Is this BFP? Pics included.

If theres still a line it will eventually get darker. Fingers crossed it does xxx
like i say its only when you hold it to the light. Why would my body mess with me like this lol. xx
I dont know what to think, So many diff answers lol. xx
I had some of the Poundland ones too; they actually say on the back only for use with IVF... x
Only use with IVF? whys that...didnt know this lol.
eldra have you got any ebay try with them not the poundland ones. wait til morning to test xxx
I didnt either lol. I dont have any ebay cheapies, ive only got a first respnse one and a poundland one left, although last time i tested with fr i didnt get anythin as you can see in pics. xx
Ohright, well i guess you will just have to use the poundland one the first response for the next couple of days. Look on the bright side AF isnt here ;) xxx
Ive heard some good things and some bad things about fr lol. I recently bought a cbfm and if im not preg i want to start using it but i cant if i have no AF lol. xx
If you have any ovulation tests try one of them because depending on the strength of the will show positive too. I'm just trying to think of things you could do lol but i suppose waiting is the only way really as time will
hmmmm. i do have opk's, there is a line but it aint positive lol. xx
But saying that last cycle i never got a line as dark as control line. xx
Ah right, some people dont get positive with opk...dont know why. Maybe wait it out hun eh xxx
yeah maybe best to do that.... Just want to know one way or another lol. xx
did you test positive straight away? xx
What cycle day are you on eldra and what is your usual cycle length? I think it's difficult to tell if it's a bfp because of time limit, pulling test apart etc.

Good luck...time will tell! ;) x
Hey, Thanks for the reply. Im not sure as i didnt get a proper positive on my opk's but the darkest like was cd18 i think but couldnt be sure for defo..... Im normally 28-29days. Im was due AF monday gone and still hasnt showed. so i might be cd 34 but like i say couldnt say for What about the bottom test? xx

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