can you see this line? (pic)


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Me again.. Really confused, think this was a positive test this morning, faint line (took 2 from same brand last 2 days, line been getting stronger) but took another test another brand (First response) showed up negative..

What you think? Im getting sick of looking at my tests all time..


On the first pic i can't see anything.

On the second pic i think i can see one... but i can see two faints ones if i stare at it hard enough and so i don't know.

What do you think? You should be able to see best :)

Even the most faint of lines is still a 100% positive, as long as it isn't an evaporation line.
Sounds like a positive to me too hun xx COngrats I hope, fingers X xxxx
i take it im pregnant, i will test again in a few days .,, worried about the negative test i got today tho xx
thank u girls.. Well im going crazy, i went to boots and bought one of the expensiest test " clear digital conceptions " so i could see in case pregnant how many weeks, doing the test and i must have done something wrong.. only a book appeared on the test and thats 10 pound gone :( so annoyed.. I am not bothered about testing me anymore, got really sore boobs today either period on way or pregnant..:(
hi hun dont want to get your hopes up but a friend of mine got a positive on a tesco own brand and the next day took another first response and it came up negative but she was indeed still preggers so dont lose hope just yet you aint out till the witch gets ya hope she doesnt all the best and good luck and i can def see a faint pinky purpley line on the second test you have taken!! xx
I can see a v v v faint line on both pics xx
I can also see a very, very faint line on both test :)
I can see lines on both tests hun, but only when i tilt the screen. Stay positive xxx
I can see the lines. Mine were like that last Monday but are much stronger now. I did a digital test on Tues and it said pregnant 1-2 weeks. Good luck.
I can see the lines hun.
Give it a day or two, and test again with the first pee of the day.
The cheapies are best to use at this stage - don't blow your cash on the digital tests yet, as I'm not sure they're as sensitive as the cheapies xD
I can see a line on the second pic! :-) Mine were realy feint from the thurs to the sat getting slightly darker each day and then sunday I used supredrugs own and a CBD and got a BFP! Then didnt test again till last fri when Drs confirmed with a very dark BFP so its possible just very early on but hopefully will keep getting darker each day!

Fingers crossed for you xx
I got bleeding, and did a urine test at hospitall, their test was negative, but she said it could be because of all the blood ,, but not good sign:( stop bleeding today so going to do a new test..
I can see a line on the 2nd one! It is such a nightmare staring at your tests every day but it'll be worth it in the end! :) x

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