How old were you when you lost your virginity?!


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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Hehe so another question to keep our minds occupied and away from TTC, POAS, CHARTS, THEMOMETERS ETC...

Ok so only fair I start it off as I started the thread.

I was 14 years old, with my first proper boyfriend, we were together for 6 months.
Oooh I was 19 with my best friends fiance's friend it was rubbish ha ha
Oooh I was 19 with my best friends fiance's friend it was rubbish ha ha

:rotfl: I still remember it too! I remember he went in the immediatly pulled straight back out and said 'OMG We are having sex' I was like 'Well we were!! :roll:'
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I was 14 as well & was on a park bench - I know, not classy at all
ooo.. i was 16 nearly 17 and my (ex)bf was 20.. He took me to the seaside and booked a hotel for the weekend, we tried that night but i was soo scared, he held off... and then in the morning i thought F**k it... and we did.. didnt last very long.. and then we went had breakfast.. :)
Oh love this thread. I was 14 too. We were THE school couple and were together for about 6 months before we did the deed. It was boxing day at my friends house and we even did it in a bed! Colonol abraham song "trapped" playing in the background.... It was amazing and then we were at it like rabbits for 2 years or so. Mum found out I was on pill so stopped me from seeing him but we still saw each other for a year! Used to do it behind the primary school, cupboards under stairs, behind the bushes that is soooo funny! Wonder where he us now?
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I was 13 I was with him two years before this an two years after :)
I was 16 with my ex I was with for 4 years... Nothing else to say ha ha!

Nah he was just an ass and tried it on with my best friend amongst other things too, so I have nothing good to say about him!


Oh loopylouise he sounds horrible & now see why he's an ex!!
My OH bless him, lost his "v" plates to me at 18 & only been with me :)
I was 15 and paraletic with a 18 year old sober enough to drive :shock:

Didn't know him, he was a relative of a friend. What a jerk.

I can't remember much of it to be honest. Ew.
Kezz - bless OH that is so nice, my OH was 24 when he lost his....i think that is so cute! unfortunatly not to me tho lol
It's lovely when men wait, makes a change hearing that instead of them being jack the lad & snagging around just to be one of the lads.....pfft
When I lost mine was with an older man, he was 21. Obviously at the time thought Ooooo look at me with my older boyfriend & now as got older think Ewwwww bit wrong really, hey ho, can't change it now :)
lol i wish i would have waited til i met OH but like u said u cant take it back now!
17 with my first proper boyfriend, he was 18, we'd been out the night before with my parents, it was the first time he'd met them and needed a bit too much dutch courage to settle his nerves, he was rather unwell, so it was the next morning!
I was 21 (and had only kissed someone properly when I was 20!), at uni, drunk upset and destructive LOL! I don't regret it - I just wish it had been with Jarvis Cocker as planned.
I was 16 and had been with my boyfriend for 4 months, we were then together for 5 months after that before I found out he'd cheated on me with my (then) best friend! What a git!!! Never spoke to either of them again!
I was 14 & he was old enough to be a bit of pervert. :lol: What can I say, I've always gone for older guys. :lol: Can't say I liked it much, we were out round the back of a pub, it was freezing and I was worried about getting dirt on my clothes. Seemed to go on for ages & just felt uncomfortable & then afterwards I was all sticky & worried about making a mess of my underwear. :lol:

OH was older than I am now when he lost his, can't say that the wait's caused him any problems though. ;)
I was 16 & was with a guy I met on a train after an intense 2 week relationship ha ha
Love this thread!! I lost my V two weeks before my 16th birthday in my bed at my dads house. He was 18 and also a virgin. We had been together 6 months before hand and stayed together for another 3 years.

The first time was crap!! He kept going floppy as soon as he put a condom near his willy bless him and I was to scared to enjoy it really xx

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