Did anyone just 'know' they were pregnant before test?

My partner knew before I did! Apparentely he pays more attention to the little things than I thought he did! :P

I knew that I was pregnant (though we didn't get all excited about it until I had a couple of positive tests just to be sure). The balooning sore breasts were a dead giveaway for my hubby at least :whistle: and I already had those 12 days before my period (that's about 4-6 DPO!)
Hey sorry to POP in but I did my boobs grew and I had really bad achey wrists a sign from before x x

I've had more symptoms in the 2WW on my BFN months, the cycle that I got my BFP in I had nothing out of the ordinary, I thought it'd be a BFN but something in the back of my mind told me to test, did and a faint line showed up (at 11dpo) on the next 7 tests the line kept getting darker
i just knew too

the first symptoms i spotted were that i just felt 'odd' a bit sort of light headed and dizzy now and again and then my nails started growing fast and i just knew....lol

thinking back the other thing that was weird was i had a snotty nose and kind of blocked ears, especially at night and i now think this was because of my raised temperature......

i didnt have sore boobs or the metallic taste or anything else like that...no headaches nothing....

i have just this morning started to notice a weird taste in my mouth and im 7 weeks.....

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