I just did a test...

False negatives are much more common than a false positive ;)
Pudds, that looks exactly like mine did which I took in the evening, I went and got a digi one which was there in black and white so there was no mistaking. Hope you get some sleep tonight waiting to re-test in the morning, looks good though!!
It is so weird because I have had period like symptoms but not strong. I have been secretly testing with some left over dip test cheapy ones from last month. There was ONE left tonight and I thought to myself..I will use the last one and then I wont be tempted anymore... then this happens! lol. Now that the test is drying, that line looks darker as it absorbs. Made hubby go out just now to get some more to do in the morning. Wanted CB but they were sold out!!!! Grr So have a First Response one. Still gonna get a digital tomorrow if this come up pos. eeeek.
i used a first response the day after i did a test like yours and you could see an even clearer line xx
Fingers crossed then!! I won't be able to let you all know until tomorrow evening though! :0( Boo....
Looks promising, let us know how u get on in the morning.
I see that too!! I had a very faint line the first time I tested early too! How exciting! xx
Ooooh I like the new gallery! Good Idea! xxx
And you're the first thread :yay: Hope we get many many more :)
Well I shall be posting my next results! xx
That's :bfp: hon- it's a pink line! Looks exactly like mine did the evening I also tested with a CBD and got bfp!

Congrats I'd say!! xxx
OMG that looks promising.....Hope you get your def BFP tomorrow...how exciting ... and loving this new gallery....cant wait to start posting our BFP's.....thanks Mods xxx

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