I'm bleeding.

Thanks Traci. x x

Samsgirl - That's exactly what I plan to do, just enjoy being ourselves and forget about the stresses of TTC. Hopefully we'll get a sticky bean next cycle. Just hate that my cycles are unpredictable so I'll be confused about where I am. Got lots to occupy me though so hopefully I won't spend too long wondering. As for the 38 week bump at the wedding... lol, imagine your waters breaking as you walk down the aisle! x x
yeah, my aunty said.....will we need to all be armed with warm water and towels?? lol xx
I am so so sorry to hear this hon, I think a nice long holiday for you and your OH will be the best thing for you now. Give yourselves time and maybe in a few months time you will feel like starting again. In the meantime take care and know that we are all always here if you need to chat :hugs:x x x
Am so sorry to hear MissJuly...... I am no sure there is anything that can be said to make it easier.... Just to let oyu know our thougts are with you.... xxx
you are in my thoughts im so sorry for what you are going through, sending positivity your way xxx
Oh sweetheart......I'm so so sorry to hear your news :sad:

Please do go to A&E or ring your nearest EPU and get yourself checked out though.

Sending you lots of :hug: 's xx
Really sorry to read this Hun xxx thinking of you
I'm so so sorry about your loss, I've been stalking your thread too praying for the best. You're in my thoughts xxx
Really sorry to hear that hun :-( :hug: I don't know what to say, i think the best thing is just to offer a big hug to you :hug::hug::hug:Hope you and hubby will be okay x x x
Thank you hun. We're just trying to get our heads round the fact we're trying for another baby. It feels so weird. :cry:

x x

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