When did you/plan to start weaning...


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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... i plan on starting around 17 weeks as this is when my mother started with us...and we have no allergies or digestiive problems. Im not too into the "guidelines" as they are forever changing, and scientist can never seem to make up their minds.

Gonna see if Evie can handle it then, if not i will hold off until she is ready. Will only start off with baby rice.

SO when do you plan to start, or when did you start? WHats your opinions on the old "correct time to wean". I have read some quite hostile posts (not here) from people who say anything younger than 6 months is dangerous, bad for your baby, and your gonna give them allergies and bad digestive systems etc.
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I plan to take my lead from Ella - I think anywhere between 4 months and 6 months is fine depending on if the baby seems ready xx
I was pretty adament I wasn't going to wean Layla until she was 6 months but then I gave in and @ 4 months, I decided to try her on some baby porridge. Well, she LOVED it. And showed no signs of stopping! So She has had porridge daily for brekkie since and I've gradually been trying to introduce veg and fruit and also fromage frais pots - she loves everything she has had so far apart from the more "meal type" jars ie chicken veg + rice.... she screamed blue murder at that, but I was also then advised by doc and HV to lay off the meats until 6 months. Also advised to puree/mash up as much home cooked food as possible - just omit sugar and salt. I bought a blender today and loads of fruit and veggies to make up various medleys for her. She's going to love me over the next few days haha!

As for actual opinions, I think your baby will let you know. The reason I gave in to Layla trying porridge at 4 months was because she was constantly staring at us when we ate. She watched every mouthful from the fork leaving the plate to our mouths lol. Plus, when she is sat on our lap, if we have a drink/cup of tea etc, she trys to nab it off us lol xx
I offered food to G from 4 1/2 months, he had been showing some interest in me eating but he wasn't interested in doing it himself so just offered little bits every few days/week until suddenly 4 days ago he wanted more. Just follow your baby's lead and I'm sure you can't go too far wrong.
I waited until Tegan was 5 months until then i really don't think she was ready, i started with baby porridge then fruit and vegetables at 6 months i introduced meat x
With Lacey I didn't know what I was doing so weaned her at 3 months. She has no allergies and is never poorly so it didn't do her any harm.
With charley, I waited until 4 months but he became ill (wasn't because I'd weaned him early) so I stopped food then waited until 5 and half months and it was so much easier. It was easy to sort out meals times and bottles cos he was more ready to drop bottles then.
Your baby will definitely let you know.

I tried poppy at 4 months and she really hated it. In fact all mine have been late weaners and would happily have lived on milk alone for the first year.
I tried with zac at 5 months, but he wasn't ready until about 6 and a half months. Next time I am going to wait as long as possible because although it is exiting giving them new foods, it is so much easier when they are just on milk, and he enjoyed it so much more when he was properly ready. Only you know when your baby is ready x
We started Oscar on some fruity porridge at 4 months, but we literally only did a teaspoon of porridge for taste only and to start getting him used to something other than milk alone and we always let him take the spoon and play with it. he now has 1 tablespoon of cereal every morning. Sunday he will be 5 months old and we'll introduce puree veg for tea, but again just a smidge for taste, then at 6 mths we'll start giving him proper solid foods for eating (if that makes sense lol)
well we were advised to give J solids as close to 4 months as possible as they still believed he had (and still do i might add stupid bumholes) reflux. we started him on baby rice maybe in the morning but that was it and then just on pureed fruit and veg and then would mix a variety of fruit and veg together and at bang on 6 onths we started introducing eggs, meats, pastas etc et etc.... you just gotta do what oyu feel is righ, for my next LO if it happens then i wil follow what i feel to be right etc......
i waited until Jasper could pick up food, and feed himself :) It happened around 6/6.5 months and worked really well for us :)
I started weaning Paige around 17 weeks. I didn't want to wean early but it just seemed like she wanted it and sure enough, it was a fantastic choice. Just to add though, she wasn't sleeping through the night then and didnt when she was weaned so it wasn't to help her sleep through. (sorry, its a bug bear of mine that people start weaning when their babies start waking :blush: )
J DEFINITELY didnt sleep through when he was weaned, if anything it co-incided with an awful lot more night waking (for a while, he is much better now)
I started last week because I really wasn't coping with expressing every 3 hours to get enough milk for Lizzie! So she now has two 'meals' of porridge a day and other flavours of things now and again. The 'solid' food keeps her full for a good 4 hours so I can express slightly less *phew*.

I didn't even think about whether her sleeping habits would change, but she's slept through the last 5 nights so it's obviously filling her up a bit more :) I do miss her night time feeds though!
weaning made amelia wake up more in the night just settling down again now in time for her teeth to stat bugging her yay!!
I started Ella on a tiny bit of baby rice bang on 17 weeks. She was (and still is I might add) hungry all the time. I feed from both breasts then top her up from a bottle (between 3-5 oz) and she's hungry again 2 hrs later! Also like munchkin said, grabbing at food/drinks I have!

So i tried her with a little each day (1 tbsp at 5pm as this is when she's most hungry) and she can't get enough of it. She's had this for a week now and I'm not sure when/how to increase really but I think she needs/wants more as she cries when there's none left!

I think there are such strong opinions around this subject you really do just need to do what you feel is right, every baby is different and as they all develop at different times, they'll all need 'food' at different times.

It is very scary although also exciting knowing when/ how to start weaning but your baby will let you know if they're not ready by refusing or getting upset tummy ... and also let you know if its the right time by throwing themselves at the spoon with an open mouth and grabbing at it... this is how I know Ellas ok with it!
i weaned madison super early (recommended as taking huge bottles every 2 hours even thru the night) i think around 8 weeks but i only done it for a week then stopped, it helped at the time and i only gave realllllllly runny rice which doc said cant do anythiong to digestive system etc, think i properly started weaning between 12-14 weeks and tbh not for everyone but we never looked back :) xx
Owen was a week shy of 6 months and we let him feed himself. For us it has been the most exciting and fun journey watching him work out how to eat! He loves everything and is now able to wolf it down :) Most of my friends weaned around 4 months with purees and it worked really well for them but to me if the baby can wait then letting them do it themselves can be so amazing!!

I think it depends on the baby though and what feels right.
We are starting on Monday! It's all very exciting.

Enjoy taking lots of pictures :) Do a thread! Want to know what you start him with and how it goes! It was slow to start with us and some gagging bu twe/he got used to it. Have fun :)

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