Im shaking....

BFP hon! Get a Tesco own brand one - that should be much clearer for you. x
I'm at tesco now waiting in the car while oh gets some tests :0)
Ha ha love it! I got a line on FRER and did a digi in the loo at Tesco :) x Good luck hun. Is looking like a :bfp: to me! x
I didn't know tesco own tests were as good as frer!! I'm only 9dpo do you think it would still show?
I totally see lines woo congrats! Bah to cheapies - they're guidance only for me anyway ie they alert me to try branded! You have a bfp there :yay:
Ahhh exciting!!! Can't wait to see tesco result- def see a 2nd line!! Xxx
Come on poas already!!! Come on........ Lol x
God luck, I got my BFP today ay 14 dpo on a clearblue digi fxd xxx
Ok im home now but hubby got the tesco own brand digi ones so not sure how sensitive they are anyone know? He got two more frers too so what do i test with and when ladies?!! I did my last test at 3:20 and i havent drank anything since (did have a cheeky McD cheeseburger tho!!) i could wee now but should i wait a bit more?
I don't know how sensitive the digi's would be I've only ever used the old school ones lol. You could try with one of the tesco ones and leave one for another time seeing as you have already tried with the frer?
Mummytoo2boys -No way thats going to happen!!! I wish i had that willpower but i know i havent...ive currently got 3 FRERs and 2 tesco digis so i can test tonight and tomorrow with fmu.
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I would do another FR then if that has a line then do a digi but digis arent normally as sensitive so maybe just save those for the morning :) and....HURRY UP lol you are keeping us in suspense lol xx
Ok just done the frer and its very faint a little bit more faint than the last one but i can see it!!! Its only been 5mins since i did it though so if it gets darker i will let you know.

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