i dont even know if i should be here this month :/

yeah good thinking hun hope things are sorted for you soon :)

Not up to much this weekend either, i have my 3 yr old brother tomorrow (at my mums) along with my LO so to stop fighting i think i may take em for a picnic at the park if the weather is nice! Then tomorrow night, a few alcoholic beverages, chinese and doctor who seen as though my LO and OH are obsessed hee hee and then sunday, a nice big fat sunday dinner and possibly try and get some real crackling off that pork...then a lazy day :) sounds like a massive plan! was going to go swimming sunday but af had to arrive :( ah well, plenty of time to go swimming, can always go next week instead xx

Did you manage your picnic? I had a self help day of gym, spa, baked in the evening muffins and home made jam (Im new to cooking!) then xfactor. Tonight I am making chicken roast then watching Downton abbey-I LOVE weekends!

Got mixed results bfn first response, faint bfp tesco. I think it's a bfn because I am having hit and miss results. All previous symptoms gone so going to wait until I get back from holiday then visit the docs but today feeling upbeat about it.

Baby dust for this mornings line spotters!xxxx
morning hun

No we didnt manage the picnic or even the park...after dinner my little brother tarted shivering and got a temperature so gave him some calpol and he just laid on the sofa until my mum and her OH came back at 4 bless him, elise had it last weekend so deffo something going around! and to top it off my chest started to feel burny so think i'm getting a chest infection so when i got back yesterday i did a bit of housework (what my oh had not managed to do) then chilled for the night!

Oooh i love baking...cakes are my forte hee hee i make a mean one but it only lasts a day with my greedy lot :D

How frustrating re your tests :/ hopefully af will arrive soon for you hun!

And deffo good luck to all the POAS addicts this morning :D hope someone gets their BFP xxx
Ah you all sound poorly-hope you all get better soon!

Its a new found interest I love it! Cupcakes especially but not great for my bikini lines next week!

I know I think first response would have picked something up so I am 99% certain it's BFP now but I will get there its only a matter of time. I'm just glad I am ttc now than putting it off because of work like I have done in the past because I know it's not easy this ttc business!

All hail BFP ladies I have my fingers crossed!! :)
Thanks hun, at least i'm feeling better than i did last night!

I have a go at the cupcakes from time to time, i have to buy the frosting already made though haha!

And yes, deffo not easy TTC at all! Its such a long process aint it :( ah well we will get there sooner or later :)

hi ladies just wanted to let you know my experience, in 2006 i fell pregnant miscarried at xmas at 11 weeks, got me af back after 6 weeks 3 months later en dof mark 2007 fell pregnant again miscarried at 10 weeks, expected af to arrive 6 weeks later again same as the first time, 5 weeks later i felt awful did a test and it was positive i was 5 weeks pregnant with my little boy who is no 3 and half, i never had a visit from af inbetween!good luck xx
hey blond_ditz, so sorry about your mc's but so glad that there was a happy ending finally :)

I wasnt that lucky...my af has arrived...but thats ok, i was eager for af to arrive (or BFP) so at least i know my body is back to normal now and i can try again soon :D x

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