom and into 'the real world' with 'sex stuff' lmao. i hope that makes sense to someone!!!
and i think girls that dont like their OH watching pron then i just think there must be a trust problem.

you make it sound like its a mans given right to watch porn and their girlfriend/wife has to let them, even when they dont like it!
i dont think it has anything to do with trust! and your comment above makes out like if someone doesnt allow their OH to watch porn then they dont trust him or they have a trust issue. well that is wot you said!
people who like they OH to watch porn - thats cool
people who dont like they OH watching porn - thats cool too.

ok so maybe its not so much of a trust issue but i know i'd much rather my OH to watch it at home than go to a strip club. maybe its more jealously then which i can understand. i always think peoplee men/women have a right to look!
O and ria u sssooo should of gone to amsterdam before you got pregnant! we watched a live sex show there was brill!

a live sex show!!!! that's mad. i think i would watch it if i'm drunk but too embaressed to go out of the bedroom and into 'the real world' with 'sex stuff' lmao. i hope that makes sense to someone!!!

i got told to go by a friend and i was well scared at first thought it would be really embarassing. but it wasnt half as bad as what i thought. just like being at the cinema ha ha!
I think different people have different views on porn. Just like everything in life we are all different, and I hope there isn't an argument about to kick off! Everyone is brought up different, everyone has different views.

I don't class nuts or zoo as porn, I know there's topless girls there, but there more articules on other stuff as well. My OH buys them when we go on holiday for something to read, and I quite enjoy reading them as well, they're funny!

My OH has a friend who's wife would send him off each morning with his lunch and the paper, but cut out the page 3!!

What one person finds odd or unacceptable to another person is totally normal.
I don't have any issues with porn or strip clubs. It's just never bothered me in any relationship and I cam take it for what it is.

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