Am I Pregnant? Advice Please


New Member
Feb 2, 2011
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Hi, I haven't done a test yet thought I would get some advise first.

I changed my pill in October from Cilest (combined pill) to a mini pill as I had asked my GP if I could have the implant and she suggested to try the Mini Pill for 3 months. I had been on Cilest for 6 years and always had a light regular easy period once a month, after 1 week of being on the mini pill I had a really heavy period with bad cramping that lasted 2-3 weeks. I felt I had become depressed, tired and lost sex drive on the mini pill so when I was on the last few days of the 3 month trial of mini pill I went back to my GP and asked to be put back on my old pill Cilest. I started the new pill straight away. I have not had a period since that heavy one in November, I've put weight on, getting alot of heart burn, always tired and NO sex drive at all.

Could I be Pregnant?

Any advice appreciated thanks :)
my honest oppinion is that its the changin pills and your body trying to get the mini pill out your system and adjust back to the old pill again
the pill does alot to your body wen coming off it and starting it
im no doctor though so test incase or ask the doctor
good uck hun sorry i couldnt be more help x x
Those symptoms sound typical of what I had when I was on the pill.
I actually put on a lot of weight, and could fall asleep the moment my head hit the pillow. As for sex drive, being on the pill was a fantastic contreceptive for all the wrong reasons, i never, ever felt in the mood :shock:
i even had sore boobs when I first went on it.
However you can never rule it out, so best to test.
Also think I missed at least one period weh I first started it.
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Hey just wanted to wish you luck and i hope you get the answers you need. :) xx
Hope you get the answer you want hunny, goodluck x x


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