I'm a newbie :) advice please!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2012
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Good afternoon ladies

I feel like I'm going a bit mad.
Me and my husband decided to stop taking my pill and to try for a baby. I took my last microgynon 30 tablet on the 14th may and then had a period on the 18th may. I've been on the pill for 8 years and therefore I don't know if this was a real period, but it did last 5 days.
Since about a week ago I've had constant cramps in my stomach kind of like period pains but not as strong, as well as being bloated and feeling full all the time. I've also had constant head aches and fatigue. I tasted a boiled egg the one day and it tasted like rust, and the thought of eating one again makes me feel sick. No sickness though though.
I feel really silly for asking but do you think I could be pregnant already?? It seems too good to be true to be honest, and you know what they say about that!
If my cycles have gone back to normal then I should be due mg AF tomorrow... When do you suggest I test??
I feel like its all I can think about now and I feel like it all could be in my head.
Laura xxx
u can test today if u want to i suggest a frer tho or tomoro with fmu and tbh it is possible to get prego first cycle after coming off pill as i missed a few pills one time and i fell prego :-/,gd luck xx
Tbh I walked into tesco to get one and walked straight back out cuz I was too nervous! I think I might give it a go.
Thanks for replying! I thought people would just read and run :) xx
i dont like to read and run unless i have no idea wat the hell they are talking about hehe but with preg tests a expert or like to think i am lol dont be nervous i know its the thought of a negative making ya nervous lol but its better to know then least u can crack on with getting af out way n onto next month or jump up and down with joy hehe gd luck xx
good luck with testing - hope you can get over your nerves to buy one ;)

It is possible to get pregnant really fast off the pill - last time TTC I thought I had, as I had so many preg symptoms, but it was just my body adjusting to being off the pill and I got preg 3rd cycle :)
Yea that's what I thought it might be. Because I've heard coming off the pill can give you similar symptoms. I think I may leave it till Saturday just to be sure. I'll soon be posting with a result!! X
Hey, wen I concieved my first baby I had a metallic taste in my mouth, which I didnt think anything of, 3 days later I tested and I was pregnant! So u never know. Keep me posted. Good luck. X
The first test of pregnancy should be taken 15 to 20 days later of missed periods for fine result. So, you should wait for this.
I dont think I would wait 15-20 after a missed period - curiosity would get the better of me and would drive me mad LOL :lol:
Good luck, hope you get your bfp - let us know! :)
Me too id have tested asap lol bit i was a poas addict!!
Well I'm on CD31 now (that's if it counts straight after coming off the pill)!!
The metallic taste has gone but i keep getting shooting pains in my boobs like a stabbing sensation?!?
The cramps are still here too and I'm constantly expecting my period whenever I go the loo.
Done two cheapo tests and both BFN.
We was meant to be just going with the flow and letting it happen... But now it's all I think about!! Been watching one born every minute all day and couldn't stop crying!! Lmao...
Thanks for replying ladies :) really appreciate it xxxx
To be honest girls, I think I've come to terms with the fact that I'm probably not and it's just my periods not being regular yet...
Not gonna lie, I'm being impatient. But I've wanted this for ages but my OH has finally agreed.
Good things come to those who wait I guess :) xxx
I was in a similar situation i came off the contraception patch in may. 5 days later i got a period which seemed a normal period. We had regular unptotected sex once that finished. I then waited for my next period to start. I got stomach cramps, tender breasts, fatigue and headaches.
Period was late and it took 5 days for a test to come up positive. Still cant quite believe we fell pregnant so quick.
I knew in my gut i was pregnant before the test confirmed it.
I hope you get your bfp soon. Good luck
Well, as expected my AF arrived this morning. I'm going to see it as a positive tbh. At least it was only a 35 day wait for my AF and not months. At least now I also know I can have a fresh month of trying, and enjoy it!! Haha.
Thanks for all your replies I really do appreciate it, TTC can get lonely at time eh!!
Lau xx
Well as they say at least you can have fun trying!!!!

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