How long have/were you with your partner before.....

It was probably once we'd had the 'marriage' conversation after about 5 years of being together and about a year or so of living together.

Living together is a must before you commit to TTC in my opinion.
i met my OH on my 18th birthday, and a few little hiccups, bbut other than that we've been together for over 6 years :)
9 years almost when we started

you need to know someone and be used to living with them - and not the brilliant days at first - the days when you're miserable, grumpy, premenstrual and you just want to kill them. If you survive that - have children :wink:
5 years, engaged sine last july and lived together for 3 years, totally true about it being different when you live together 24/7! but still love him muchness :D
I've been with my OH for 16 years and married for nearly 14 yrs. We decided 10 months ago to start growing up and try for a baby :D . Although i am desperate for a child now i don't regret not trying earlier... we know each other inside out and we have had many years of fun, travelling and adventure! I wouldn't change a thing and i highly recommend at least a few years of just the two of you :D
PinkPunch said:
I've been with my OH for 16 years and married for nearly 14 yrs.

16 years.. wow, congrats :)

lol thanks :D
It's quite mad really considering both our families were against us getting married and they said it would never last! We showed them! :dance:
OH wanted to start trying after about a year of being together, I held off until we'd been together 4yrs, I just didn't feel ready until then :D
I don't think it matters too much, as long as Mummy is ready, but I think having a baby with a supportive partner who also wants a baby is best case scenario :hug:
We'd been together 11 1/2 years before we started TTC.

I completely agree with what others have said about living together changing a relationship. We had been together intensively for 9 years when we moved in together so i thought i knew all i could know about my OH but it completely changed our relationship and we had a really rocky period but luckily for us we came out the other side of it but i know loads of couples that don't.

Its great that you are planning to live together it's a really exciting time too so really enjoy it and although getting a pad of your own can be stressful, When you all snuggled up and settled in your own home it will all seem worth it.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

We bought a house together 9 years ago, though we first met 12 years ago (didn't really get together for a couple of years, we were too shy!).

We finally married last summer, and started TTC straight away.

I was 19 when we first met, and knew I was too young to marry and have children. Somehow, the years just passed without us really noticing - DH was genuinely shocked one day when he told a friend I was 25 and I corrected it to 29! :rotfl: It gave him a kick up the backside though - he proposed shortly afterwards. :lol:

As others have said, you need to go through the bad times as well as the good to be sure the relationship will last. We've gone through some awful times which nearly split us apart, but we're out the other side, and we are absolutely sure we'll be together for the rest of our lives. We know each other's weaknesses as well as their strengths and most importantly, we've learnt to accept them, even to compensate for each other.
Been married for 2 years but together for 10 when we started TTC.

Totally agree with what others have suggested about renting before buying (our first two years living together were rocky to say the least!) but we came through stronger as a result.
Same as some others on here... been with Matt since i was 17, am now 15 years...had some hiccups along the way, married last year and was 5 weeks pg at the time. We did all our living,,,been young idiots, playing games with each other and all that cr*p, as you grow older and love is still there, it feels right. I'm so glad we didn't do it any younger, as it wouldn't have been the right thing for us. :hug:
3 and a half years, and I would've liked more time just the two of us to be honest.
I have been with Simon for almost 9 years but have known him for about 14 I have lived with him for about 8 1/2 years. We started trying after we had been together 7 1/2 years, because we felt it was the right time for us - We had just paid off alot of debt and for the first time in ages had our bank accounts in credit.
I think finding out I had PCOS (along time before we were trying) made us start thinking about having children and that it might not be as easy as we first thought and may take a long time (we have been lucky that it has only taken 12 mths).

Good luck to all you who are TTC :hug:
I had been with Jason for 91/2 years when we got married and then a year later we had Isabella.
AnnaR2B said:
Same as some others on here... been with Matt since i was 17, am now 15 years...had some hiccups along the way, married last year and was 5 weeks pg at the time. We did all our living,,,been young idiots, playing games with each other and all that cr*p, as you grow older and love is still there, it feels right. I'm so glad we didn't do it any younger, as it wouldn't have been the right thing for us. :hug:

He he sounds like me and my DH :D

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