I'm bleeding.

I am so sorry hunny, really wish it was better news from you this morning!
Lots of love to you and hubbie.
It's on the 27th. Think hubby is going to phone and explain everything to see if they can bring it forwards. x x
So sorry hunny, I'm sure if you ring Docs/A&E they could get you in for an emergency scan x
Oh hun i am so sorry! :(
I was really hoping for some good news...i know what your going through hun so just inbox me if you need to chat. I am sure all the girls will be here for you too were all only a message away. If you are not sure aobut going in TTC why not try the relaxed approach. I hope to see you very soon with a sticky bean, i really am so sorry :cry: Hope your ok xxx
So sorry, take care of yourself, thinking of u both x
Thanks ladies.

Shauna - Thanks hun. :hugs: Hubby wants to stop TTC for a while. I feel so drained, emotionally, physically and mentally. We're going away alone for a couple of days not sure when but we really need to have a break. x x
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Oh Miss J, I'm so so sorry to hear your news. I really think you need to try and get yourself checked out hun. Sending you huge ((((hugs)))). Think of you both xxxx
I'm so sorry MissJuly, was thinking of you all weekend. I hope a wee break will do you good hunny, take care!!
so sorry to hear this lv :(, hope your ok. maybe the wee break will do yous the world off good xxx

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