i dont even know if i should be here this month :/

It's not my longest though! I have crazy cycles. But I reckon the 2ww probably feels like a million years too lol. I'd be going out of my mind!

wow yeah i think your right lol! well i do hope your cycles are sorted and shortened soon hun! i dont think i would have any hair left tbh :/ lol x
H ladies! can I pls join you? I m/c'd on 13th Aug and I think I O'd between 30th Aug and 2nd Sept. I've not had many symptoms- just achy back.

Last Sunday evening I thought AF had come but it was only abit of brown discharge and I had abit more on Monday but nothing since. Wonder if that was implantation bleed?

I've been testing all last week with ICs- bfn each time.

When are you ladies testing?

Hi raxx, sorry for your loss x but def join us on the 3ww! I found out on 22nd and mc'd around 25th-28th Aug ish and pretty sure I ov'd on the 9-10th so going to check the 1st week of October I'm just going by what I have read but not sure when to test? I think I have ov'd based on the funny pains and the gap between mc and 10th sept there was no pain. Since then I have had lots of twinges, pulling pains, achey back, metallic tastes (could all be in my head!) but something is happening.

Could be implantation? I'm not sure when is best to test maybe someone here knows. I think if AF doesn't show will test 1st Oct and 8th on holiday in between. Nervous times!xxx
Sorry for yr loss too, sunbeam. fx for your bfp on 1st! Wouldn't that be a lovely icing on the cake to take with for your hols!
sorry to hear about your mc raxx and yessssss please do join our loooong 3ww :D i'm not sure when to test either! i think i ov'd based on cm and pains a week and a half ago so i think i am going to leave it another 2 weeks and see what happens in the meantime! i havent had any symptoms though! to be fair if af arrives then thats ok, at least i can track things better then but a BFP would be fab. fingers crossed for us all xxx
Morning :)

I had a look at a normal ovulation calendar if i treat my mc like AF then am due AF on 22nd Aug so I'm thinking that to be sure that if a line does appear then it's from a new pg not previous because you can still show up lines so going to wait 1st Oct.

I will take a CB digital one so it's spelt out for me! Normally when I ov my pains tend to be on right side but this is all over...it's a long road for us ladies!! I am like deedee though BFP would be great but AF would be good to get things back to normal too.

Thank you would be a great start to the holiday :) I'm not going to drink too much now because I'm really not sure so leaving it till 1st is giving plenty of time. Xxx
i went by that re af hun and my deadlines been and gone lol but i guess it can take a while anyway! I have been exactly same re ov pains, usually i have them on one side but this time they have been on both sides...god i hope this doesnt mean twins if i do get a BFP haha :0 xx
I'm with you girls - i would be thrilled to have a BFP, but would be happy enough if AF just comes so that I can start again. I just hate being in limbo... something, anything.... please happen already! LoL
hee hee raxx thats just it isnt it, that whole limbo thing, its more stressful than the 2ww's before lol! hopefully something no matter how big or small will happen for us soon whether that be af or BFP :D xx
Ah im pleased to see there us hope with three being in the same position. X

So With what your saying deedee I could go by when AF is supposedly due...I think I'm up beat about things us because (you know I whiny about this alot) my cycles are so far apart the fact I'm having these pains makes me think AF might finally regulate after my mmc I asked the doc couldn't guarantee but said it could work in my favour. Ooh shall I test sooner then?

I have totally kept my thoughts in the circle of trust PF arena but did mention the possibility of BFP to OH who text me last night worrying that I will get my hopes up. I was on a girls weekend (much overdue I need a laugh) and although I do have my hopes up it will be ok :) xxx
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aww i really do hope with this happening your cycles will regulate and not be far apart as they were before...well thats if you dont get ur BFP and af arrives lol. I'm the same though, i have just aired my thoughts on PF and havent mentioned anything to anyone! so glad to be on PF as i think otherwise i would end up talking to myself which doesnt look good haha! you could possibly test sooner hun but i think you should wait until i test haha! i might get some cheapo's and POAS next weekend just to pass my urge of wanting to lol! Hope u had a ball on the girls weekend away too :D xx
Ah thank you! Sounds like a plan lets do same time, I prefer the tesco ones to cb lines...when are you going to to the cheapie one?xx
Ps I love this forum so true I think I would have had a v.negative view of the work without you ladies xx
i think i may head into town saturday and get them then so will be sunday....grrr actually scrap that i will get asda's tests and do it saturday haha! xx
Sunbeam, I really hope your cycles will regulate. The unknown is just the worst!

Ooooh.... Deedee & sunbeam..... I really don't think I can resist POAS until next weekend! I have loads of internet cheapies... I may just about manage to not POAS until Tuesday :)

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