Hi ladies.
Thank you so much for all your wellwishes and lovely messages, they're so greatly appreciated and your support means so much to me.
I carried on bleeding when my mum came over, she made me rest so the bleeding seemed to ease off although I could still feel some slight cramping and a real intense ache on my left side around my ovary sort of level. We didn't go to the hospital in the end as the bleeding seemed to stop over night and I had very little on the pad when I woke up.
We agreed to do the test anyway and

that little bean hung on. As soon as I sat down, I felt blood coming out of me and saw a couple of clots, not sure of the size as it was a bit too quick for me but I could see them. I decided to pee in a pot and dunk the test like I did last time. I might as well have wee'd blood, the wee was red.
Test was negative so it looks like my little bean has gone.
I spent the weekend away with some family and hubby but I still carried on bleeding. Before we left to go away, I went to the loo as everytime I moved it felt like I was wetting myself (TMI) with blood so had to keep changing the pad.
I sat down on the loo and there was a big lump of bloody jelly type stuff just literally (TMI ALERT) hanging out of me. This happened two or three times over the weekend. Yesterday I lost some more clots which were about the size of a 5p coin. Bleeding seems to have eased off again today and looks more dark browny red.
I had more cramping over the weekend which came and went but I noticed my symptoms had gone. No more nausea and I could wear my jeans without getting a crampy belly.
We said we will do one more test when the bleeding has stopped and keep the scan date but I just don't know.
Not sure whether to leave Tri1 and go back to TTC or what.
Hubby wants a break from TTC though which I agree with, it feels so weird to think we're back trying to concieve all over again.
Anyways, I hope everyone is ok.
x x x