Your virginity

wanabamum said:
:oops: umm i lost mine when i was 15!! :oops:

:oops: :oops: in the middle of a farmers field :oops: :oops:
it would of been ok but there was someone walking there dog and i didnt notice them till they had walked past!! :shhh:
i was 13 in my mums house :oops: didnt have a clue what i was doing my bf was same age but a little more experienced he put it in once i screamed roof off house threw him out and dumped him :rotfl: xxxx
i was 17 and we r still togeather 19 years later
i was 15 and 11 months lol
in a tent camping to celebrate leaving school, all my friend were outside and kept going - ohhh there doing it lol :roll:

it was with Garry wed been going out 2 and a half years and carried on going out for 2 yrs and ended up with the best thing in the world
i was 15, and was with a guy id had a crush on for ages!!! and was was at the back of a tenement(lol a flat 2 u non scots!!!) it was p*ssin down and i got saturated 4m head 2 foot in mud,and lost my bra :rotfl: was stayin at my sisters tht nyt thankfully!!!! was a very memorable night!!!
i know how you feel xena i was drinking with my friend and her bf and stayed round there house when i was 15 and we all passed out i woke with her bf on top of they were both quite a bit older than me in there 30s and i lost my virginity to him i didnt tell anyone because he told me hed tell her i came on too him and she would beat me up i never saw them again only my bf now knows and i only told him recently didnt think anyone would believe me.

its an awfull way to loose it :hug:

awww hun :hug: that's horrible. I guess we're both in the same boat then. You're right, it is an awful way to lose it.
its strange but i lost mine to my oh a few years before we got together properly,i was 18 he was 17 we were both more interested in being single and getting drunk at the time to have a proper relationship. i always fancied him from the day i met him and we always ended up together whenever we saw each other out and about but it took a few years before we decided to get we're engaged with a flat, 2 cats and a baby! hehe
oooo girls!! I thought i lost it early at 15 but a few of you was very active before me!! haha :rotfl:

mine was in a park with the local cherry popper!! also 15. and a man walk past walking his dog half way through.

then when my mum found out a few months later she tried to run him over!!!!! haha haha :rotfl:

i was 12/13 and pressured into it, quickly learnt that guys that really care will wait...Happy that i learnt my lesson :D
I was 17 and it was with my older brothers best mate. Mum was out for the night He put the power of love on the sterio on repeat (how cheesy)
We did it in the living room coz i didnt want the bed to squeek and just as i had relax my brother walked in :shock:
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Kinda killed the mood for at least half an hour so had the second attempt in my own room

Only saw him once more after that hmmm wonder what happened there over protective brother me thinks

pam x
i was 20, felt a bit pressurised into it. he was also shagging the local slag and my best mate. never mind, what goes around comes around. he went to prison 3 years ago for stealing cars. hopefully he got a lot of shagging in prison :D
I was 13, was in my bed with a guy 3 years older that i had been seeing for a few weeks, he said he wanted to give me an early xmas pressie (was a week before xmas) as curious as i am let him :oops: wasnt an enjoyable experience, probs why i only saw him twice after that!!
I was 18 and a 1/2 and it was in my bed at my parents house. I am glad I waited until then

wow interesting knowing how we all lost it although for teh most part was not romantic lol
I was 16 with a guy I had met on my first girls holiday in newquay, waited about 5months before we did the deed.

I wasnt in love with him but cared for him alot & he was a lovely guy, wouldnt have wished for it to have been with anyone else & glad I waited.

The sex was pants tho ! lol
i was 18 with my now husband we were both virgins and it was on his friends floor.
Princess_Puddles said:
I was 13, was in my bed with a guy 3 years older that i had been seeing for a few weeks, he said he wanted to give me an early xmas pressie (was a week before xmas) as curious as i am let him :oops: wasnt an enjoyable experience, probs why i only saw him twice after that!!

I was 16. It was with my ex, we were together about a week when we did it. Lasted about 5 months. He was so crap in bed it's unreal haha. Bless him, he was a kinda nice bloke when he wanted to be. :rotfl:

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