I just did a test...

Well I tested again... and now I am very confused! It was a BFN :( I am soo pissed off it's untrue. Don't know what my body is playing at! Has anyone else had this? I know Evie had it on some dodgy tests. The thing is the test I got a positive on was part of a bulk bunch and all the rest seemed to work fine, never shown positive before... I am 6 days late now. xx
1st one looks good pudds, so exciting , fingers crossed your morning one does the same
There's definite pink to those lines hun and I'm guessing they're better in real life?

Even with twins the last time I got really faint, barely there lines with the IC's but got better lines with First response.

I hope this mornings was just a dud :hug:

I'd give it a day or so and get a different brand and go from there xoxo
Yeah they were quite pink in reality... Oh I just dont know. Since testing this morning I have started to get cramps. I am hoping the witch isnt on her way. Just dont understand how i got a positive last night. :( xx
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hugs lovely maybe what mamafy said the last test was a dud really hope so lovely keep us posted xxx
Hey puds....I had exactly same prob two weeks ago....had lots of pg symptoms, had been waking up during the night throwing up etc and got 2 fairly faint bfp on the wed along with pos ov sticks then the next day NOTHING!! Was really confused and so annoyed....Unfortunately AF did get me but Im waiting to see nurse incase it was an chemical pregnancy.... However on the positive side lots of the ladies on here have used EC and had BFP's with them so dont stress too much your not out till the witch gets you....and hopefully the cramps are Implantation cramps.....fengers crossed for you xxx

Still no AF now 7 days late... Just did another pregnancy test which measure 25mIU sensitivity... there was THE FAINTEST line on it. The first test I posted on here measured 10mIU sensitivity which explains the darker line. Now I am out of tests completely which is a good thing so I have to wait for either AF or until my tests arrive! Now... I am sure I read somewhere on here about an article that was found relating to the fact that OV test may be used a pregnancy tests. I think I am right in saying that if the line was DARKER than the test line it could be a positive result??? I just used one and it is definately darker. Should a positive OV even happen if I havent had my period? I have no clue. I am just clutching at straws! Help! I will post a pic in a sec. xx
Hey Puds.....from what I gather after my little nightmare a couple of weeks ago OV tests can also detect pregnancy.... I also had +ov and prg tests and apparently they can both detect HGC but only Ov sticks can detect the ovulation surge so fingers crossed all these positives are a good sign....good luck and keep updating....we all love a BFP ;-) xxx
pudds it could be coz its looking for a stronger amount of hormone my frer test the day after the line on the ebay one was still faint lovely. when you put the picture up i can tell you if its like mine
got everything crossed for you xxx
wow that is dark prob darker than any ovulation test i have done!!! never used one for pregnancy hopefully some can help on here looks good tho xxx
OMG that is dark....oh excited for you and nope never seen an OV stick that dark either so hopefully that is a very good sign puds xxx
Its even darker in reality looks much stronger than the control line. Grr.... right the waiting game begins xx
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I think its a bfp hun :yay: Thats what my ov tests looked like when I was pg :yay:

Have you any pics of the latest faint line?
Do you?? I have never seen an ov test that dark! Yeah I tried to take a picture of it, but it didnt show up in the picture! I have just ordered some more tests, so will try and wait patiently for those. Plus some clear blue digitals. xxx
I have a pic in my link of the test I did and it was the same as that so I'd say you're preg hon. Xx
Good luck hon - I'd be in the supermarket buying a digi - u have such patience!!! xxx

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