How old are all the young mummies on here?!?

i was 18 when i got pregnant 19 when jack was born. he was unplanned but love him to bits!

dont just get pregnant for the sake of it tho! after me and my boyfriend split up i had to decide if i cud do it alone. i have some savings and support from friends and family so i went for it and never regretted it for a second!
if ur not sure you can afford it or get the support then u need to really think if urr doing it at the right time.
Im 21 but will be 22 in april this is my first and bubba's born in Aug my DH is 28
MissGobby said:
Hey - sorry to be nosey - just wondering, as i am 19 and my fiance is 21 and we are wanting to start ttc. i was just wondering how many young mummies on here there were!?? :wave: :hug:

what do you call young? BECAREFUL NOW!!!! :evil: :rotfl:
You already know me - but i'm bored and thought I would reply to this thread.

I was 19 when I (unexpectedly) got pregnant with Eloise, 20 when I had her, I'm now 21 and DH is 32 and we are trying for number 2.
i was 17 when accidentally fell preg with millie, now 20 and 12 weeks preg :cheer: good luck for this month :pray:
im 18 now, had Kiyanna 5 days before my 15th birthday and was 17 when i had Elise. both not planned but wudnt be changed
x sophie x
im 21 and my fiancee is 30, ive only told a handful of people that we are ttc, but my god what a reaction!!!"your way too young for that, live your life, you'll miss out on so much" is what they have all said. We live in a beautiful house, ive just finished my university degree....wheres the problem!!!sorry for the rant lol good luck in ttc xxxx
This is my 31..does that count as young??? :D
I was 17 when I first got pregnant,a nd was studying at school :roll:
I am now 22, married, and have another little one on the way!!!
Lol...thanx midna... I sure dont feel my age.. I feel a lot younger.. still cant believe i'll have the responsibility of a baby soon.. very scary! But I feel old to some mummies on here.. :) (no offence to any tho)

I think 26 is a nice age to have 1st baby! :)
When i was younger I always thought i would have my first at around 25/26 :) Things didn't quite happen to plan :lol: but i wouldnt change anything.
How old are you skyla?? :oops:

I always said I would never have children!! But I met my hubby and my priorities changed! :?
ooo ive just seen this thread
I was 18 when i fell pregnant
Im now 19 and Emily is 5weeks old :D
Unplanned but i wouldnt change it for the world
Im nearly 18 and 15+4 weeks pregnant :cheer:

Unplanned but were both happy now :cheer:
i was suppose 2 be a teen mum at 17 but unfortuantly i lost the baby. my cuzin is 18 my friends 19 with her second and my sisters friends 16.
Congratulations to all u mothers to be :)

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