i dont even know if i should be here this month :/

Ah raxx something should happen soon I am impatient at the best if times so feel for you, fingers and toes crossed!

Nightmare! My carbon monoxide alarm was playing up I had to wrap in towels and stick it in the kitchen to drown out the noise because there wasn't a screwdriver. My dog thinks on the same train of thought she backs away seeing spiders! I used to be bad but I can leave them to it now. I used to go to battle with the big ones.

Sorry to hear about your attacks they are horrible do you take anything for them? I checked the hpt, the shadow is definately there under a microscope time will tell. My right side is pulling so I'm placing my bets on AF!xxx
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God i cant deal with massive spiders, if theres a small one in my room fine i can leave it but big ones eeeek no chance haha! and no i dont take anything for the attacks! my other episode of attacks seems to be coming back to haunt me too now but i dont know if that was spider related! At one point i would wake up half asleep and see cob webs or huuuuge spiders in front of my face, i would jump out of bed and there would be nothing there, i did go to the doctors when this was happening last time and he said it was a form of anxiety! that only happened last night after i had seen the real huge spider in my room so maybe it was a blip!

Ooooh hpt shadow sounds good :D only time will tell like you say! We could either be very lucky or our bodies are playing tricks on us after mc's :/ this is all new to me with it being my first mc so i really dont know what to expect! fingers crossed for us all anyways :) xx
Ah it's the stress of they creepy spideys! It's not nice I hope it eases of and your anxiety stays at bay. My body shuts down I think that's why my AF is so sporadic. When I did my finals at uni I had no AF for 12months :/ bodys are strange!

Well it's witchey or twitchey something is going on, it's like mini pulling pains but it's upsetting me because I am getting my hopes up. Nothing to do but wait I think that's why feel so upset. One minute it's great takes mind of august and I get excited next minute I want to cry into my mug of tea!

Boo! anyway rant over xxx
thanks hun! Yeah i must admit i have been a tad emotional for a couple of days, dunno whether thats down to feeling a bit off it though! i am sure our BFP's are just around the corner :) xx
Sunday couldn't come any quicker now. Hope the germs and spideys stay away, I'm going to make another cup of tea as sitting at my desk is clearly making me think too much!xx
thanks hun and heres to sunday hurrying along hee hee! ive been so busy today so thats kept my mind off EVERYTHING haha! (well apart from sleep zzzzzzzzzzzz) xx
Sleep would be nice! I'm shattered but going to zumba later. Right looked At my hpt from yesterday there is a faint pink line for definite so either remaining hormone or roll on Sunday. Fingers crossed! xx
Oh dear Sunbeam, sorry to hear that you had a bad night too!!

Deedee, have you perhaps tried taking rescue remedy for your anxiety? i dunno if they are suitable for TTC but i find it helps me to calm right down when i get anxious. I have the chewing gum and the pastilles.

Sick of bfns - not testing until the weekend. We are moving into our new home this weekend, so I reckon a bfp or AF would be a nice way to mark new beginnings :)
Ooh good luck with your house move, thats a stressy time! Definitely new house....new baby!

Ah thanks raxx, I am not punishing myself either will wait until sunday now. If you have xray vision you might see something!

But....tbh this could still be my previous hcg, the whole thing has got me quite worked up today so need to try and chill out about it now....baby dust to all X


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Just realised Maybebaby this is a perfect opportunity to test your magnifier out! X
Definitely a line on first one :) good luck sunbeam xxx

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raxx....i havent tried that but its deffo something to consider i think i shall be asking about that! good luck with your house move at the weekend also :) and fingers crossed for the POAS too :D

Sunbeam, you deffo dont need a magnifying glass for those lines lol but yeah only sunday will tell if it gets darker etc so massive good luck for then hun :D

As for me, still no symptoms of anything lol xx
Ah Thank you sleepy :) when I uploaded the quality of the pixels aren't great but it's slightly on the right....

Ladies any symptoms?

Yeah I can't tell what's what with my symptoms but in the car this morning had a sharp pain very low down and an achey back so I'm on the bench now. However on a positive it's Wednesday so one step closer to Sunday. Im going to do one Friday now just because I'm impatient but I can use it like a colour chart!xx
your symptoms sound very positive sunbeam :D oooh i really hope your lines get darker :D i'm just full of cold :( feeling very sorry for myself today! i may POAS friday too seen as though i am gettin them friday, i just wont be able to resist lol, doesnt help that last night i had a dream that i POAS and got a BFP! xx
Ah nice avatar pic!

Urgh I hate having a cold it's difficult to find motivation to do anything. But that's when I love spicy curry gives my head some clarity!

I'm taking a good dream as a sign I hope so! I haven't been in a 2ww like this before it's just so hard to think about anything else!xx
thanks, i thought i better update seen as though i have changed since the last avatar pic was taken lol!

Ooh spicy curry sounds like a plan...love my spicy food :D and yes i am hoping the dream is a good thing! Cant say i have thought much about this 2ww anyway (or 3ww) so its not been as tough for me up to press! Just wish something would happen x
Lol Sunbeam, it's not arrived yet, but the good news is I don't need it I see a line!!!

Massive FX for tomorrows test! :)

Its a lovely pic! Ah something will happen I have my fingers crossed! :) I'm pretty positive if it's not our month it won't be long :)

Cheers maybebaby! I just hope this isn't my old hormone but after all my ups and downs on this thread nothing to do but wait. I'm thread stalking you too, I tried incubating myself last night, didn't even try to explain to oh why I was wrapped in a fleece blanket besides my normal duvet!

I did bodycombat last night instead of zumba then panicked thinking the jumping around would dislodge a possibly bean...at this point I knew I have lost my marbles! Xxx
They are very clear lines Hun! Roll on Friday!! X

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